Chapter 18 My heart hurts! ! !
[Wow, this cabin looks so beautiful. If you are on vacation, 300 yuan for a bed seems not very expensive. 】

[In this location, I thought the dusty little bungalow was for them to live in. Now I take back my previous guess. Considering the environment around this cabin, I think the price is still worth it. 】

[Oh my god, have you seen the flowers and plants planted next to the cabin? If I’m not mistaken, they are worth a lot of money! 】

It's a pity that the barrage was posted very quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye. At least most people didn't think there was anything special about the flowers and plants next to it. What else could be missing about the location on the mountainside without flowers and plants.

Yu Mumu opened the door. It was not small inside as everyone thought. On the contrary, the space was very large, at least seventy or eighty square meters by visual inspection.

The double beds in other people's rooms are at most 1.5 meters wide, but here, there is a 2-meter large bed. The bedding is shining when the door is opened and the light comes in.

This is clearly an authentic silk product, not to mention that there is everything in it. It can be said that it is not much better than the room Yu Mumu rented.

"Mumu, do you live here too?"

Hearing Bai Yinghou's voice, Yu Mumu turned around and looked over. The resentment on his face had long since dissipated when he saw these things in the room.

"Queen Bai Ying, it seems we are going to be roommates."

Although Bai Liu has a high status, Yu Mumu is not the original owner. At most, he is polite, but it is absolutely impossible to flatter him.

But Bai Liu was relieved that Yu Mumu treated her so normally. She didn't want to hold it all the time. Sometimes, not everyone could accept being flattered calmly.

"Wow, this room is much nicer than I imagined."

After saying that, Bai Yingqueen reached out and touched the bedding. It was really slippery, and it felt a bit cold.

After all, Queen Bai Ying had married into a wealthy family, so she recognized the brand of this bedding at a glance.

"Before, I thought 3 points was a bit expensive, but now it seems that it is just like what Administrator Su said, we have made a profit."

Bai Yinghou looked at the tableware placed on the table, the decorated vases, and the incense and other things on the side. They were all famous brands.

Although Yu Mumu could tell that these were good things, he really couldn't guess the price.

After all, she is not a native of this novel world, and there are very few things in the memory of the original owner, so she can only think about paying off the debt.

"Are these things expensive?"

If someone else asked such a question, Queen Bai Ying would probably think that this person was pretending, but when Yu Mumu asked, she naturally believed him. Who makes Yu Mumu poor?

"The cheapest bedding of this brand costs hundreds of thousands. I just touched it. It should be specially customized. As for the price, you can guess for yourself."

There are also many rich people in the live broadcast room, and some people use this brand of bedding in their homes.

[What Bai Shadow Queen said just now is true. The products from this brand are extremely expensive, and they also have a very strange rule.

That is, their beds and bedding are sold as a set. The cheapest bed starts at 100 million, but although it is expensive, it is really comfortable and the quality is very good. 】

[And the tableware, I took a look just now. It’s exactly the same as what I saw in the shopping mall window last month. A set costs tens of thousands. 】【Hiss, is this the strength of the owner of the villa?Sure enough, for a person of Mr. Su's level, the place where he stays is not a cheap place. 】

[Isn’t this a bit of a show of wealth? Is such an expensive thing suitable for us to see?Won't it cause disputes? 】

【The sour chicken is thick!If you don't want to watch it, don't disturb our movie queen sister, let us see what the world of rich people is like. 】

[That is, I am announcing now that this program is the only way for me to understand the quality life of rich people! 】


The camera was installed in the room early, but it did not face the bed directly, only the rest area.

The PDs did not enter the room directly. Yu Mumu and Bai Yinghou also started to pack their things.

Although this is a double room, there are two bathrooms, so it will not disturb the privacy of another person at all.

Such a configuration made Xiao Taotao couldn't help but sigh: "Host, tell me, is it because you are here?

Therefore, the farmyard in the original plot cannot be used, and the recording has become a live broadcast, and a rich guy has been revealed to you. We are about to release it~~~"

Yu Mumu went directly into the bathroom on the left, washed herself briefly, and then said to Xiao Taotao with some disdain: "After all, you are someone who has seen big scenes with me, why are you so unstable? "

Xiao Taotao:......

Just when Xiao Taotao was beginning to wonder if she was a bit petty, Yu Mumu spoke directly: "Are there any treasures around here?"

It is familiar with this task, although it cannot directly take the host to the sky and into the sea, nor can it create a space larger than a playground for the host, nor can it exchange all kinds of strange things for the host.

But it is considerate, it can help the host identify treasures, and can also chat with the host.

Immediately, it started to identify treasures with confidence, but soon it got stuck because its eyes were a little blurry. Half of the mountain was actually full of treasures!
", something's wrong!"

"You are not good!"

"Really, the owner here is even more outrageous than you were before. Do you know how many treasures there are here? Just the inconspicuous grass at the door of the cabin you live in is worth 10,000+ per plant. The key is here There is a big piece!

On the back mountain, there are also some herbs that are about to become extinct in this world, which are of immeasurable value. Even the rockery next to the yard next door is priceless, as well as the solid wood furniture, vases, calligraphy and paintings in the house. yes……"

As Xiao Taotao pointed out these things one by one, Yu Mumu felt an emotion called "jealousy" in her heart, and it filled the air.

Now thinking about the last mission, the little emperor really relied on her as his own mother. Not only did he give her the mansion of the shabby regent, which cost countless rare treasures, he even gave her the royal treasurer. pick.

There were so many treasures, but it was a pity that she retired without any preparation. She had not yet kissed, touched and lifted them up enough.

(⊙o⊙)…, my heart aches! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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