Chapter 41 The Wang family in Jinliu City?Yiyun Tower!
Chapter 41: The Wang Family of Jinliu City?Yiyun Tower!
"You mean Xiao Huang?" The Crown Prince was quite surprised and pointed at Xi Quan and said, "You, the shopkeeper, have good vision. It was all thanks to Xiao Huang that I was able to take the lead in front of all the powerful people during the last spring hunting!"

"What a pity..." The prince shook his head and continued: "This kind of dog can only be trained by the Wang family in Jinliu City. I originally wanted to buy a few more from the Wang family this year, but I heard the news that the entire Wang family died tragically..."

[The Wang family in Jinliucheng?It sounds familiar! 】

[This is the copy of Brother Li’s previous ghost talk!The one for Xiaobai! 】

[Let me go, is it possible that Xiao Huang, like Xiao Bai, was stuffed into a dog with the soul of a child? 】

[No wonder Brother Li was so humble, it was because of Xiao Huang! 】

【Tears in my eyes...】

[I thought Brother Li’s character had collapsed before. I’m sorry, I was wrong...]

But Li Hao asked rather disdainfully: "The Wang family in Jinliu City? Is there something special about the dog trained by the Wang family?"

This aroused the prince's desire to show off. He looked at Li Hao and said proudly: "The dogs trained by the Wang family are very spiritual. Take my little yellow as an example. He is well-trained and recognizes his master very well. If Without the owner's permission, even if the delicacies of mountains and seas are placed in front of it, it will turn a blind eye..."

Just as the prince was talking, he found that Xiao Huang had slipped to Li Hao's side without knowing it. He was holding Li Hao's legs, sticking out his tongue, and wagging his tail like a windmill.

[Hahaha, very confident. 】

【What does it mean to be well-trained...】

[It’s so hard, even if the delicacies of mountains and seas are placed in front of you, you still turn a blind eye! 】

[Do you understand that Brother Li slaughtered all the zombies of the Wang family and surpassed Xiaobai's gold content? 】

Prince Wuyang was also a little embarrassed.

I had just boasted about Xiao Huang's training, and in the blink of an eye he was getting close to strangers.

He coughed lightly and then said: "Xiao Huang, come back..."

However, Xiao Huang looked back at Wuyang Hou Shizi, and then continued to thrust Li Hao's legs, even more vigorously.

Wuyang Hou Shizi took a deep breath, and then said through gritted teeth: "Then just follow what the shopkeeper said, Xiao Huang will give it to you!"

After he finished speaking, he waved to the servants to put away the antiques he had picked out before, and then turned and left.

"Welcome next time!" Li Hao said without emotion and touched Xiao Huang's dog head, which made Xiao Huang even more excited.

After Wuyang Hou Shizi and his party went out, a servant asked tentatively: "Prince, how can we send Xiao Huang out?"

Wuyang Hou Shizi was already furious and said: "Then what else can I do? I just finished bragging about Xiao Huang with my front foot, and then I went to lick someone else with my back foot! How can I have the face to ask for it back? I, the prince, don't have any face!"

The servant was sprayed with spit on his face and did not dare to speak back.

The prince stood there, leaning on his waist and panting heavily. It took him a while to calm down, and he said with a sinister look in his eyes: "When you return to your home, invite Zhang Chaofeng from your home and ask him to come to Gui Shi at night and take this place." The shopkeeper has solved it!"

"Yes!" The servant immediately leaned over to salute, his eyes rolled, and he suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, that Xiao Huang..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Crown Prince interrupted his question: "Let's deal with it all! This beast can betray me in front of me today, who knows that one day he won't come back and bite me!"

Prince Wuyang Hou said, flicked his sleeves, and left angrily. The three servants behind him looked at each other and quickly followed.


The American Strange Tales Bureau.

Director Black looked at Li Hao's live broadcast room and felt quite embarrassed.

He didn't know the purpose of Li Hao's behavior of asking Wuyang Hou Shizi for Xiao Huang.

Is it to better understand this dungeon copy, or is it just out of sympathy?
But when Shakespeare took over a piece of fine jade from the servant, these thoughts were superfluous. Anyway, it was impossible to exchange Xiao Huang back from the prince...

American Strange Tales Live Room.

[Well done, Shakespeare is off to a good start and has already obtained a piece of gem! 】

[We in the United States were the first to get the jade, and this time Shakespeare was far ahead! 】【Even Xia Guo Li Hao is not as fast as Shakespeare! 】



Xia Guoguai talks about the world.

Li Hao played with Xiao Huang for a while, and found that there were no customers for a long time. He was quite bored, so he simply closed the store door and took Xiao Huang out for a walk.

The construction conditions of this strange city are quite good. The streets about ten meters wide are paved with thick bluestone bricks. People come and go on the streets, which is very lively.

It's just that in Li Hao's view, these pedestrians are not simple.

Many of them have strange human shapes and are mixed in the crowd. If Li Hao didn't have spiritual knowledge, he wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

In addition to being weird, they are not ordinary people. They all have a weird aura about them.

Just like the middle-aged man who came to his store to ship goods before.

Li Hao shook his head and couldn't figure it out for a while, so he wandered aimlessly on the street.

There are all kinds of shops in Gui Market, including restaurants, stalls, bookstores, and antique shops like his Baibaozhai.

He held Xiao Huang and walked on the street, feeling quite comfortable.

Since entering the world of ghost stories, this seems to be my first time shopping.

Li Hao thought about it, sat down at a roadside stall at the end of Guishi Street, ordered a bowl of flat food from the boss, and started eating leisurely.

Not long after, Li Hao finished his meal, got up and turned back, heading to the other side of Gui City.

Soon, he stopped in front of a three-story street shop.

This shop has a luxurious facade, and there are two tall guards on both sides with sharp eyes. These guards have no cultivation level, but are stronger than ordinary people.

Above the facade, a large gold-painted sign hung:

Yiyun Tower.

This is the largest store in the entire Gui City. It sells almost everything. It is equivalent to a department store. It both sells and receives goods. The prices are fair and reasonable, so there are many customers.

Just when Li Hao stopped to watch, no less than ten people had already entered the store.

Li Hao took Xiao Huang and was about to enter, but was stopped by a guard at the door.

The guard said expressionlessly: "Sir, dogs are not allowed in Yiyun Tower!"

Xiao Huang seemed to understand something, staring at the guard eagerly and sobbing.

At this moment, a man in brocade clothes wearing a scarf walked out quickly, smiled at Li Hao and said, "Guest, do you know Prince Wuyang Hou?"

"I know you." Li Hao said expressionlessly.

Although it was a casual acquaintance, he could be considered acquainted with Prince Wuyang Hou.

"Then, guest, this dog is..." the man in brocade clothes asked again.

"He gave it to me, what happened?" Li Hao frowned and said.

"I've been worrying too much. Please come in quickly, sir!" the man in brocade clothes said quickly.

Li Hao nodded lightly and led Xiao Huang into Yiyun Tower.

The guards on the side were dumbfounded and couldn't help but ask the man in brocade: "Shopkeeper, why can he bring a dog into our store?"

(End of this chapter)

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