Chapter 120 Investing
"Mr. Wang really invests? Are you kidding?" Peng Ming stared at Wang Yang seriously and looked at Wang Yang again.

Wang Yang didn't care about the other party's aggressive gaze, he just nodded calmly and turned to look at Mr. Liu.

Manager Liu understood the answer and said: "Mr. Peng, since Mr. Wang said it, he will definitely vote."

"Uh! Haha~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I lost my composure."

"Mr. Wang, I've finished this glass of wine, you can do as you like." Peng Ming took a generous sip of Jian Nanchun in the glass.

Showing his sincerity to Wang Yang with an empty cup.

"Mr. Peng, you have a good drinking capacity." Mr. Liu applauded.

Wang Yang calmly picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Mr. Peng, you don't have to be like this. We cooperate to make money. It doesn't matter if you drink this wine or not. We don't have to be so cliché."

"I'm young, please forgive me for my limited drinking capacity."

Peng Ming waved his hand and laughed: "It's okay, I'm happy today, hahaha."

Peng Ming had just met Wang Yang today, so he didn't know Wang Yang very well.

He built a new Marriott hotel, and the Lihai Group he was working with suddenly withdrew its investment.

Not only that, but the shares in the original Marriott Hotels were sold at a low price.

Peng Ming had no choice but to mortgage part of his assets to the bank, and all the money from the loan was used to buy back shares.

Now he is very short of funds and needs new investors to join.

You must know that attracting investment is not that easy.

The reason why he welcomed Wang Yang today was because President Liu said he would introduce new investors to him. Otherwise, he would not have time to receive Wang Yang. Instead, he would find ways to attract investment and make money.

Peng Ming simply mentioned investing in a hotel at the dinner table.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yang was interested and agreed immediately, which made Peng Ming very happy. He did not expect that the problem that had puzzled him for several days could be solved so easily.

Especially when Wang Yang promised that he could make up the time with any amount of money he needed, Peng Ming's heart almost jumped out of his throat, so he took a sip of wine to calm down his shock.

You know it's not a small fortune.

Even if it's him, there are other rich people.

I couldn't take it out for a while.

You must know that building a hotel is not cheap, and various decorations are more expensive than building commercial housing.

This capital starts with tens of millions.

And the young boy in front of him opened his mouth to make up for the vacancy of Lihai Group. How rich is this!
He knew from President Liu that Wang Yang was rich, but just how rich he was. President Liu was a very strict person and didn't say anything. He just told him that Wang Yang was very rich.

Today I have seen what it means to be rich. I will make up for the difference by just talking about it, without even asking how much is the difference.

Wang Yang's investment in the hotel was also carefully considered.

Coupled with the fact that Peng Ming, an experienced person, is leading the way, Wang Yang believes that this investment will not be a loss.

The most important thing is the Marriott Hotel. In its previous life, it became a hotel chain. Although it has not been listed on the market, its market value is tens of billions.

Besides, investing does not necessarily require using your own money. With his credit in the bank, a loan of 80 to [-] billion shouldn't be a problem.

Wang Yang looked at Peng Ming and President Liu who were all smiling and said calmly: "Mr. Peng, a dedicated person from our company will contact you later. Just discuss the specific investment with my company's people." ”

"That's no problem. Thank you very much Mr. Wang." Peng Ming said with a smile.

After three drinks and five dishes, the meal was over and Wang Yang returned to the guest room.

This kind of entertainment is really not suitable for him.

It's better to avoid it in the future.

On the other side, when Mao Chunlin picked up the second girl, he heard the sound of police sirens approaching from far away, but he didn't pay attention to it.

There is no one in Zhonghai who can touch him, but it is absolutely impossible that there is no news at all.

Mao Chunlin carried the girl Chi Guoguo into the basement, put the girl into the iron cage, and then closed it.

Mao Chunlin stood in front of two iron cages and said to himself with a depressed expression, "Don't blame me, I love you so much that I can only keep you here. Don't worry, no one will disturb you."

After saying that, Mao Chunlin started to open the cement bag with a shovel, and mixed the sand and water according to the proportion.

Mao Chunlin was very skillful and mixed a pile of cement in just ten minutes.

Mao Chunlin shoveled the mixed cement into the bucket, and then used the bucket to pour the cement onto the iron cage.

One barrel, two barrels...

The basement door was knocked down.

The sound came from above.

Mao Chunlin put down the shovel and quickly covered the iron cage with a raincloth.

He quickly left the basement and headed to the basement on the upper floor.

The basement he built has three floors, and it is extremely hidden and difficult to be discovered, so Mao Chunlin did not panic, but calmly came from the second floor to the floor below where the door was knocked.

Who on earth would come to his house and bang on his basement door?
Mao Chunlin had several guesses, but he rejected them all.

Just when Mao Chunlin was puzzled.

The door to the basement was knocked several more times.


"Gu Bureau, it's a steel door, so it's hard to open it."

"Haha! You are really cautious, you actually use a steel door. This place really doesn't have 300 taels of silver."

"Even if we blow it up with explosives today, we still have to open the door. The new little bear in the bureau is very good at opening locks! Let him try it."

There were more than 50 police officers, and they were stopped by a door. If this news spread, it would be a joke.

"I know, I'll call him over right away."

Soon the young policeman named Xiaoxiong came over and immediately stood at attention and saluted when he saw Gu Peifeng.

"Gu Bureau."

Gu Peifeng waved his hand: "Stop being polite and quickly open this door for me."


Little Bear quickly took out his tools and prepared to open the door.

However, the door opened from the inside.

Mao Chunlin looked at the many police officers with a puzzled expression, his expression was very surprised, and his previous frustration was completely gone.

"Police, comrade police, what are you doing?" Mao Chunlin stuttered a little, looked a little scared, and looked a little innocent and confused.

Gu Peifeng had been a policeman for so many years and had never encountered any monsters, so he was not at all interested in Mao Chunlin's frightened expression.

Gu Peifeng waved his hand indifferently and ordered to the police behind him: "Mao Chunlin, stop pretending, something happened. Handle him and take him back to the police station."


Two energetic policemen immediately stepped forward to control Mao Chunlin.

Mao Chunlin's heart skipped a beat.

Everyone is numb.

what's the situation.

Why do you arrest people without saying a word? These police officers are so unfamiliar.

Director Li, where is Director Zhao?
Soon Mao Chunlin was taken out of the basement.

Gu Peifeng signaled everyone to start a careful search. Mao Chunlin was hiding in the basement just now and couldn't come out. There must be some unknown secrets, or he was destroying key evidence.

Soon the basement was searched.

"Gu Bureau, I didn't find anything."

Gu Peifeng frowned after listening to the police officer's report.

This basement is very large, about 80 square meters.

The lighting in the basement is very dim, and it is filled with bookshelves. There are many books on the bookshelves, like a private library.

Gu Peifeng walked back and forth twice and found nothing suspicious.

Gu Peifeng looked at the call history on Mao Chunlin's cell phone, but there was none.

Why, when Mao Chunlin heard the sound of banging on the door, without knowing it, he did not call to ask outside the door or call someone immediately, but opened the door directly?

This shows that the other party is very confident. No matter who is outside the door, he will have a way to deal with it.

Who gave him such confidence?

Or is he really not guilty?
However, all the reporting materials were handed over to the director.

You must know that the director of the department also has another identity, that is, the deputy director S. This matter can be regarded as going straight to heaven.

Gu Peifeng walked around again unhurriedly.

Suddenly, Gu Peifeng discovered that this bookshelf was slightly different from other places.

Gu Peifeng pushed hard and found that he couldn't push it.

Did he think wrong?
Gu Peifeng rubbed his chin and thought. He tried various methods back and forth, but found that he couldn't move it, as if it was welded to the ground.

"Come here and dismantle this bookshelf."

"Gu Bureau, what's wrong with this bookshelf?"

"Try pushing it." Gu Peifeng said calmly.

"Hey! Director Gu can't push it, it's just like any other bookshelf!"

"Eat less food from now on. You will only grow muscles but not brains." Gu Peifeng hated that iron could not make steel.

"You can push the other bookshelves."


"Looking at the situation, it still can't be pushed." "Have you found any problems?"

"what is the problem?"

Gu Peifeng sighed: "Although other bookshelf cannot be pushed, it will shake to some extent, but this bookshelf does not move at all. Do you think there is any problem?"

"No! Is this bookshelf welded to the ground?"

"Stop talking and quickly take down all the books on this bookshelf." Gu Peifeng ordered.

Four or five police officers quickly took down all the books on the bookshelves.

Soon the entire bookshelf was cleared.

"Gu Bureau, there is a hidden compartment here, and it's locked inside." A policeman reported back.

Gu Peifeng stepped forward to examine it carefully, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"This Mao Chunlin is really too careful. Most people would never even think of it."

"Go and call that little bear."


Police Officer Little Bear arrived quickly. I thought nothing would happen without him, but I didn't expect that he would be needed in the end.

Officer Xiao Xiong's skills were quite professional. The lock was opened in less than a minute. There was a button inside the hidden compartment, and Gu Peifeng pressed it without hesitation.

Soon the bookshelf began to rise for a while and then began to move slowly, which stunned the policeman standing nearby.

What kind of door is this that is so advanced?

Soon the entrance to the second floor below was revealed.

Gu Peifeng took the lead and walked down.

The area of ​​the second floor below is similar to that of the first floor below. However, this floor is not a bookshelf, but some display cabinets. The display cabinets are filled with antique collections and some gold. The dazzling display is dazzling.

"Gu Bureau, this Mao Chunlin is so rich! The gold alone is probably worth hundreds of millions."

"Don't just look at it, these are stolen goods, hurry up and find useful information." Gu Peifeng scolded.

"I know Gu Bureau."

Gu Peifeng walked around the many display cabinets and took a look at the golden gold.

How many antiques did Mao Chunlin smuggled to earn so much money?

"Gu Gu, I didn't find anything unusual. There are just some antiques and some gold. There is just one place that is very smooth and people should be walking around frequently."

Gu Peifeng said calmly, "Where?"

"It's right here."

Gu Peifeng looked at the smooth ground and then looked at other floors.

It's strange, there is no road here, but it seems like people have walked here often.

Is there another level?
"Look carefully, don't miss any possible place, and see if there are any hidden compartments or traps. This old boy put a lot of thought into building this basement."


After searching for more than half an hour, there was still no hidden compartment or anything like that.

At this time, Gu Peifeng saw the crystal lamp above his head, and then he thought of something.

"Turn out the lights."


A ray of light in the dark night refracted from the gap.

Maybe Mao Chunlin just left in a hurry and forgot to turn off the lights on the three floors below.

"Gu Bureau, this Mao Chunlin is born in the year of the rat, right? Layer after layer, endlessly."

"Why are you complaining? Find the switch quickly."

A group of people were groping nearby, and soon a switch often found at a diagonal corner was pressed.

The mechanism made a clicking sound, which was the sound of the chain turning.

A basement appears like an entrance.

A group of police officers looked at each other. This was Mao Chunlin. This was the first time they had encountered such a cautious criminal since they were police officers.

Going to the lower three floors, the lights below are very bright, the decoration is also very good, and there is a bed more than two meters tall.

The raincloth next to it seemed to be covering something.

A police officer curiously opened it to check.

It was a shocking scene that the policeman would never forget.

Two naked girls were locked in an iron cage, and one girl's body was already covered with a lot of cement.

Gu Peifeng shouted: "Hurry and save people~"

Gu Peifeng saw a large section of built-up stone pillars protruding from the side of the wall. Gu Peifeng's heart skipped a beat. If the stone pillars were full of people, wouldn't it mean that more than ten people had been killed?

"Gu Bureau, the two of them have no pulse and have been dead for some time." The police officer next to him reported with red eyes.

If they had arrived earlier, they might have been able to save them.

After receiving the order early in the morning, they rushed here non-stop, but they were still a step late.


In the Marriott deluxe room, Wang Yang was sitting on the sofa while replying to messages from Xia Xiaoyu and Wen Yao, and thinking about the future path, when his cell phone rang.

Wang Yang picked it up and saw that the caller was Wang Jun.


Wang Jun's tone was a little excited, but he spoke clearly and clearly, "Mr. Wang, Mao Chunlin has been arrested, and two bodies were found at the scene."

"The smuggling gang were all arrested."

"Yes! I understand. You guys should keep an eye on it and communicate in a timely manner if there are any new situations." After hanging up the phone, Wang Yang let out a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, special methods had to be used to get rid of Mao Chunlin.

This operation was not carried out by the local Zhonghai police, but by the provincial police and police from other cities in a joint operation.

What he wanted was to catch him by surprise, without giving Mao Chunlin a chance to react, and to hit the snake within seven inches.

Wang Yang picked up his cell phone and called the two brothers Yan Jinjin again, asking them to keep an eye on Mao Sanlong and not let him escape this time.

In a previous life, Mao Chunlin was arrested, and this bitch fled abroad by plane overnight.

It’s true that I suffer and my son enjoys the blessing.

If Mao Sanlong hadn't messed with him again and again and wanted to break his legs, Wang Yang didn't want to make the matter a big deal. At most, he would have found someone to teach Mao Sanlong a lesson.

You must know that there are too many people and things involved. The mud brought out by pulling out the radish can crush Wang Yang to death.

Since you choose to take action, you must eradicate all these scum and scum hidden in society.

A large meeting room.

Sun Wenbo sat in the main seat, talking loudly, speaking righteously, and full of momentum.

The people sitting below were listening seriously to the leader's important speech.

Suddenly, the door of the conference room was opened, and a group of people swarmed in.

Sun Wenbo glared at these people who suddenly broke in.

"What do you do? Do you have any organizational discipline, Xiao Qiao~"

However, secretary Xiao Qiao stood up and stepped forward to stop him, but was controlled by someone.

The visitor calmly took out his ID and said, "Comrade Sun Wenbo, we are from the Discipline Inspection Commission. Please come with us."

When Sun Wenbo heard this, his energy and energy were instantly drained, and he slumped down in his seat, his eyes unfocused.

The two men immediately stepped forward and carried Sun Wenbo out of the conference room.

Then several more people were taken away.

The remaining people in the conference room were in deathly silence, each and every one of them keeping silent, for fear that they would be taken away next.

Those with poor mental qualities and evil spirits were so frightened that they collapsed.

Those who are not guilty are secretly happy that the country has finally taken action.

Wang Yang had just hung up Yan Huangguang's call when his cell phone rang again. The caller was Qin Long.

"Hello! Mr. Wang."

"it's me."

"Which leader was taken away by the Discipline Inspection Commission?"

"Yeah, I know!" Wang Yang hung up the phone, and the stone in his heart finally fell.

Sure enough, as long as the higher-ups decide to take action, none of these people can escape.

All the evidence is now complete.

As long as they come in and eat for free, Wang Yang believes that he can kill them.

In order to deal with these scumbags, Wang Yang wasted a lot of time and energy, and he had to be wary of being retaliated against.

After all, he touched a lot of people's cakes this time.

Knowing something on his mind, Wang Yang felt a lot more relaxed.

These scum hiding in dark corners have finally been cleared away.

At least, Wang Yang now doesn't have to worry too much about being cheated on.

He was really lucky in the previous few times, otherwise, he would be the first guy in the rebirth army to be killed by the butterfly effect.


 ask for a reward
(End of this chapter)

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