Chapter 81 Fusion of Double Eyes, Magical Scales
Chapter 81: Fusion of Double Eyes, Magical Scales
He held it in his hand and looked at it carefully. There were two pupils there, connected together, almost becoming one. They looked particularly deep. At this time, the stone skin peeled off, and the cold aura was gone.

Heavy pupil?

Li Hao was surprised.

He had already seen what Lao Wang said, "When the Queen of Heaven crosses the sea, there must be rare treasures." But he never expected that he could actually pick up such a thing!
He sensed this double pupil and injected real energy into it, hoping to refine it into a magic weapon for himself.

But within these double pupils, a burst of alien true energy suddenly burst out, intertwined with his true energy.

This true energy gives people an ancient and profound feeling, making people feel like they are worshiping, as if they are seeing an ancient king.

Li Hao increased the injection of true energy and even used the Emperor's World Scripture. After several pulls, he finally wiped away the remaining true energy in the double pupil.

Immediately afterwards, Li Hao began to perform sacrifices non-stop.

Without the interference of the alien true energy, Li Hao quickly finished refining the double pupils.

The double pupil was suspended in Li Hao's hand, rippling in circles, showing a golden splendor, which was extremely astonishing.

Lao Wang on the side closed the treasure box happily, and when he saw this eyeball, his eyes widened for a moment.

He thought he had obtained a treasure box full of treasures, which was already amazing, but he didn't expect that compared with the treasures Li Hao found, it was nothing worth mentioning!

Li Hao was also extremely surprised.

He raised his eyes and reflected the light in all directions. Everything around him appeared in his heart, extremely clear.

The fishing boat, the surprised Lao Wang, the half-dead fish, the fish under the water, and the rare treasures in the water after Tianfei passed by.

Compared with his spiritual vision, it was a world of difference!
Tianfei’s treasures are indeed extraordinary!
He raised his eyes and continued to observe the treasures floating on the water.

With the help of double eyes, the details of these rare treasures are revealed. Pearls, corals, strange stones, and even swords look extraordinary.

But for Li Hao, these are of no use.

Lao Wang also took a fancy to a colorful pearl and hurriedly rowed his fishing boat over.

At this moment, Li Hao also found a jade pendant.

The material of this jade pendant is special and unusual. It is engraved with exquisite patterns. The most important thing is that the three characters of Qianshan Sect are engraved on it.

Ganshan Sect?
What sect is this?
Is it a sect above the abyss?
While Lao Wang had no time to think about it, Li Hao took the jade token into his hand.

At this moment, Lao Wang also rowed to his destination and picked up the pearl from the water.

He turned to look at Li Hao and saw that he was holding a jade plaque in his hand. He looked ordinary and somewhat incomprehensible.

There are so many rare treasures on the sea, why do you want to pick up an ordinary-looking jade plaque?

Li Haotuo raised his eyes and continued to check, and suddenly found a scale floating beside the boat.

The scales are about the size of a palm, shining with golden luster, and there is nothing special about them at first glance.

I just don't know why, but when Li Hao saw this scale, he felt something in his heart.

Could it be the scales of an ancient demon?
Li Hao was confused and picked up the scales from the water.

This time, Lao Wang was even more shocked.

It's okay if you pick up a jade tablet, why do you also pick up scales?
Although the scales are quite big...

Lao Wang shook his head, feeling that Li Hao had been deceived, and said quickly: "Xiao Li, you have already picked up three rare treasures, you can't pick up any more!"

Seeing Li Hao nodding, he stroked towards a gem with satisfaction.

Li Hao grabbed the scale and looked at it carefully for a while. Even with double-eye observation, he couldn't see anything special about it.

Could it be that I really lost my sight?
Li Hao couldn't help scratching his head.

At this time, Lao Wang had already held the fist-sized ruby ​​in his hand, and he was very happy. He greeted Li Hao and said:

"Okay, Xiao Li, let's go back quickly!"

Perhaps because of the abundant harvest, Lao Wang felt that it was much easier to paddle on the way back.

In fact, it was because Li Hao was silently using his true energy to push.Soon, they saw Qilian Island.

It was not yet noon, and there was already a large wave of small fishing boats approaching the shore.

Similar to Li Hao and others, they all picked up the rare treasures that Tianfei had left after crossing the sea, and they were all filled with joy.

Why do you still need to fish when you have already picked up the treasure?It's totally unnecessary!

Next to Li Hao and the others was a small fishing boat with the same two people on it.

It's just that the two people's boats were filled with all kinds of rare treasures, and they rowed towards the shore with excitement on their faces.

When Lao Wang saw it, his eyes widened and he shouted: "Don't you know the rules? When the Princess crosses the sea, each person can only take three rare treasures!"

But they saw the two men smiling contemptuously and saying: "Hey, what a bullshit rule, there are so many treasures, if you don't take them, you won't get them for free!"

As he said that, he speeded up and moved towards the shore.

After a while, the two people had reached the shore.

But as soon as they got off the boat, one of them turned into a starfish and the other into a sponge.

This change was so fast that it was beyond other people's imagination, and even Li Hao was a little surprised.

At this moment, many fishermen were secretly glad that they had followed the rules.

After a while, most of the fishermen came ashore, but everyone turned a blind eye to the treasure in the boat.

Rules are rules, but they must not be broken.

There were many children playing on the shore. Seeing the fishermen coming back so early, they hurried up to watch the fun. Their eyes sparkled when they saw the various treasures in the hands of the fishermen.

Naturally, there were also children who came to watch Lao Wang and Li Hao.

"Go, go!" Lao Wang waved his hand, drove the children away, and said, "Let your parents come over quickly to buy fish!"

These children left reluctantly.

After a while, a group of adults rushed over.

Obviously, they also knew about Tianfei's crossing the sea, and there was a lot of envy in their eyes.

These people bought the fish that were hung on hooks on the fishing boats and left.

"For you!"

Lao Wang happily shared half of the money from selling the fish with Li Hao, then took out a net he had taken out from somewhere, and walked towards his home carrying the remaining fish.

No, why didn’t you use it earlier if you had internet?
Could it be that this is also a rule?

When Li Hao thought about it, he felt that it was very possible.

It’s just that these fish are hung with straight hooks. Who will they sell them to?
He was a little confused, but still didn't speak.

This ghost story copy is too weird.

That imperial concubine just glanced at herself and she was almost eroded.

He followed Lao Wang and returned home.

Putting the jade pendant and the double pupils in the Hutian Technique, Li Hao continued to study this scale of unknown origin.

He tried to inject true energy, but it was absorbed by the scale.

Can absorb true energy!
Li Hao became energetic and immediately poured real energy into it crazily.

He doesn't have much else, he only has the most true energy.

An hour later, Li Hao showed an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

He poured real energy into the scales for an entire hour, and there was not even the slightest reaction!
The double pupil was already magical enough, so Li Hao tried to practice it, which lasted only 5 minutes.

What on earth are these scales?
(End of this chapter)

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