Chapter 49 Yu Mumuke is so hard to kill

After the so-called assistance contract was exposed, Yu Mumu finally understood why the original owner was in the dark.

The audience is still somewhat tolerant when the original owner still has that face, even if it is reported online that the original owner has a poor character, poor acting skills, and a bad temper.

But when this contract was exposed, it was no longer an online rumor, but a complete hammering that the original owner was an ungrateful person, and the audience's last trace of tolerance for the original owner disappeared.

In the past, there were many companies with a bad reputation in the industry who also wanted to pick up the slack. The original owner's face was really punchable. Even if he couldn't become an actor, he could still do live broadcasts. make money.

But it was also because of this contract that the original owner's other options were blocked. After all, whoever runs the company is a true philanthropist?
For a person who even controls her own parents, no one will give her a chance to show up.

Xiao Taotao suddenly became angry: "I really didn't expect that this company is so bad. No matter what, the original owner also made a lot of money for the company when there was trouble in the past.

Unexpectedly, the dog company was so unwilling to miss the old relationship and dig such a big hole for the original owner's resources. It was considered that the original owner's escape path was completely cut off. "

According to the original plot, the company and the show crew are seeking compensation from the original owner, who has even lost her last antique shop. After all, the original owner is a young girl in her early 20s. No wonder she wants to die.

Now Yu Mumu is not doing things according to the original owner's style of dealing with things, but as long as these people are determined to calculate, even if the original owner did nothing at that time, today's incident will still be brought out.

So, why didn't Yu Mumu take this opportunity to vent her anger?
He immediately smiled and said to Zhang Qingya: "Since you want to ride a roller coaster, let's go together!"

[When things go wrong, there must be monsters. The fish bitch obviously didn’t want us Yaya baby to play with before, but now she suddenly changed her mind. She must be doing something to hurt our Yaya baby! 】

[Now it seems that Fish Bitch is really insidious. If a fan hadn't exposed it, we wouldn't have believed that a person could do such a thing to his benefactor! 】

[If there is such a person around us, we will feel very scary. Not to mention, people with such a good background as Yaya, who can benefit from being around her, must have deeper scheming. 】

[Let me just say, how can a person who has been in the entertainment industry since he was a teenager be a good person? If he tells the outside world that he has to pay off his debts, he may have defrauded many people. 】

[Are there any fans nearby? Hurry up and stop the fish bitch from framing our Yaya baby! 】


At this moment, it was the carnival of the anti-fans, who completely put Yu Mumu to death on the pillar of shame of being ungrateful.

And Yu Mumu, who was at the center of the storm, looked completely clueless at the moment.

Zhang Qingya instinctively felt that something was wrong with Yu Mumu now. She felt it was dangerous and wanted to refuse immediately.

"Mumu, I've been out long enough, it's time to go back and see my 'students'."

But before she could turn around, Yu Mumu grabbed her hand, and she couldn't break free no matter what.

"Mumu, you scratched me!"

Yu Mumu's figure paused, but her face still wore the Sun Wukong smiling mask, making it impossible for people to know her current emotions.

"I said, you can go ride the roller coaster together!"

This voice had a tone that could not be refuted. Zhang Qingya came from a wealthy family, and even her manager who usually took care of her would not dare to speak to her in such a tone.

At this moment, she was slightly frightened when she heard Yu Mumu's tone. That is to say, when she was frightened, she was carried forward by Yu Mumu's strength.By the time she was waiting for her reaction, she had already arrived at the roller coaster checkpoint.

Even though Zhang Qingya was actually very reluctant, Yu Mumu used clever force when pulling her over.

So even if it was filmed with a high-definition camera, no one could tell that it was Yu Mumu who forced Zhang Qingya.

Zhao Ji cautiously said from the side: "Well... I just bought two tickets..."

Then, Yu Mumu directly pushed Zhang Qingya and Zhao Ji in together, and the staff directly pressed them into their seats.

This time Zhang Qingya finally realized that she was indeed on the roller coaster, but she turned into Yu Mumu and gave her her ticket.

According to the original plan, this should be Yu Mumu's darkest moment, but unexpectedly, Yu Mumu actually gave up her ticket which was almost a "free prostitution".

Zhang Qingya suddenly panicked and quickly wanted to take off her bumper, but was stopped by the staff on the side: "What are you doing!"


But it's too late, the roller coaster has officially started.

Yu Mumu's movements were so fast that even Zhao Ji, who had previously wanted to trick her, was a little dumbfounded at the moment.

Yu Mumu patted her hand lightly, as if flicking the dust off her body: "This is just a small interest."

While waiting to squeeze out of the inspection gate, Yu Mumu deliberately smiled proudly at the camera.

"I'm an outspoken person, and sometimes I can't speak out of my mind. But if I know my mistakes, I'll correct them and let Yaya sit down. It doesn't matter to me. I'll have another chance in the future."

Isn't he just a smiling tiger, like no one else.

Suddenly, some "words of justice" were inserted into the barrage that had been completely black before.

[Let me just say, when it comes to things on the Internet, you have to eat slowly, otherwise the reversal will happen before your anger has calmed down. 】

[Yes, I also think that Yu Mumu is not that bad. If she is really as bad as rumored, Zhang Qingya is not out of her mind and would help such a person. 】

[Yu Mumu said that she is outspoken, but in fact her emotional intelligence is too low. This is not her fault. Who made her drop out of school at a young age? She has no other advantages except her face. 】

[There should be people like this around us. Her words are really unpleasant to listen to, and she usually has many shortcomings and bad habits that make people hate her. But to say how bad she is, she really is not. 】


Luo Ai's eyes darkened when she saw someone starting to speak for Yu Mumu again.

She really didn't expect that at this time, with all the trump cards out, Yu Mumu could still make some noise, but it was so difficult to kill!
After thinking about it, she took out a brand new phone card and sent a message: [It may still take a while here. 】

After sending it successfully, I immediately cut up the phone card and threw it into the toilet.

(End of this chapter)

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