Chapter 45 Man-made weird things?

Chapter 45: Man-made weird thing?

Li Hao dispersed the Immortal Killing Sword transformed by spiritual energy in his hand, returned to the house, put away three pieces of fine jade and some pieces of silver, and then picked up his sharp knife and started looking at it.

This sharp knife is very exquisite. The handle is inlaid with gems. The blade, which is just over a foot long, is made of hundreds of forged steel patterns. However, it is just a mortal object and does not carry any strange power.

Li Hao looked at the sharp knife and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

He mobilized the Zhaotian Liji Monument in the air sea, and the dark and strange power poured out crazily, pouring into the sharp knife.

After a minute, Li Hao stopped the infusion, breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the sharp knife in his hand.

The sharp knife at this time is no longer a mortal object. Although it is still beautiful, it already carries a huge amount of strange power!

Since Fengguo people who are born with weird powers in their bodies have a strong need to carry weird antiques, then items with a lot of weird powers can be sold at high prices!

For example, this sharp knife in Li Hao's hand!

Xia Guogongtan live broadcast room.

[Let me go, is Brother Li stuck in a bug again? 】

[Shengzhuo Weird Things, how can other stores compete on top of Weishi Market? 】

[I’m convinced, Brother Li knows how to do business. 】

Because Li Hao was so conspicuous, many people in other countries also watched Li Hao's live broadcast. When they saw this scene, they were stunned.

Among them, the most angry ones are the Liben netizens. Their chosen one disappeared early on, and they have lost seven games in a row so far!
Seeing Li Hao eating meat was more uncomfortable than eating shit themselves!

[Libenguo Netizen: What is this?Isn't this cheating? 】

[Libenguo netizen: The other chosen ones are all doing their jobs, but only Li Hao is cheating and cheating. It’s unfair! 】

In the world of Xia Kingdom's strange stories.

Li Hao picked up the sharp knife in his hand and walked to the shop in front of the yard.


The world of American weird stories.

"Have a nice trip, guest!"

Shakespeare waved to the customers who were leaving, weighed the heavy silver ingots in his hands, and grinned with satisfaction.

As a Millanian, he certainly knows how to do business.

Anyway, this Baibaozhai doesn't belong to him, he just needs to collect ten pieces of jade in three days.

Starting yesterday, he put up a price reduction sign in front of the store, which immediately attracted many customers.

At the end of the day, I actually sold it for 2000 taels of silver!
It’s equivalent to two pieces of jade!
As long as we work harder today and tomorrow, it shouldn't be a problem to collect ten pieces of jade in three days!

Compared to me, I should be the most talented among all the Chosen Ones...

Shakespeare thought happily.


Xia Guoguai talks about the world.

As soon as Li Hao opened the store door, a hurried customer walked in.

This person is dressed like an aristocratic scholar. He is in his twenties, wearing a Lan shirt, and the jade bun on his head is of high quality. He looks quite thin, but like many people in Wei City, he has a strange feeling in his body. Power.

As soon as the scholar entered the door, his eyes fell on the sharp knife in Li Hao's hand. His pupils shrank suddenly and he immediately asked: "Boss, how do you sell this knife?"

He sensed a strange force as soon as he was far away. He immediately followed the sense and found a shop that was not open yet.

In desperation, he could only wait anxiously outside the shop. As soon as the door of Baibaozhai opened, he immediately rushed in, looking for the source of the strange power.

"Two fine jade." Li Hao said casually.

"Two..." The scholar seemed to be choking on water. He stopped mid-sentence and looked at Li Hao with eyes full of disbelief.

The strange power on this short knife is indeed quite strong, which can relieve his urgent need and protect him from the strange backlash in his body.However, the price of a weird thing of this quality is only about one Jingbi, but when it comes to Li Hao, it actually doubles!

How could he not be shocked.

"Shopkeeper, can you make it cheaper..." the scholar said.

"Three fine jade." Li Hao said calmly.

"This..." The scholar became numb.

This was the first time he saw someone bargaining for a higher price!

"Shopkeeper, I am a student of Fengguo Imperial College. Two fine jade pieces are just two fine jade pieces. Let's make friends..." the scholar said with a wry smile.

"Four jade stones." Li Hao said without changing his expression.

"You are so unreasonable..." The scholar's face turned red.

"Five jade stones!" Li Hao stretched out a hand, held up five fingers, and waved them in front of the scholar.

[Brother Li can do it, the more you negotiate, the higher the price will be! 】

[This scholar is so stupid that he started talking about five jade stones directly from two jade stones. 】

[Brother Li knows how to do business. 】

[Other chosen ones, come and see, Brother Li, this is called business! 】

At the same time, the scholar in front of Li Hao stiffened, and then a strange power as dark as ink overflowed from his body.

Rule [-]: If the buyer is weird, don’t negotiate with him more than three times.

The strange force was like an eight-clawed octopus, rushing towards Li Hao's face.

Li Hao looked at the strange power in front of him with a look of disdain. He swung the palm he had just raised and slapped the scholar on the face!

[Hahaha, it’s Brother Li’s favorite big ear scraper again! 】

[Brother Li’s skills are really amazing. 】

[I thought Brother Li was comparing prices with his five fingers just now, but it turns out he was waiting here! 】

There was a crisp sound of "pop", and a red palm print was instantly printed on the scholar's fair face.

And the strange power that he was almost unable to suppress was driven back into his body by this slap.

The scholar's eyes were blank, and he subconsciously covered the mark of the slap on his face, feeling incredible.

The weirdness in his body had erupted inexplicably before, and even he couldn't control it.

Is this shopkeeper going to die with just one slap?
How strange.

When he came to his senses, he looked at the sharp knife in Li Hao's hand. He shook his teeth and said, "Five pieces of fine jade is five pieces of fine jade!"

He didn't dare to make any more counteroffers.

The shopkeeper didn't give him any room to bargain, so he raised the price every time.

Secondly, this short knife is of really good quality and can suppress the strange power in the body. If you miss this village, you won't have this shop.

He considered it in his mind, took out five pieces of fine jade from his wallet, handed it to Li Hao, and bought the short knife.

It wasn't until he held the dagger in his hand that the scholar breathed a sigh of relief.

The strange power on this short sword is indeed surprisingly high. For a long time, he can absorb the strange power from it and enshrine the strange power in his body.

The formation of weird things requires special conditions. Even though many people in Fengguo are born with weirdness, the probability of weird things being generated is much higher. However, it is very difficult to find a weird thing with the quality of this short sword. for difficulty.

Thinking of this, he felt that the five pieces of fine jade seemed like a good deal, and he walked out of the store with a happy face.

[Look, this scholar has to thank Brother Li! 】

(End of this chapter)

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