Chapter 19 The truth about the Wang family
Chapter 19: The truth about the Wang family

Li Hao opened his eyes, and his originally dark eyes flashed with silver light.

The art of spiritual vision.

His eyes fell on the jujube tree in the yard.

After just one glance, his eyes dimmed and he couldn't help but sigh.

"Sure enough..."

The moment Li Hao opened his eyes, all the strange heads turned and stared at Li Hao.

Are you actually here?

Why didn't I find out before?

Forget it, don’t care, let’s do it first!
The weirdos roared lowly and rushed towards Li Hao.

Li Hao shook his head, stood up, and murmured:

"Although it's pitiful, I have to save you."

He pointed it as a sword, and a golden sword light rose from his fingertips.

On the golden sword body, a silver thunderbolt danced.

True Yang Sword Technique!

Xia Guogongtan live broadcast room.

[Let me go, Brother Li can still do this? 】

[This is too handsome, right? 】

[Brother Li, I want to learn this! 】

[Holy shit, isn’t this really a special effect? 】

[I just said that there really are immortal cultivators in this world! 】

The barrage flashed instantly.

Sword Immortal is the dream of almost every man in Xia Kingdom.

When countless people were young, they would unconsciously find a well-proportioned branch and play with it as a long sword.

In TV novels, the Sword Immortal is often the most powerful person!

And now, they really saw the Sword Immortal!

Although Li Hao had shown thunder in his palms before, that was within their expectations.

What Li Hao has shown now has made them yearn for it!
In the world of ghost stories, Li Hao's golden long sword was gently handed out and pierced the first weird thing that rushed in front of him.

The power of the tribulation thunder burst out, the strange ashes disappeared, and a pure spiritual energy entered Li Hao's body.

Not only were the weird people on the side not afraid when they saw this, their offensive became even more fierce, and they all rushed towards Li Hao.

Li Hao swung his long sword in a circle and eliminated seven strange things in one breath.

[Brother Li’s swordsmanship is too cool, right? 】

[Brother Li’s moves are not complicated, but he can always eliminate the weird in the most effortless way at the right time! 】

[The other chosen ones hide under the jujube tree and tremble, waiting for the battle between zombies and Weirdness to end; we, Brother Li, punch hard and crush zombies and Weirdness alone! 】

[Brother Li is mighty! 】

As the golden sword light passed through the last strange head, the golden sword light on Li Hao's fingertips dispersed.

[Okay, Brother Li has passed the level perfectly this time! 】

[Xia Guo will definitely get a huge reward this time! 】

[One person smashes zombies and weirdos, not only fiercely, but simply fiercely! 】

[Look, Brother Li has other news! 】

Li Hao walked to the jujube tree. As usual, he picked a dozen green jujubes, wiped them with his clothes, and handed them to Xiaobai at his feet.

[Brother Li is so gentle, he didn’t forget to feed Xiaobai before leaving. 】

[I forgive Brother Li for enslaving underage puppies! 】

[Sigh, I don’t know what Xiaobai will do after Brother Li leaves...] [Indeed, I like Xiaobai so much. 】

When Li Hao saw Xiaobai starting to pull the jujubes to eat, he smiled and touched Xiaobai's head. Then he stood up and put one hand on the jujube tree.

He mobilized his spiritual energy and poured out huge force. In just a few breaths, he uprooted the tall jujube tree, leaving a huge pit on the ground.

[Let me go, what is Brother Li doing? 】

[Could it be that you want to test your strength? 】

[No, maybe I think this jujube tree is a good variety and I want to take it back and plant it. 】

[You are stupid, wouldn’t it be enough to just bring the date core? 】

In the world of ghost stories, Xiaobai was also startled and took a few steps back.

But after a while, it couldn't help but took a few steps forward, stuck its head in front of the pit, and whined lowly.

Li Hao threw the jujube tree aside, squatted on the edge of the tree pit, and used his hands to remove the soil in the tree pit.

【This is……】

【Oh my God! 】

【What are these! 】

The bullet screen was shocked.

Buried under the loess, there were a dozen corpses.

The corpses were all about one meter in length. The corpse below had only white bones left, while the corpse above had blood clots remaining on top of the bones.

The throat bones of these corpses were obviously black.

On the faces of these slightly better preserved corpses, the eyelids are obviously sunken, indicating that they have obviously lost their eyes.

[There is a corpse buried under the jujube tree? 】

[No wonder the dates on this jujube tree are so big! 】

[What exactly does the Wang family do? 】

[Why can jujube trees avoid zombie attacks?Could it be related to these corpses? 】

The audience looked at the corpse in the pit, with a cold feeling behind them.

Li Hao stopped what he was doing, sat cross-legged on the edge of the pit, touched Xiao Bai's head, and said:
"One of the so-called rules, that is, there are no dogs in the Wang family, if you hear a dog barking, please close your eyes, is not a false rule.

It is true that the Wang family does not have a dog, and as for Xiaobai, he is not a dog either. "

Xiaobai seemed to understand Li Hao's words and turned to look at Li Hao.

[Xiaobai is not a dog?What is Xiaobai? 】

[Damn it, I went to close the window, but I always felt a chill behind me. 】

Li Hao sighed and continued:
"From the beginning to the end, I have always been curious about what the Wang family did to make so many weird things come to their door. Moreover, it is not enough to wipe out the whole Wang family. Even if they are transformed into corpses, their bones must be reduced to ashes. .

Now I understand that these weirdos have a huge hatred for the Wang family.

These strange things are caused by the transformation of dogs, and these dogs, including Xiaobai, were not dogs at first, but humans. "

"They were originally four or five-year-old children. They were probably just playing far away from home. They were captured by the Wang family, their eyes were gouged out, their throats were mutilated and imprisoned until they were tortured until they completely lost the will to resist. , the Wang family used the method of soul extraction to forcibly put the human soul into the dog's body."

"There is no doubt that these dogs are far smarter than ordinary dogs. They can understand what humans are saying and can sense human emotions. Therefore, giving these dogs to powerful people can gain their friendship."

"Of course, the dog created using such cruel methods has a deep-seated hatred for the Wang family. Even if it becomes a dog, it will not forget it."

"So, it's not surprising when these dogs turned into strange creatures and wiped out the Wang family."

"Why does the Wang family have no dogs, but there is Xiaobai? Because Xiaobai is not a dog, his soul is a human soul. It's just because Xiaobai is still young and hasn't had time to send him away yet."

"Why can you avoid zombies by hiding under the jujube tree? Because the Wang family who were killed by the mysterious people will subconsciously be afraid of the Avengers who killed them, including the corpses of the Avengers."

"Why are the fruits of this jujube tree so huge? Because there are people buried under the jujube tree."


In the live broadcast room of Xia Guogongtan, countless viewers couldn't help but swallow their saliva while listening to Li Hao's statement.

Just hearing about such a crime made me clenched my fists, wishing I could pull up the Wang family members and beat them to death again.

Seal the innocent soul of a child into the body of a dog?
How cruel, how evil!
(End of this chapter)

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