Chapter 156: The God is obviously spiritual?
Chapter 156: God is obviously spiritual?
"What do you mean? Don't hide!"

When Jiang Yun saw this, he thought that Gu Cunxin and the others were scared, so he couldn't help but become even more arrogant.

"Hurry up and give me the token of the four-square chessboard, otherwise, I won't be polite!"

Qi Yuan did not stop him and lowered his eyes slightly.

It's just a group of low-level chosen ones from the immortal cultivation plane, plus one chosen person from the technology plane, which is not enough at all -


His eyes widened suddenly and his pupils shrank slightly.

Qi Yuan turned around and saw that Jiang Yun, who was still standing behind him, actually flew out!
Yes, he did fly out, but there was no one opposite him.

He didn't even see who did it!

Looking back, Li Hao and the others were standing exactly where they were, all looking innocent.

what happened?

Were they not the ones who took action?

Qi Yuan's face darkened.

"What the hell is-"



Wan Baosheng's eyes widened.

Why did Qi Yuan fly out too?
He, Chen Shuang and Lin Yuruo looked at each other and wisely closed their mouths.


Jiang Yun fell to the ground and stood up with a look of disbelief on his face.

Who did it do?
He only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and when he reacted, he was already in mid-air.

"who is it!"

He roared with fear in his eyes.

Gu Cunxin pretended to be surprised, "Hey! Why did you two fly out?"

"Even if you can't get the token, you won't harm yourself, right?"

"This is too cruel!"

Blue Star Ghost Talk Live Room.

[I can see clearly, it was definitely Brother Li who did it just now]

[I also saw it, and he punched Jiang Yun so hard that his gums bled]

[It made me laugh so hard, Qi Yuan looked like an immortal just now, look what he is doing now?The whole person looks like someone crawling out of the mud]

[In the wonderful scene of the forest pond under the moon, either the forest or the muddy ground turns a good monk into a beggar]

The world of ghost stories.

Like Jiang Yun, Qi Yuan also crawled out of the mud, his originally handsome face becoming extremely ferocious.

"who is it!"

"It must be your people!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Ghost Starfish rolled his eyes.

"Which of your eyes saw us taking action?"

"That's right." Gu Cunxin said with a smile: "Maybe you just bullied people too much and angered the gods living in the forest under the moon. It couldn't stand it, so it came to help us!"

Li Hao's eyes lit up.

This is a good lie, well made up.

Gu Cunxin is really a genius at lying.

"You are talking nonsense! I clearly saw——"


Jiang Yun flew out again.

Qi Yuan trembled all over and did not dare to move.


He swallowed, his eyes filled with fear.

what happened?

Is it really like what Gu Cunxin said, that it is a deity living in the forest pond under the moon?

But how is it possible?
Although they couldn't figure out what was going on, in a short period of time, they did not dare to attack the people in Group A anymore.

One of Jiang Yun's front teeth was knocked out and one was damaged, which looked quite funny.

Lin Yuruo turned his head away expressionlessly.

I originally thought this guy was pretty good-looking, but now it seems... I'd better forget it.

The whole toothless old man made her lose the desire to even take a look at him.

Qi Yuan and Jiang Yun looked at each other and restrained their arrogance.

Xuan Gang Realm Ghost Talk live broadcast room.

[Outrageous, I actually believe it]

[I’m just scared of being beaten] [No one knows what will appear in the wonders, I believe it’s normal]

[Gu Cunxin knows how to lie]

The world of ghost stories.

"Hmph, I'll go out and settle the score with you later!"

After saying the cruel words, Jiang Yun even shrank his neck, fearing that the so-called "god" would punch him again.

If he was punched again, he would probably pass out on the spot.

Even if he faints and dies, Qi Yuan and others may not take care of him.

After all, there is only a superficial cooperative relationship between them.

In the huge forest, except for the chirping of insects in my ears, there was no other noise.

A group of ten people moved forward slowly, gradually going deep into the forest.


"what sound?"

The surroundings were getting darker and darker, and they could hardly see the way forward. Zhang Chenyue took out a fire folder and looked towards the opposite side.


The crowd was startled.

"Jiang Yun!"

Qi Yuan turned around and saw that Jiang Yun had fallen completely into the swamp, with only two arms left waving wildly in mid-air.

"Pull him out quickly!"

Qi Yuan stretched out his hand quickly, but to no avail.

The swamp here contains viscous spiritual energy, adhering to Jiang Yun. If he hadn't been rich in spiritual energy, he would have drowned in it by now.

"Come here and help! Lin Yuruo, use your skills to strip away the spiritual power around Jiang Yun. The rest of you, work with me, to pull Jiang Yun out!"

No wonder Qi Yuan can become the leader of Group B. He does have some strength. When faced with this kind of situation, he can still calmly give orders in the face of danger.

"it is good!"

Li Hao and others watched indifferently.

"Brother Li, something is wrong."

Ye Kunlun whispered.

"Indeed, why is it that only Jiang Yun fell into the quagmire, but not others around him?"

Li Hao's eyes flashed and he murmured to himself.

"Could there really be gods targeting them?"

Gu Cunxin muttered.

"Go away, you lied to me and you even believed it?" Ghost Starfish rolled his eyes.

Blue Star Ghost Talk Live Room.

[What is the highest level of deception?]

[But Ye Kunlun is right. Why is it that only Jiang Yun fell into the swamp and everyone else around him is fine? 】

[It’s just bad luck, the swamps here may be irregularly distributed]

[But aren’t swamps generally a large area? 】

[Maybe this is the secret of Lintan under the Moon? 】

The world of ghost stories.


Jiang Yun almost suffocated to death inside. It felt so good to have saved his life. He breathed in the fresh air and felt that everything around him became more pleasing to the eye.

Except for the chosen ones of Group B...

Qi Yuan also noticed something was wrong. He did not lead them forward rashly, but lowered his head, thoughtfully.

Li Hao curled his lips and smiled.

"Let's go."


"What if we also..."

"Probably not, can't you just be more careful?"

Li Hao shrugged and looked at Ye Kunlun, "Is that right, Boss Ye?"

"Well, Li Hao is right, let's go."

At first glance, Li Hao had an idea. Ye Kunlun followed his words and "led" a few people to move forward.

"court death."

Qi Yuan sneered, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"The swamp here is a bit weird. Let's watch them go first and let the people in Group B help us test the way out."

"As expected of you."

Wan Baosheng agreed.

"In this way, we can perfectly avoid the swamp."

(End of this chapter)

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