After eating, Yu Mumu returned to the Yan family and started the career that she had devoted to providing for her elderly when she first came to this world.

Everyone in Kyoto watched Yu Mumu come back for a long time. They were very quiet and did not directly attack them. Everyone felt a little calmer.

Although they did help the interest group headed by the Xuanyuan family to cause trouble before.

But this world is never one word, and as long as the Xuanyuan family is not completely destroyed, they will be fine.

With this understanding, the situation in Kyoto, which had been somewhat tense before, suddenly became much more relaxed. At least, people would no longer have insomnia.

If they knew that Yu Mumu could not destroy the Xuanyuan family, they would feel more relieved.

After all, the Xuanyuan family is considered a hegemon. If it is destroyed, it means that there are other families who have a say. This is a very dangerous signal.

Until a month later, the situation in Kyoto still had not changed at all. Now, everyone would no longer worry about gains and losses.

Although Yu Mumu is quite scary, as long as Yu Mumu doesn't come out to cause trouble, they don't have to worry so much.

However, due to Yu Mumu's existence, they restrained themselves a lot.

Whether they are people from the Lu family, Xuanyuan family, or even those from other families, they are all more at peace.

The most intuitive feeling is that the playboys in their family have become more sensible and no longer engage in mischief outside.

I'm afraid that Yu Mumu will be disturbed, and then Yu Mumu will be caught as a model, which will cause trouble to the situation that has finally settled down.

At first, Yan Tianjing thought about letting Yu Mumuduo go out for a walk. If he was really bored, he could hold a banquet at home and invite more young people of the same age to come back and play.

Maybe you can meet a few people you get along with, and everyone can have fun together.

But Yu Mumu refused, and for this month, she ate and slept at home every day.

Except for occasionally taking care of things, I definitely don't like to go out.

It was only after the housekeeper dug out the video and proved that many young people now behave like the eldest lady at home that he finally put aside his worries.

Yu Mumu was at home, and the bodyguards and assistants who had been following her were not idle. They were all sent out by Yu Mumu and entrusted with important tasks, and they were very busy.

Even Xiao Taotao's clone was trained to death by Yu Mumu who asked people from the Luolan Group.

Although the clone is not flesh and blood, and does not know how to be tired, it makes those who teach her feel bad.

They used to think that it was their blessing that the eldest lady could grow up like this.

Now that they saw the eldest lady 'squeezing' Miss Taotao like this, they made a lot of assumptions about how the eldest lady had been here since she was a child.

All the grown men wanted to perform and wipe their tears on the spot.

Lou Zhe was also sent out by Yu Mumu to keep an eye on all the properties of the Liang family in Nancheng. Although the Liang family had no direct descendants, if there were good ones from the side branches, they could be promoted.

Although he didn't understand what the boss wanted to do, Lou Zhe still accepted the order.

None of these things were hidden from the Yan family. ,
Yan Zhan finally found a free evening and tentatively asked Yu Mumu.

"Little sister, you have scattered all the confidants around you and subdivided all the properties in your name. What do you want to do?"

Yu Mumu had no intention of hiding it, and directly stated her plan: "Of course I want to retire.

I am a young and beautiful girl. If I don’t enjoy life well and have to take care of so many things every day, how much will I have to worry about? Besides, if I have to keep an eye on everything, what else do I need those people to do? I just delegate some authority in advance. "

Yan Zhan:......

He is considered a well-informed person, and this is the first time he has seen someone who doesn't care about rights so much.

Even if his uncle had appointed him as his heir early, he was not able to delegate power so quickly.

"Aren't you afraid of the people below rebelling?"

"If someone can rebel, I will look up to them. If someone can act like a monster under me without being discovered by me, this is considered a kind of talent."

Now Yan Zhan finally understood what Yu Mumu meant. She was quite confident that no one could make waves in her hands.

"Okay, as long as you're happy, if you need me for anything, you're welcome."

Yu Mumu nodded, and then continued to lie on the open-air terrace, looking at the stars in the sky while eating the barbecue cooked by the specially hired chef.

This little day is simply beautiful.

At this moment, Yu Mumu was very grateful that the ancestors of the Yan family had such a good vision that they found such a good place to be the Yan family's ancestral home.

At least, Yu Mumu felt that living here was quite comfortable, more comfortable than those manors he lived in abroad.

Seeing his sister enjoying life so much, Yan Zhan was also infected by the atmosphere. He imitated her and drank beer while lying down half-lying.

Needless to say, it’s really quite comfortable.

"Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered that Lu Shiyan is back. I think he will come to visit soon. Are you sure you won't cancel your engagement with him?"

Although there is indeed no better person than Lu Shiyan, Yan Zhan still feels that Lu Shiyan is not good enough for his sister.

"Then wait until you find someone better and then tell me about the replacement."

Yan Zhan:......

Yes, he just talks too much. Neither of these two people are good at it. It’s hard to say that they are still enjoying it!
Little did Yu Mumu know that the complaints coming from his brother were quite sharp.

"What's going on with the Bai family? Do they still dare to get involved?"

"Who do you think would dare to come forward to be your sister-in-law now? With you facing each other day and night, I guess no one will come forward until you get married."

Yan Zhan was just telling the truth, but Yu Mumu felt that he was even more powerful than the evil mother-in-law.

Thinking about the last time, she just said a few words and scared the white snow geese of the Bai family into retreating.

Yu Mumu felt that her reputation had obviously been greatly violated, and she wanted to make up for it.

"This is somewhat personal. I'm a very easy person to get along with.

If my sister-in-law is a good person, I can even give her part of my assets. Who else can be as generous as me? "

"You can stop it. I'm not afraid that someone will come here for the assets you gave me."

He has no idea of ​​getting married yet, so he just drove away a wave of people. If another wave comes, he will be annoyed to death! (End of chapter)

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