In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 44: Even those who are reborn cannot defeat our cheaters!

Chapter 44: Even those who are reborn cannot defeat our cheaters!

A huge iron door suddenly appeared in front of Yu Mumu's eyes. At first glance, it seemed that this hole was used to store wine, and it was also an abandoned place.

Yu Mumu immediately lost interest and turned around without thinking about leaving.

Just looking at how dirty she was, Yu Mumu didn't want to go through the same journey again. She wasn't looking for abuse.

He said directly to Xiao Taotao: "See if there is any other way out."

Xiao Taotao immediately started to call up the route map. There really was another way out of this abandoned wine cellar.

Looking at the road map, Yu Mumu was a little speechless. This road map turned out to be behind another wall, which meant that she had to find a way to push that wall away.

There should be some kind of mechanism here, but judging from the appearance here, it must have been abandoned for a long time, and I don't know if those mechanisms can still be used.

Yu Mumu thought about it and started to find a mechanism. In any case, it was much better than pushing with brute force.

After checking, there was only a combination lock on the iron door side. Yu Mumu's hand reached out to the iron door, and he was about to push open the code lock cover to take a look.

With a "click", the iron door opened!opened!
Yu Mumu:......

"Xiao Taotao, what's going on? How many times have I told you, if I don't let you cheat, don't cheat!"

This makes her so embarrassed~~~
Xiao Taotao was also a little confused, it hadn't exerted its strength yet: "Host, not me!"

Yu Mumu had made a three-part agreement with Xiao Taotao at the beginning, and they had to clearly define their rights and responsibilities, saying it was for the sake of peaceful coexistence.

But in fact, she was worried that one day she would become a puppet of the system, so she brainwashed Xiao Taotao for hundreds of years, making this little fool strictly abide by the rules. If she didn't say anything, this little fool could not do anything.

Since it wasn't Xiao Taotao who did it, Yu Mumu thought for a moment, then turned around and pushed the wall directly.

Then, the wall opened with just a slight push.

Xiao Taotao was also dumbfounded now.

"Host, you are cheating!"

If it were anyone else, he would probably go crazy with joy, but Yu Mumu couldn't be happy. Cheating doesn't mean a good thing.

This shows that the energy conservation of this world has really been destroyed. Otherwise, apart from the bugs that come with the system, other cheats should not exist.

Yu Mumu could only carry the rabbit and came out of the abandoned wine cellar full of worries. At this moment, Yu Mumu's whole body was as dirty as if it had rolled on the ground.

When Yu Mumu returned to her residence, she saw Sister Yao waiting for her.

"Oh my god! What have you done!"

Yu Mumu was not in the mood to talk to Sister Yao now, so she threw the rabbit to the ground casually: "I'm going to catch the rabbit. I'll go wash up first."

With that said, he opened the room and closed the door again, so that Sister Yao, who wanted to continue to curse, swallowed the curse words abruptly.

"Just do it!"

After Sister Yao finished scolding her, she left angrily.

No one knew that the people in the computer room were dumbfounded when they saw Yu Mumu coming out of the abandoned wine cellar, and they didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, he had thought that Yu Mumu would fly into the sky and escape from his surveillance. Unexpectedly, this guy actually ran into the wine cellar.But in just a moment, his eyes changed from dumbfounded to shocked. The passage under the wine cellar requires a special access card to open.

This wine cellar took a lot of effort to build, but it was later abandoned due to heavy rains that caused the mountain behind to collapse, destroying the humidity in the wine cellar.

The man immediately asked someone to check, and soon received a reply. The door control at the wine cellar was intact and had not been damaged at all.

Thinking of this, the man immediately called out. There is indeed something wrong with this woman Yu Mumu!

If Xiao Taotao were a real person at this moment, you would be able to see that it would definitely have its head drooped: "Host, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, That's not only someone taking the tea, there's also a group of people taking the tea!!!"

Just now, it directly contacted the administration, and the results showed that it had retired and no longer had the authority to view any information. It was so miserable (﹏).

"Host, someone must have framed us! That's why we were thrown into this world with abnormal energy. The original plot must not be watched!"

They came here to provide for the elderly. Now that they are well, they have to turn into intrigues again. It’s really miserable. I really want to cry~~~
"Okay, stop howling. It seems that there should be reborn people in this world, but we are cheaters. In the past, reborn people have never been able to defeat us cheaters!"

Xiao Taotao thought about it, and she was right. Those who traveled through time could not defeat those who were reborn, but those who were reborn could not defeat those who cheated. Hey, luckily there was a host, otherwise Tong would have been scared to death.

Yu Mumu lowered her eyelids. She originally wanted to spend the first three chapters of the cannon fodder plot peacefully, and then live a good life.

But now that she is not allowed to retire well, she can't be blamed for having fun. She has long wanted to poke some people's lungs!

The live broadcast is finally over. The guests dragged their tired bodies back. Due to an unexpected situation today, everyone's completion was not very good. Finally, the comprehensive score is down.

All the members just met the standard and got ten points.

Bai Ying later opened the door and saw Yu Mumu lying on the bed with her arms stretched out.

She had heard that Yu Mumu was almost stabbed today and fell into the water. She expected to see a pale Yu Mumu.

As a result, he looked completely heartless, and she suddenly envied Yu Mumu for being such a big-headed person.

The movements were also much gentler subconsciously, but they still alerted Yu Mumu who had just fallen asleep.

"Sister Bai, are you back?"

A smile appeared on Bai Yinghou's tired face: "Yes."

Yu Mumu was about to ask how today's recording was when her cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was a message from Su Yuchen.

Especially when she saw the last sentence and her manager was there, Yu Mumu's face suddenly darkened.

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Mumu changed her clothes, said something to Queen Bai, and went out.

When we arrived at the place, we saw from a distance that Su Yuchen was sitting and Sister Yao was standing. It looked like she was training someone.

"Why did you come to me!"

Su Yuchen looked at Yu Mumu's angry look and did not speak directly. Instead, he looked at Sister Yao. The meaning was obvious: Look at who you have under your command!

Sister Yao tugged at Yu Mumu's clothes with some resentment and said, "Speak well!"

(End of this chapter)

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