Chapter 15 Brother Li is too fast!
Chapter 15: Brother Li is too fast!

Shakespeare finally remembered that there was a little dog beside him who understood human nature. He quickly touched the soul-killing bell on his waist and threw it to the ground.

The soul-suppressing bell fell to the ground with a clang. Xiaobai quickly ran over to pick up the soul-suppressing bell, then ran to the moving coffin and shook his head.

As the soul-killing bell rang, the strange movements in the coffin finally stopped.

Shakespeare was relieved.

After about 5 minutes of touching, the thin black dog that was searching around the yard walked away in dismay.

As the barking of the dog gradually faded away, Shakespeare opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

Under the strange pressure before, he didn't even dare to take a deep breath.

Fortunately, this stage is over...

The rules of this Kaitan dungeon seem simple, but there is a trap.

To deal with this weird thing that only barks like a dog, just close your eyes.

To suppress the abnormal movement of the coffin, you need to go to the coffin and ring the bell.

Unfortunately, the two cannot be done at the same time.

If both happen at the same time, you will be in a dilemma.

Fortunately, the Monster Talk Bureau reminded him before that he could use Xiao Bai's help.

This dog named Xiaobai is indeed very spiritual. When I named it before, it was not satisfied with many names. It was not until the name White was given that it showed satisfaction. .


Shakespeare looked at Xiaobai, who was wagging his tail at his feet, with doubts in his eyes.

Is one of the rules true or false?

If you hear a dog barking, close your eyes.

This is real.

So is it true or false that the Wang family does not have a dog?
If Xiaobai wasn't a dog, what would it be?
Shakespeare shook his head, walked to the yard, picked a few green dates and put them in his mouth.

As an expert in wild survival, he started looking for food as soon as he entered the dungeon, and he already knew where the food was.


As night fell, Li Hao returned to the side compartment mentioned in the rules to rest.

Li Hao pulled up the white curtain in the lobby and made a nest for Xiao Bai, while he continued to meditate.

The ninth level to the tenth level of Qi refining is a big hurdle, and a huge amount of spiritual energy must be filled in.

Fortunately, nothing happened at night. During the day, Li Hao took Xiaobai back to the lobby.

In the next few days, Li Hao just meditated and practiced. Occasionally, if something strange appeared, he would kill it instantly and absorb the spiritual energy.

If the coffin moves abnormally, Xiaobai will take action to suppress it.

Because it was really boring, the online rate of Xia Kingdom's ghost talk live broadcast room dropped again and again, and many people went to watch the ghost talk live broadcasts in other countries for fun.

However, someone has calculated that the price of a native dog with four eyes covered with gold has been soaring, and now it has reached [-].

Li Hao was very happy with this.

He could feel the change in the coffin.

A zombie of this level can bring him a huge amount of spiritual energy.

Enough spiritual energy to support his promotion to the tenth level of Qi refining!


Day [-].

Li Hao was sitting cross-legged in the lobby practicing, when there was a strange movement in the coffin behind him.

Without Li Hao's command, Xiaobai ran back and shook his head.

The bell rang and the movement stopped.

Xia Guogongtan live broadcast room.

[I’m going, I’m heartbroken, Xiaobai, the owner doesn’t do anything and relies entirely on pets to support him! 】

[Indeed, this Xiaobai is easy to feed. Just feed him a few dates every day. 】

[It’s not that simple. When have you ever seen a date as big as a fist? 】

[Indeed, I watched the live broadcasts of the chosen ones in other countries, and those adults could actually eat enough by eating dates. 】

[For six consecutive days, I was able to eat only jujubes without any signs of malnutrition. It’s not easy! 】

However, the next scene left the audience a little confused.Just after Xiaobai suppressed the abnormal movement of one coffin, another coffin made a dull "dong dong dong" sound.

Xiaobai could only go over and continue ringing the bell.

But just as this coffin became quiet, three more coffins started to move.

The sound of "dong dong dong" sounded in different places in the lobby, which made Xiaobai a little confused. The little girl looked left and right, not knowing what to do.

Li Hao finally woke up from his cultivation state.

He looked at the three coffins that were "thumping" with a smile on his lips.

finally come!

"Xiao Bai!" Li Hao greeted Xiao Bai to step back, then stretched his waist, waiting for the zombies to break out of the coffin.

The zombies on the sixth day were already extremely terrifying. As soon as Li Hao stood up, there were already huge cracks in the mahogany coffin lid.

In just 15 seconds, the lids of the three coffins were lifted off.

Then, three figures stood up straight and jumped to the ground.

These three zombies were all black, and the colorful skin could be vaguely seen under the black hair. They exuded a black evil spirit, as if they came from the Nine Netherworld and wanted to take people's lives.

This is Mao Zhan, two levels higher than the Bai Zhan that Li Hao killed.

His hair is stiff, his skin and hair have begun to regenerate, and his complexion is colorful. He is the king of ordinary zombies on the ground and initially possesses magic powers and special abilities.Black hair grows on the corpse, and the corpse's aura changes from green to dark black, forming a black evil aura, which is equivalent to the protective layer of the corpse. Mao Zong is also called Hei Zong, and is famous for its copper skin and iron bones.

Of course, whether it is Bai Zhan or the current Mao Zhan, they can easily deal with ordinary chosen ones.

If there is a difference, it may be that the Chosen One will die more happily when encountering Mao Zheng.

[Damn, this thing looks much more powerful than the white zombie before! 】

[No matter how powerful you are, you are no match for Brother Li! 】

[Indeed, didn’t you hear what Brother Li said on the first day?Too weak, keep it up! 】

[I went, it’s the sixth day, and I finally got a show to watch! 】

[Indeed, all my classmates went to watch the live broadcasts of other chosen ones! 】

[Hurry up and refresh the screen and call them back! 】

Li Hao looked at the three Mao Zong in front of him and walked towards them without changing his expression.

At the ninth level of Qi refining, he had no difficulty in defeating the three Mao Zongs.

The three Mao Zong seemed to be aware of the danger, and the black evil aura around them became more intense. They all jumped towards Li Hao, crossing the distance of ten meters in one step, and came to Li Hao.


Li Hao only stretched out one hand, and the silver electric light jumped on it, and violently swung it towards the three furry zombies.

【Appeared!Brother Li’s favorite big ear scraper! 】

[Let me go, what is that silver one?Palm thunder?Is it possible that Brother Li is a descendant of some kind of heavenly master? 】

[Heir of the Heavenly Master?How about you let the Heavenly Master try to deal with three Mao Zombies? 】

Silver electric light jumped in the air, and the black evil spirit melted instantly like winter snow meeting the warm sun.




With three crisp sounds in succession, Mao Zheng's head disappeared, leaving only his torso and limbs alone.

Moreover, the remaining trunk and limbs are gradually turning into ashes.

Although Li Hao just slapped an ear scraper casually, he actually injected a lot of thunder power.

When the power of these tribulation thunder enters Weiyi's body, it will cause huge damage to Weiyi.

Ten seconds later, the hair stiffness completely disappeared.

And three rays of pure and surging spiritual energy were also sucked into Li Hao's body.

Xia Guogongtan live broadcast room.

[They say there is a good show to watch, where is it? 】

[No, there is nothing? 】

[Hey, luckily I just came back from Third Brother’s live broadcast room. You don’t know that Third Brother couldn’t hold back his loneliness and directly opened the coffin board. Don’t mention that scene...]

[I'm going, with Brother Li's speed, how can I wait for you to come back! 】

(End of this chapter)

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