Chapter 99: Weird Stories about the Rules of Shigu Academy
Chapter 99: Strange stories about the rules of Shigu Academy
He looked around and found that he was surrounded by people dressed similarly to him. Some were sitting cross-legged at a low table, studying ink and writing, while others were standing up to stretch their muscles.

Apparently, this was between classes.

Among these students, there are three others like him, looking around, they are the chosen ones from the other three planes.

One of them was tall and sitting next to him. He was probably in his early 20s. His bulging muscles stretched his shirt tightly. He was obviously the chosen one of Cang Yuan Realm.

There is also an extremely thin person with deep-set eyes and an extremely sinister aura. There is no doubt that he is the chosen one of Youyuan Realm.

Li Hao opened his double pupils and observed silently, he found that most of the body of the Chosen One in the Youyuan Realm was occupied by a strange snake shape. It was a miracle that he could survive until now.

The remaining one has a misty aura and a golden elixir in his dantian. He is obviously a golden elixir monk and should be the chosen one in the Xuangang world.

Li Hao was observing each other, and so were the other three.

The Chosen One's temperament is so different from other students that he can be recognized almost at a glance.

This is the Chosen One from the Youyuan Realm, this is the Chosen One from the Blue Star Realm, this is the Chosen One from Blue Star...

Gu Cunxin looked at the three of them and couldn't help but shook his head.

Each of these three people is more useless than the other.

People in Youyuan Realm coexist with weirdness, but looking at the state of this chosen one, it is obvious that he is walking a tightrope. If weird power is applied to him, it will inevitably lead to a complete explosion of weird power.

People in the Cang Yuan Realm specialize in cultivating the physical body, and they look powerful, but in a world with strange rules, they have little use.

And... this Blue Star's chosen one looks ordinary, even thin and weak, and seems to be powerless.

It fits his stereotype of the technological plane.

If Li Hao heard his thoughts, he would definitely laugh out loud.

He usually uses the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques to cover up his own strength, and others will only think that this person is ordinary.

At this moment, ink stains suddenly appeared on the white paper in front of the four chosen ones, slowly spreading, but no one else noticed.

After a while, these ink marks formed small characters.

[Story about the strange rules of Shigu Academy:]

[One of the rules: In Shigu Academy, students can study various courses, but they must pass the exam, otherwise there will be severe punishment]

[Rule [-]: In the academy, you can cheat, as long as you think clearly about the consequences. 】

[Rule [-]: To the east of the academy is the Confucian Temple. You will get benefits if you go to worship, but never look directly into the eyes of the saint's statue]

[Rule [-]: The food in the academy has high nutritional value, so please be sure to finish it. 】

[Rule [-]: The academy provides accommodation, and you will be forced to fall asleep every day, but please be sure to wake up before Yin time. 】

[Rule [-]: Please do not leave the academy]

[Rule [-]: There is a stone drum in the academy. If you knock it, you will get XXXX. Please do not knock it]

Li Hao frowned.

In Rule [-], the ink is still smeared, and it is unclear what words are underneath.

He actually kept this weird rule secret from him!
What is this?

In the previous weird talk about rules, this situation has never happened.

Stone drum?

What exactly will happen if you ring it?
He was curious.

At this moment, an old man with a slightly stooped figure walked into the school.

The students who were still relaxing around returned to their seats and respectfully shouted: "Good morning, Professor Chen!"

"Yes." The rickety old man nodded slightly, walked slowly to the podium, and then said: "Everyone is seated, the exam is today!"

"take an exam!"

"Professor Chen's arithmetic is the most difficult. There is actually a test today?"

"Damn it, if I fail, I'll be doomed!" Many students lamented below.

The other three chosen ones were also shocked.

I had a test when I first came here, and the test was in arithmetic.

I'm not good at this at all.

Li Hao wasn't too worried.

After all, after going through 12 years of mathematics education in Xia Guo, he is not weak in this area.

Xia Guogongtan live broadcast room.

【Arithmetic test?Brother Li has to show them the horror of Xia Guo's mathematics education. 】

[Why did you fail in the arithmetic test? Isn’t this the score that comes to your doorstep! 】

[Show a little bit of Xia Guo’s mathematical shock to other planes. 】

Xuan Gang Realm Ghost Talk live broadcast room.

[Damn, arithmetic is something that the technological plane is good at! 】

[Why is Blue Star so lucky? 】

[There is definitely an inside story! 】

[Why not take the test on cultivation but take the test on arithmetic?This is not fair! 】

Li Hao couldn't see the various comments of joy or curses in the live broadcast room. He looked around and found smiling students among a group of lamentations.

The student shook his head and chuckled: "I made a mistake in the math test last time and only got a grade of A. I really don't deserve Teacher Chen's careful teaching."

Let me go, why are you talking about weird rules and still having this kind of academic bitch?

The corners of Li Hao's mouth twitched.

And there were people nearby who glared at him.

Xia Guogongtan live broadcast room.

[Damn, why is there Versailles here! 】

[What Versailles, this is a school bitch! 】

[Learn to be a bitch and be killed! 】

[Brother Li beat him up! 】

"Quiet!" Teacher Chen shouted from the podium, and the crowd immediately fell silent.

His legs and feet didn't seem to be very flexible. He held a stack of examination papers, walked through the gap between the desks, and handed down the examination papers.

He walked for a while, and everyone felt a little uncomfortable waiting. Then he finished distributing the test papers, slowly walked back to the podium, and said: "Okay, let's get started. The test time is one hour! If you don't know how to do it, You can skip it first."

After saying that, he sat down on the podium, and regardless of the situation below, he picked up a book and started reading.

The new test paper is in ancient times, and my scalp is a little numb.

Question 100: There are 1 people, among whom each man has 3 hat and each woman has [-] hats.The men's hats are black, and the women's hats are black and white.While the people are blindfolded, have them each hold a hat.After that, let each of them take off their hats. After they all take off their hats, ask them how many black hats they got in total?
If you don’t know how to do it, skip it.

Question [-]: There is a rope of length n. You can choose a position on it and then cut the rope into two parts.The lengths of the two parts of the rope are x and nx respectively.What x value can maximize the probability that the two parts of the rope will overlap?
But do, skip.


Question 17: A herdsman left 17 cows after his death. He left a will and gave all 3 cows to his three sons. Among them, the eldest son got 1/2, the second son got 1/3, and the third son got 1/9. If you get [-]/[-] and cannot sell or kill the cow, how should you distribute it?
Gu Cunxin was confused.

Isn’t this 17 evenly divisible by 2, 3, or 9?
How does he know how to distribute it?

Gu Cunxin threw away the pen and gave up thinking completely.

(End of this chapter)

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