In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 23 [Jealousy makes people look ugly, hypocrisy makes people’s souls stink! 】

Chapter 23 [Jealousy makes people look ugly, hypocrisy makes people’s souls stink! 】

【Laughing to death!I thought Yu Mumu was doing it to gain a position in the family, and Dare to be a lover was to cut off the possibility of others being disgusted with her from the very beginning. 】

[Although the fish bitch is really annoying, what she just said is true. The men on the blind date game nowadays should not be too weird! 】

[Nowadays, many men have an inexplicable sense of superiority. If they don’t know it, they think that their family has a throne to inherit. They either pick on the girl’s appearance or her age, which makes her feel sick! 】


Seeing the people in the live broadcast room, their focus was once again shifted by Yu Mumu. They had been told that Yu Mumu was the director who liked to act like a monster, and they suddenly narrowed their eyes slightly.

If it was just a coincidence, then if it happened several times in a row, it would not be a coincidence, but intentional. It seemed that he was going to re-examine Yu Mumu.

On the other side, the other guests also encountered questions from the PD after getting on the bus, but their live broadcast rooms were relatively more harmonious. After all, they all have huge fan bases.

Relatively speaking, the questions they were asked were much easier.

Especially their first two questions are very similar, and can be directly summarized as: I am looking forward to the next copy of life they will start, asking them what they think, or the enthusiastic expressions of love from fans.

However, because Yu Mumu had not taken the usual path before, his presence was a bit strong. Zhang Qingya’s last question was about Yu Mumu.

"Yaya, fans and friends would like to know how you have tolerated such a disgusting person like Yu Mumu for so many years?"

Zhang Qingya naturally couldn't say that, of course because Yu Mumu still had value, let alone that they really used Yu Mumu as nourishment, knocking bones and sucking marrow.

"Of course it's because Mumu and I are friends. Everyone knows that I have a long-established style. When I first debuted, there was no splash. I even wondered if I was not suitable for the entertainment industry.

At that time, Mu Mu was already somewhat famous, and she kept comforting me. In fact, Mu Mu was a very good person, she was just..."

The smartest thing about Zhang Qingya is that even if she takes advantage of Yu Mumu, she will never say anything bad about Yu Mumu in front of and behind her.

Even when others say Yu Mumu, she still has to defend her. However, her defense has always been to leave blank spaces and let the audience guess for themselves.

[Baby Yaya is so kind. Now she is still thinking about her previous friendship with the fish bitch, but she is not that kind. She is not a typical person who is considerate when others are not as good as herself.

But once others surpassed her, she herself began to decline, and she began to behave like a monster, extremely twisted, and even used various conspiracy methods. 】

[Isn’t this just because I’m afraid that my brothers will suffer hardships, and I’m also afraid that my brothers will drive Land Rover? However, Fish Bitch is not someone who sincerely regards our Yaya baby as a friend. She is just showing off her sense of superiority. 】

[If you really care about our Yaya baby, why would you make pornographic announcements again and again to disgust our Yaya baby? 】

[Yaya baby, you are not without talent. You just take it one step at a time. Unlike the fish bitch, she was lucky. She met the role of the little fairy as soon as she debuted. After that, she became like this. This is proof! 】


Seeing that the barrage was all about comforting Zhang Qingya, and even when he was criticizing Yu Mumu when she was a little famous before, she deliberately made her presence felt in front of the actresses of the same period. Isn't this just showing off?All of a sudden, many fans who were angry at all began to rush directly into Yu Mumu's live broadcast room and began to refresh the screen uniformly: [Jealousy makes people look ugly, hypocrisy makes people's souls stink! 】

Fortunately, Yu Mumu didn't see it, otherwise, she would have even said: Oh, it rhymes, this generation of netizens are not such waste!
Bai Yinghou was in a similar situation here. The first two questions were both innocuous, but the last question made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Fans and friends are very concerned about the rumors about your marriage change online, Queen Bai Ying. They hope you can respond and give the netizens who are talking such nonsense a slap in the face."

White Shadow Queen:......

I really doubt that it was PPF who asked this stupid question. Otherwise, how would he know what question could stab her heart accurately?

But since she has chosen to come back, she naturally has no intention of hiding this issue, and that family will not give her the opportunity to continue to work in the entertainment industry as the Song family's daughter-in-law.

He chuckled suddenly, at least he didn't see that she was unhappy at all, especially this smile, which was really healing.

All I can say is that she is worthy of being a movie queen. This facial expression management is quite awesome. Even if she feels very angry and deserves to die, she is still so decent.

Then he looked at the screen with very sincere eyes: "First of all, thank you fans and friends for your concern. Secondly, I want to say that everyone is an independent individual and will not change because of playing different roles in different stages of life. .

I am very grateful that a very sincere relationship appeared in my life, which allowed me to experience the happiness of being a wife, a mother, and a daughter-in-law.

In the future, I will continue to start another experience in the entertainment industry as Bai Liu, and I will also repay my fans and friends who like me with a better role. "

This was said very tactfully, but she naturally understood what she was supposed to understand, and even thanked her ex-husband's family, but she had different plans for the future.

Fans were immediately moved and cried out, their actress sister is so gentle.

[We career fans have finally ushered in spring~~~ (crying and laughing)]

[Sister is so right. Each of us is an independent individual. We don’t want to be labeled as someone’s wife or someone’s mother. The Ziweixings of 2023 are thousands of awakened and independent women! 】

[Sister Daai’s previous roles have almost made me want to eat them. It’s great. There will be a new electronic pickle soon! ! ! 】

The anti-fans, as well as the former opponents of Queen Bai, are also very happy at this moment. Bai Liu has indeed become an abandoned wife. Why should a person like this compete with them for roles in the future.

[To put it nicely, isn’t it just that I got divorced and was kicked out of a wealthy family? But I want to say it so grandly, a movie queen is a movie queen~]

[Hey, who says it’s not the case? There are some fans who just like to praise others. If they really live a good life, how can they not be a good lady and come here to suffer hardships? It’s obvious that they have been kicked out of a wealthy family and they still have to pay. Putting gold on your own, yue~disgusting! 】

[Just wait for some fans to be slapped in the face~]

(End of this chapter)

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