Chapter 43 How to coexist with weirdness?

Chapter 43: A way to coexist with the weird?

"Wang, wang!"

Xiao Huang, who was lying on the ground to rest, suddenly stood up, stared at the shadow on the wall and shouted in a low voice.

Some viewers who hadn't noticed the shadow originally reacted after Xiao Huang's reminder.

[Brother Li, behind! 】

[Some are weird, some are weird! 】

[Stop reading here, look at the back! 】

Perhaps after hearing Xiao Huang's warning, the shadow on the wall stopped moving and suddenly retracted into the shadow.

[Well done, Xiao Huang! 】

[Xiao Huang: For the master, I am really heartbroken. 】

Although the shadow disappeared temporarily, Xiao Huang was still alert and kept barking, but Li Hao still turned a deaf ear.

Xiao Huang suddenly became anxious, ran to Li Hao, and kept rubbing Li Hao's body.

And Li Hao just stroked the little yellow dog's head with his hand and made no other moves.

For a while, Li Hao did nothing but use scissors to cut off the candle wick. He just sat there in a daze.

Finally, the shadow couldn't bear it anymore and popped up again. This time he didn't hesitate. On the wall, a foot-long shadow dagger stabbed Li Hao hard.

[Brother Li shouldn’t want it, right? 】

[Probably not. The number of weird things Brother Li faced could range from one thousand to eight hundred, so that’s not the case. 】

[No, I thought, Brother Li didn't break the rules, so why did Wei Wei come to attack Brother Li? 】

[Upstairs, think about it again, did Brother Li break the rules? 】

[What are you thinking? Brother Li hasn’t followed many rules, has he? 】

So, under the witness of countless spectators, like a shadow puppet show, the one-foot-long sharp knife pierced Li Hao's shadow.

However, a scene that shocked everyone happened:

The moment the tip of the knife came into contact with Li Hao's shadow, it was like being stuck, unable to move forward even an inch!

Xiao Huang, who was still anxiously hugging Li Hao, suddenly became confused. His two front paws stopped pulling Li Hao and stood back on the ground.

It looked at the wall, tilted its head, and blinked its eyes, as if it didn't believe what it saw.

The shadow withdrew the sharp knife and stabbed it twice with strength.

However, nothing was gained. The tip of the knife still stayed on the surface of Li Hao's shadow and was not allowed to be deposited.

[Hahaha, I asked Brother Li why he didn’t react at all. 】

[This is not as painful as a mosquito bite. 】

[Is this weird?Can you have something awesome? 】

【That's it?Even giving Brother Li a bath is not enough! 】

The candlelight flickered, and the shadow finally felt something was wrong, and retreated quickly, hiding in the shadow.

[Brother Li, don’t let him run away! 】

[Catch him quickly! 】

The audience watching the live broadcast was extremely anxious, and then they saw Li Hao's shadow on the wall stretching out a hand, like a lightning shot, grabbing the shadow's neck!

At the same time, a sharp knife fell to the ground, and a man in black had his neck choked by Li Hao and was coughing desperately.

[Go ahead, Brother Li’s hands are so handsome! 】

[What level of weirdo dares to assassinate our Brother Li? 】

[No, why don’t I look at him weird? 】【Look at him, it doesn't seem to work. Elder Liu of the Four Winds Sect didn't seem to be weird before. 】

"Go ahead." Li Hao pinched the man in black's neck and said calmly, "You have at least three things to say."

With a pop, Li Hao let go of his hand, and the man in black also fell to the ground.

The man in black's eyes flickered, knowing that he had encountered a difficult situation, and also knew that the so-called three sentences in Li Hao's mouth meant that if he did not understand the three sentences, he would have to move his head!
He didn't dare to play tricks, so he said bravely: "My name is Zhang Lixian, and I am a minister of the Wuyang Hou family."

"One sentence." Li Hao stretched out a finger.

"It was Prince Wuyang who asked me to trouble you!" The man in black said quickly after taking a breather.

Prince Wuyang Hou, it is indeed him!

He didn't expect that such a trivial matter would cause him to retaliate...

Li Hao narrowed his eyes and stretched out a finger: "Two words."

Seeing that Li Hao had no reaction, the man in black was sweating and gritted his teeth and said: "I have blind eyes and don't recognize Taishan. I bumped into my senior. I am willing to give all my wealth in exchange for my dog's life."

After that, he took out a bunch of items from his arms and placed them on the table.

He knew that Li Hao was not a mortal and could only give away his property in order to survive!
Li Hao glanced at it and saw that there were only some broken silver and three pieces of fine jade in this pile of items, which were very shabby.

[No, just this little thing, who are you looking down on? 】

[Wuyang Hou Mansion uses this kind of thing to support the court? 】

[Brother Zhang, if that doesn’t work, let’s go to the factory. It’s better than staying in Wuyanghou Mansion. 】

[Wuyang Hou has a way of squeezing people. 】

Many people even sympathized with Zhang Lizian after seeing his pitiful net worth.

With such little wealth, you actually dare to assassinate Brother Li?

It can only be said that courage is commendable.

Zhang Lixian seemed to notice Li Hao's dissatisfaction and said quickly: "Senior, I carry these things with me. If you let me go back, I will definitely send all my wealth over tomorrow!"

But Li Hao shook his head, lowered his body slightly, stared at Zhang Lixian and asked: "Let me ask you a question, how do you coexist with weirdness?"

As soon as this question came out, all the strange talkers on Blue Star held their breath.

They originally thought that Zhang Lixian was just weird, so they didn't take it too seriously.

Just when Li Hao asked, they immediately realized one thing:
Zhang Lixian is a human being, but he can coexist with the weird and use the power of the weird!

Prior to this, except for Li Hao, everyone who encountered something strange would die on sight, without any means of countermeasures.

And for people like Zhang Lixian, who can coexist with the weird, the secrets in this are enough to make all the weird talk bureaus jealous!

"This..." Zhang Lixian's eyes widened and he asked in disbelief: "Is it possible that senior doesn't know?"

"Haha, tell me if you have anything to say!" Li Hao sneered and slapped Zhang Lixian on the face, even bringing with him a trace of thunder power. Zhang Lixian screamed in pain.

Just when Li Hao was about to slap him in the face for the second time, Zhang Lixian put his legs together, knelt down in front of Li Hao, and said quickly: "Senior, I say, I say!"

He shed tears and said with sobs: "We in Fengguo are different from people in other countries. A few people have their own weirdness from the day they were born. As for how to coexist with weirdness, I don't know. I only know that from the day they were born, That’s it…”

He glanced at Li Hao and saw Li Hao's stern expression, and quickly continued: "However, the weirdness in the people of Fengguo needs to be carefully served, just like the Buddha statues in the temple. They must be worshiped with objects with weird powers from time to time. Otherwise, there will be backlash..."

I see……

Li Hao suddenly realized.

No wonder there are so many antique shops in the strange market selling items with strange powers.

It turns out there is such a market!

Even his Baibaozhai is doing this business.

(End of this chapter)

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