Chapter 69 The 99th floor of the Guilty Suppression Tower!
Chapter 69: The 99th floor of the Guilty Suppression Tower!
As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Li Hao in disbelief.

Lu San's eyes widened. He originally thought that Li Hao was just interested in these two pieces of jade, but he didn't expect that he really planned to die!
If he had to pay two yuan for settling down, he would still understand that Li Hao was short of money at home and just took advantage of the ten-day holiday to go home and settle down.

However, if we advance to suppress the Guilty Tower at this moment, wouldn't we be asking for death?

He looked at Li Hao's calm face, which was full of doubts and could not understand Li Hao's behavior.

Chief Chen was stunned for a while, but after a while he smiled, called out "Hello" several times, walked towards Li Hao, put his hand on his shoulder, and asked kindly: "I didn't expect that there are other people in our town. Such a good man! What’s your name?”

"Li Hao!" Li Hao replied calmly.

"Very good, as long as you come out of the Gui Suppressing Tower. I promise to give you five pieces of jade!" said Director Chen.

Li Hao nodded calmly.

Chief Chen took out a golden bead from his arms, handed it to Li Hao and said:

"You can enter the Guilty Suppression Tower by holding this bead. When you want to come out, crush this bead."

"But..." Chief Chen changed the subject and said, "These beads are quite precious. I hope you won't waste them, Li Hao!"

There is no doubt that this has some threatening meaning.

Li Hao took the bead and saw that the surface of the bead was engraved with incantations, and the dense incantations on the surface contained a large amount of spiritual energy. It was obvious that it was a magic weapon.

Director Chen handed over another brochure and said:
"This is the strange record that has been sent to the Guizhen Tower in the past month.

After you enter the tower, compare them one by one.

If the weirdness is still there, just put a tick in the booklet.

Remember, just go to the first three floors, there is no need to go higher. "

Li Hao nodded, took the booklet, and walked towards the Gui Zhen Tower with the golden beads in hand.

Li Hao just walked towards the Gui Zhen Tower in the eyes of everyone.

Soon he arrived at the window near the Tower of Suppression.

Black air suddenly stirred in the window, and suddenly it swept Li Hao inside.

After a few breaths, the black energy retracted into the tower, and Li Hao disappeared.

Lu San and other members of the Ding Group looked at the Quiet Tower with worries in their eyes, but they saw Chief Chen clapped his hands and said:
"Don't be stunned, there is still work today, go to work quickly.

Next, assign your tasks: Group A's Tianzi library, Group B's Earth character library, Group C's Xuanzi library, and Group D's Huangzi library! "

"Yes!" Everyone had to agree and went to work obediently.

At this moment, only Chief Chen was left in the square near the Gui Suppression Tower. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the Gui Suppression Tower.

Then, he waved to an armored warrior on the edge of the square. The armored warrior walked forward quickly, clasped his fists and asked, "What are your orders, Master Chen?"

"Check that Li Hao's background."

"Yes!" The armored warrior responded immediately.

Li Hao's eyes were in a trance. When he looked around, he was a little surprised. The inside of the Gui Zhen Tower looked completely different from the outside.

If you look at it from the outside, the tower is only about ten meters wide at most, but it is much wider inside.

Inside the tower, against the wall, are separate cells. The cell railings are as black as ink, and you can't tell what material they are made of with just the naked eye.

The things locked inside are all weird.

Li Hao took a quick look and found that many of them had been carried by him in the past few days.

So he opened the book and marked each one according to the weirdness in the tower.

The strange people in the prison were very excited when they saw a living person coming in. Many of them bit the railings and tried to attack Li Hao.

There was also a strange frog-looking figure. With a flick of its long tongue, it shot through the railing and towards Li Hao.

This tongue is extremely fast. If Li Hao hadn't been an ordinary person, he would have been hit by this attack.

It is indeed very dangerous, no one is willing to do this job even if they are given two jade stones... Li Hao thought, he found a frog in the book and marked it.

There are detailed descriptions of weird things in this book, and identification is not complicated. After a while, Li Hao marked all the weird things on the first floor and walked to the second floor.

Li Hao marked the first three floors in less than 10 minutes and walked to the fourth floor.

According to Chief Chen, it is only necessary to record the strange situations on the first three floors.

On the fourth floor, it's Li Hao's own exploration time.

Li Hao stood in front of a cell. The silver thunder power in his hand flashed, released slightly, and stretched towards the railing of unknown material.

To his surprise, these railings were quickly refined by the power of Tribulation Thunder, and a large hole appeared in the originally intact cell.

Inside the cell, there was a strange creature with nine snake heads. Seeing that there was a gap in the cage, he immediately jumped up and flew towards Li Hao.

Li Hao stretched out his hand and flicked the strange thing back into the cell.

At this moment, light flashed on the railing, and in the blink of an eye, it was completely repaired.

Is it this Guidu Tower?

Li Hao couldn't help but guess.

Rather than suppressing the weird, this weird tower itself has strong weird characteristics.

If you walk towards the Guilty Suppression Tower carrying the weirdness, you will see strange and bizarre illusions, which are obviously created by the Guilty Suppression Tower.

And the black energy that absorbs these strange things into the Anti-Quiet Tower also has a strong strange power.

Even the cells where weird things are kept are made of weird power.

All this made Li Hao have doubts.

He just walked level by level. As the floors went up, he found that his strange strength became obviously stronger.

Just like what he encountered on the first level, those weird things were waiting for an opportunity to attack him.However, with Li Hao's strength, these attacks were not ignored by him.

He just walked up one level at a time, as if he were visiting a tourist attraction.

Li Hao also discovered that the conditions in these cells were strange and often changed.

For example, the weird things I saw on the 59th floor will probably be seen again on the [-]th floor.

Rule [-]: The mystery suppression tower will automatically allocate cells. The higher you go, the more powerful the mystery will be suppressed.

Is that so...

It should be that the officials of the Suppressing Spies continued to send weirdos to the Suppressing Spies, which led to the change in the order of the spooks in the Suppressing Spies Tower.

"Seventy." Li Hao silently recited the number and stepped into the seventieth floor.

At this moment, he felt that the strangeness around him had changed qualitatively.

If the weird things below the [-]th floor are nothing more than a small fight with no danger to him, then the weird things above the [-]th floor are all unique and powerful.

If he had to compare it, the weirdness on this level was a bit similar to the headless weirdo he encountered in Fengguogui City. It could pose some threat to Li Hao who had not yet established a foundation, but he would eventually be eliminated by him.

Li Hao thought so and continued walking up.

Starting from the [-]th floor, each time you go up a floor, the intensity of the strangeness increases by one level. When you reach the [-]th floor, even if you are imprisoned in a cell, the strong strange power can still penetrate directly through the cell railings and seep out. .

As soon as Li Hao stepped onto the eightieth floor, these strange powers rushed towards him like a pack of wolves finding their prey.

Li Hao's whole body shimmered with silver light, refining these strange powers into true essence.

Finally, when he reached the eighth floor of No. 90, he suddenly felt something in his heart. He just felt that the things upstairs were definitely extraordinary.

He looked up and wondered.

What exactly is this No. 90 ninth floor?
(End of this chapter)

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