Chapter 71 Lu San’s Instructions

Chapter 71: Lu San’s instructions

Li Hao walked up to the first floor, intending to find out.

However, what he saw in front of him was beyond his expectation.

This level is not more terrifying than the three Bai Lings, but a bunch of weak weirdos. With Li Hao's strength, he can kill these weirdos with just one look!

Among them, many Li Hao had seen on the first floor.

This is not the 1st floor, this is the first floor!
After walking up to the first floor, you will actually return to the first floor!
It was like a ghost hitting a wall, and Li Hao didn't notice it at all!
Immediately, he had some doubts.

Viewed from the outside, this town tower reaches straight into the sky, reaching the sky. But why is there only 99 floors inside?
Is it because the Guilty Suppression Tower only has 99 floors, or does the Guilty Suppression Tower use some means to prevent itself from reaching the first floor?

Li Hao looked at the golden beads in his hand and crushed them.


Outside the Guilty Suppression Tower, Lu San and others were walking on the square carrying the weird cage.

They looked at the Gui Suppression Tower and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Li Hao has been in there for so long and still hasn't come out. Could it be that something happened?

Although they knew that the people who entered the Quiet Tower had a narrow escape from death, Li Hao still couldn't bear it after spending several days with them.

Outside the square, Director Chen also had some doubts in his eyes.

He had already found out Li Hao's life experience. To his surprise, Li Hao's hometown was hit by a disaster and his family all starved to death. Li Hao followed the refugees to Haojing, the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and was selected as an official by the Zhensi Secretary. member.

Working as an errand in Zhensi Si can get a good salary, and since he has no worries, it can be regarded as a good job.

But it was the first time for him to see someone like Li Hao who entered the Quiet Tower first and didn't want to take a vacation.

At this moment, the Dark Qi of the Gui-Suppression Tower swept outside, and several officials who happened to be transporting the weird things hurried away.

When the black energy dissipated, Li Hao's figure was revealed.

This golden elixir must be related to this guile-suppressing tower...

Li Hao sensed the process of Zhengui Tower sending him out just now, and felt that the golden elixir was quite different.

Everyone outside the Demon Suppression Tower couldn't help but be surprised when they saw Li Hao.

They originally thought that Li Hao had encountered an accident, but they did not expect that Li Hao actually came out alive.

Chief Chen also let out a breath.

Although Li Hao's behavior was strange, he still came out alive. Otherwise, he would have had to find other officials who were willing to enter the town's secret tower to investigate, which would have been even more troublesome.

Immediately, with a smile on his face, he walked towards Li Hao.

"Brother Li, congratulations." He said and handed over the five pieces of jade in his hand.

Since he had said before that he would give five pieces of jade, he would naturally not break his promise.

Li Hao is an extraordinary person. After staying in the Gui Suppression Tower for so long, his expression remained unchanged even after he came out. He can be called a hero.

He naturally took a high look at Li Hao and even changed his title.

Li Hao took the Jingbi, handed the book back to Chief Chen, and asked, "I can leave the town now, right?"

"You can do it at any time!" Director Chen glanced at the booklet and nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately afterwards, he summoned an armored warrior and asked the warrior to take Li Hao out to suppress Guisi.

When Li Hao was about to leave the square, Lu San, who had just finished carrying a strange thing, suddenly stopped Li Hao.

Li Hao turned around in confusion, only to see Lu San with a sneer on his face, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Brother Li, can you help me bring something to my wife?" Li Hao nodded.

Lu San suddenly smiled and was about to walk up, but was stopped by the warrior on the side, who looked at Master Chen with questioning eyes.

Seeing that Li Hao had agreed, Chief Chen waved his hand generously and let Lu San pass.

Lu San carefully took out a purse from his arms and handed it to Li Hao. He also gave the specific address of his home, explained some things, and hurried back.

Officials in Zhensi can only go home during the Chinese New Year holiday.

Moreover, in order to prevent the officials from running away, the Suppressing Spies had to pay a year's salary.

Now that Li Hao was able to go out to town on vacation, Lu San of course wanted Li Hao to give last year's salary to his wife.

Li Hao took Lu San's wallet and wrote down the address of Lu San's home before turning and leaving.

Lu San looked at Li Hao's leaving figure and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

If he hadn't had a good relationship with Li Hao, he wouldn't have dared to bother him with this matter.

Ten days is a lot less, but a lot more.

At this moment, a person from Team D came up and asked, "Brother Lu, why is there a butterfly embroidered on Li Hao's clothes?"

"Embroidered with butterflies?" Lu San stared at Li Hao's clothes and saw a butterfly on the clothes on Li Hao's back.

Li Hao was wearing the uniform of a Suppression Division official, so how could it be embroidered with a butterfly?
He wiped his eyes and looked again, and saw the butterfly suddenly fluttering its wings from Li Hao's back.

It turned out to be a live butterfly...

Lu San suddenly understood and called on everyone to continue working.

Chief Chen looked at the fluttering butterflies and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

When were there butterflies in this town?

When Li Hao left Zhenguisi, he felt that the streets at the door were deserted. After walking two more streets, he saw the lively market.

Thinking about it, although this town of Guisi is not far from the Great Zhou Palace, no merchants will do business nearby due to the weirdness involved.

Li Hao bought a few pieces of cloth at the market and walked to the address Lu San said.

Lu San's family was in a small village fifty miles outside Haojing City. When Li Hao left Haojing, he covered his aura and flew towards Lu San's family with clouds under his feet.

Not long after, Li Hao came to the Baihe Village that Lu San mentioned.

This is a small village, leaning on a small river, with only about fifty households.

Li Hao covered his breath, descended from the clouds, and walked towards Lu San's house.

It was noon at this moment, and smoke was rising from every house.

Lu San's house is a typical rural residence, with one main room and two side rooms, which is quite luxurious in Baihe Village.

Li Hao was carrying several pieces of cloth on his back. At the door of Lu San's house, he saw two sneaky men scratching the wall and poking their heads into the kitchen.

He knew what was going on as soon as he saw it.

Lu San has been working as an errand in the town for a long time, and there is no one to take care of the family. There must be many nefarious people looking for things to do with Lu San's wife.

As the saying goes, there are many disputes at the door of a widow. Although Lu San's daughter-in-law is not a widow, she is no different from a widow when Lu San is not around.

If Lu San had not been alive and the agreement with Zhensi expired next year, something even more extreme might have happened.

Li Hao thought, and the vision of these two idle men blurred for an instant.

The two people rubbed their eyes and looked towards the kitchen. They saw that the woman who was cooking had turned into a white skeleton!
(End of this chapter)

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