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Chapter 127: Kefu, are you wearing Nike?

Chapter 127: Kefu, are you wearing Nike?

Wang Yang withdrew his thoughts and then had time to look at Jiang Qiqi seriously.

She is about 25-1.7 years old, has a tall figure and a plump chest. She is about [-] meters tall and wears high heels.

The delicate oval face is tender and tender, making people want to take a bite.

She has a pair of charming peach blossom eyes on her beautiful little face, and there is a tear mole next to the corner of her eye, which is the standard of ancient beauty.

The temperament exuding from his body gives people a very gentle feeling, and you can tell that he is a gentle person at a glance.

Looking at Qingcheng and then at Qingguo's beauty, Wang Yang was a little lost in thought.

The woman in front of her looked like a ripe, high-end peach.

Sure enough, drama school produces beauties.

But Wang Yang quickly came to his senses, nodded to Jiang Qiqi and left the teachers' dormitory building.

Originally, he came to clear up the relationship with Su Miaomiao, but he didn't expect that time was wasted because of an exchange.

You know, he still has an appointment with Wen Yao!
But we can no longer mess around with others.

Jiang Qiqi looked at Wang Yang's leaving figure, and her heart that had been silent for many years was touched.

In fact, Jiang Qiqi is also a hard-working person, not because of material hardship, but in life.

Because the men she dated never ended well.

When she was in junior high school and high school, many boys in her class had a crush on her.

At that time, Jiang Qiqi was the school beauty.

Later, in her senior year of high school, some boys couldn't help but pursue her crazily.

Jiang Qiqi finally agreed to be his girlfriend.

But the next day the boy got food poisoning.

In the end, it was found that the ingredients used in the school cafeteria were not fresh, and the principal and all relevant personnel were taken away.

Just like that, Jiang Qiqi's first love ended before it even started.

However, in the second semester of the third year of high school, another boy was pursuing Jiang Qiqi crazily, and even confessed his love to Jiang Qiqi on the playground in front of all the teachers and students of the school.

Jiang Qiqi was so moved that she finally agreed to be with him.

Finally, both of them entered the dean's office.

Later, the boy quarreled with the dean.

As a result, someone suddenly started to take action, accidentally killing the dean, and the boy behind him was also taken away to eat free meals.

The second love affair was just like this, coming in a hurry and leaving in a hurry, taking away not a single cloud, but only her boyfriend.

In the end he was sentenced to ten years.

After the college entrance examination, someone confessed to her again, but she rejected her. Two failed relationships made Jiang Qiqi afraid of falling in love.

But in the end, I was moved by the boy's crazy pursuit.

That night Jiang Qiqi agreed to be his girlfriend.

The other party was so happy that he drank with his classmates. As a result, he ran out of alcohol and was poisoned by alcohol. He was not rescued at the hospital.

At that time, all the classmates looked at Jiang Qiqi with strange eyes.

Once is a coincidence, twice is a coincidence, and three times is a problem.

Soon rumors about Jiang Qiqikov spread among classmates.

But as Jiang Qiqi is so beautiful, there are always those guys who are not afraid of death and do not believe in evil.

After entering the Magic City Drama Academy, Jiang Qiqi has been pursued by her classmates, but Jiang Qiqi has never agreed.

It wasn't because the boy was average-looking, but because Jiang Qiqi believed the rumor.

But one day during a typhoon and rainy night, the boy confessed his love to Jiang Qiqi again, saying that if Jiang Qiqi didn't agree, then he would stay in the rain all night.

The best friends in the dormitory have been helping to persuade Jiang Qiqi to agree.

After all, it seems that Jiang Qiqi is sincere in being able to do this.

Jiang Qiqi had no choice but to walk to the boy with an umbrella and agreed to his confession.

The boy danced excitedly, and Jiang Qiqi was truly moved by him and agreed to him.

If he could become a great boyfriend like Jiang Qiqi, he would be willing to die immediately.

Sure enough, God was obedient. On the way back, a flower pot blown down by the typhoon hit my head, and I died on the spot.

When Jiang Qiqi learned the news the next day, everyone went numb.

After her sophomore year, Jiang Qiqi refused anyone's pursuit.

But this kind of behavior makes those boys flock to it. After all, what you can't get will always cause turmoil.

There are two rich second generations who even go to great lengths to pursue Jiang Qiqi.

Later, the second-generation rich man who won the fight even said boldly that if Jiang Qiqi didn't agree to his confession, then there would be no chance of getting a diploma from this school.

Jiang Qiqi had no choice but to agree to be the other party's girlfriend.

But the rich second generation disappeared the next day.

I heard that my family went bankrupt overnight and my parents were arrested.

He himself was also admitted to the hospital.

The one who took action was the rich second generation whom he had beaten before.

Jiang Qiqi didn't know what to say.

Later, the rich second generation who sent Jiang Qiqi's ex-boyfriend to the hospital came to pursue Jiang Qiqi again.

"Jiang Qiqi, please be my girlfriend! He is not suitable for you. I am the only one who truly loves you."

"Look at these houses and these cars. I transferred them all to your name."

Jiang Qiqi looked at the rich second generation who was kneeling on the ground and confessing his love to her.

She has developed antibodies now, and her heart is calm.

"I'm sorry, I am an unknown person, I can't harm you." Jiang Qiqi refused.

But the rich second generation held up the diamond ring and said reluctantly: "You are really hurting me by rejecting me. Please promise me, Qiqi."

Jiang Qiqi looked solemnly at the rich second generation in front of her who looked sincere.

In fact, I am still very resistant in my heart, but the atmosphere has reached this point. If I don't agree to the other party, I will definitely lose face.

If she doesn't agree now, she will definitely be tripped up by the other party.

She had experienced being tripped up by a rich second-generation envoy, and that feeling was very uncomfortable.

"Okay! I promise you."

But Jiang Qiqi's words seemed to have magic power.

Her voice just fell.

Someone rushed out of the crowd. This person was none other than Jiang Qiqi's ex-boyfriend, the one who was rushed to the hospital by her current boyfriend.

I saw him holding a knife with his eyes splitting, and killed Jiang Qiqi's current boyfriend.

There was harassment at the scene, but Jiang Qiqi's ex-boyfriend was soon controlled.

But her boyfriend was found lying in a pool of blood.

Jiang Qiqi was really numb and her scalp was numb.

Since then, Jiang Qiqi has become the most beautiful school beauty in the school, and a real beauty is a disaster.

After this incident, although there were still many boys who secretly fell in love with Jiang Qiqi, no boy dared to pursue Jiang Qiqi anymore.

They don't want to be caught out of nowhere.

But there are always people in this world who are not afraid of death.

If there is no such thing inside the school, it will be there outside the school.

In the second semester of sophomore year, there was another rich second generation who fell in love with Jiang Qiqi.

Jiang Qiqi was also helpless about this, after all, she really didn't want to seduce a man.

But the other party just fell in love with her.

In order not to hurt the other party, Jiang Qiqi told the other party exactly what happened to her.

The other party thought Jiang Qiqi was looking for an excuse to scare him in order to reject him.

Men are sometimes mean, and they are really mean. What they don't get will always cause turmoil.

This rich second generation just didn't believe Jiang Qiqi's words.Crazy pursuit of Jiang Qiqi.

Jiang Qiqi had no choice but to agree to him.

Just like before, the rich second generation disappeared the next day.

A week later, Jiang Qiqi learned that the second-generation rich man was extremely happy that night. On the way back, he drove at full speed and stepped on the accelerator. As a result, he got into a car accident and was reimbursed on the spot. He didn't even have to go to the hospital.

Later, in their junior year, many students were able to take on directing roles to practice their acting skills.

That day, an ordinary morning, a director came to the school to select the second female lead.

He arrived at the cafeteria, ate breakfast, and fell in love with Jiang Qiqi at first sight.

Jiang Qiqi is also very happy that she can be selected.

But later, the director told her that if she wanted to be a qualified actor, she needed to go to his room to audition at night.

Jiang Qiqi immediately rejected the director's request.

She is not such a casual girl.

But later, the school teacher found her and told her implicitly that if she did not audition, she would not be able to get her diploma.

That night Jiang Qiqi cried all night, and her roommate was also concerned about comforting her.

The next day, Jiang Qiqi reluctantly agreed to the director's request for an audition and made an appointment to go to Room 1009 of the XX Hotel at eight o'clock in the evening.

Arriving soon, make an appointment.

Jiang Qiqi entered the hotel and went up to the room floor.

As a result, the room was cordoned off.

The director was carried out by the forensic doctor covered with a white cloth.

Later, Jiang Qiqi heard that the heart disease was caused by taking stimulant drugs, and she suffered a heart attack.

Since then, no director dared to ask Jiang Qiqi to audition.

Of course, there are also those who don’t believe in evil and have tried it for a while, but the result is that they died after trying it.

For other actresses, it was a trial for roles, but for Jiang Qiqi, it was a trial of fate.

Jiang Qiqi's reputation has not yet entered the entertainment industry, but she has become popular in the entertainment industry.

For example, great directors such as Feng Pengtong originally wanted to give it a try, but someone else beat them to it, so they immediately gave up the unrealistic idea.

You can't put your life on the line for your brother's comfort. They can still distinguish between being comfortable once and being comfortable again and again.

Later, when Jiang Qiqi was in her junior year, basically no director would choose her to audition, and there were no directors who even asked her to act.

This made Jiang Qiqi cry.

Why did you get admitted to the Shanghai Academy of Drama?
Of course it’s to become an actor and star!
If she can't become an actor now, then Jiang Qiqi can only strive to stay in school.

Otherwise, her major would not be able to support herself at all!

Jiang Qiqi changed her course in the second semester of her junior year.

But there were only attentive boys around her, but no boys pursuing her.

After all, the teachers and students of the Shanghai Academy of Drama know very well how powerful Jiang Qiqi is.

Later, the junior also did not believe in evil and pursued Jiang Qiqi crazily.

His classmates couldn't hold him back, and the teacher tried to persuade him, but to no avail.

What else can you say, it’s cool to be a ghost under the peonies.

In the end, he really became a ghost.

Jiang Qiqi was harassed endlessly by this junior, and finally reluctantly agreed to date him.

This junior student was strong enough to survive the whole night, but he could not survive the sun the next day.

He was so happy that he had a girlfriend like Jiang Qiqi, a top-notch school beauty, and he didn't sleep all night.

Early the next morning, I ran to buy breakfast for Jiang Qiqi, but was bitten by a snake on the way there.

There is no canteen yet!

As a result, people died.

From then on, no one dared to attract Jiang Qiqi's attention.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I really don’t dare.

So after Jiang Qiqi became a teacher, the male teachers also stayed away from her. They were really afraid of death.

Now Jiang Qiqi is 28, but she still has a perfect body and doesn’t even have a man.

However, today she heard strange noises in her dormitory.

Originally, she had already opened the door with the key and went in.

No one inside found it either.

But when I saw what the two were doing.

Jiang Qiqi ran out of the room quickly like a frightened little mouse.

I just don’t know if the two people inside noticed that she had gone in.

Jiang Qiqi just stood at the door listening to the sound of playing cards inside, still thinking about Wang Yang's appearance in her mind.

Her heart, which had been dusty for a long time, became restless inexplicably.

She is also a miserable woman. She is so beautiful but she doesn't even have sex.

Jiang Qiqi opened the door and saw Su Miaomiao's fallen clothes on the ground.

"Jiang, Teacher Jiang?" Su Miaomiao looked at Jiang Qiqi in surprise and felt a little at a loss.

She had not lived with Jiang Qiqi for more than a month.

Because Su Miaomiao often goes to the hospital to visit her father, the dormitory door is closed every time she returns to the girls' dormitory.

After Jiang Qiqi learned about Su Miaomiao's situation, she saw that her student was working so hard, so she took Su Miaomiao in sympathetically.

She lives alone anyway, so having one more person gives her one more person to talk to.

"That boy who just went out, is your boyfriend?" Jiang Qiqi said coldly.

There was no emotion in his voice.

Su Miaomiao stammered: "Yes, teacher."

"Why did you bring him to the dormitory?"

Su Miaomiao said with a tearful voice: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again next time."

Jiang Qiqi saw Su Miaomiao's sincere attitude in admitting her mistake and waved her hand to forgive her.

"Forget it, I'll forgive you this time, but you can't bring someone back without saying hello next time, do you understand?"

Su Miaomiao nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"I know you young people, but remember to let me know next time you bring me back. I'm not the kind of unreasonable person.

Do you know how embarrassing it was when I opened the door and just came in?
Fortunately, your boyfriend didn't find out, otherwise what would he think of me? "

Su Miaomiao blushed when she heard this. She didn't expect that her relationship with Wang Yang would be revealed by the teacher.

I'm so embarrassed, I really want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Really ashamed.

Jiang Qiqi glanced at Su Miaomiao's messy bed.

"Do you need my help to clean it up?" Jiang Qiqi asked with concern.

"I don't need a teacher, I can do it myself." Su Miaomiao quickly put on some clothes for herself.

Su Miaomiao packed up unhappily.

Jiang Qiqi couldn't stand it, so she stepped forward and helped her to her bed.

"You take a rest first. Girls must be kind to themselves. I will help you clean up." Jiang Qiqi said seriously.

"Thank you, teacher." Su Miaomiao was so moved that tears welled up in her eyes.

After meeting Wang Yang, her life changed for the better.

So she must not lose Wang Yang, she must not lose him.

Jiang Qiqi bent down and packed it up seriously.

 Please give me a monthly ticket, oh╯﹏╰How about a free recommendation ticket? The author has worked very hard.

(End of this chapter)

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