She didn't understand what Lu Shiyan was doing. He clearly wanted to spread the news that they were getting married.

The news of the marriage between the Yan family and the Lu family was only circulated in the aristocratic family circles, and the general public outside had no chance to know about it.

Lu Shiyan clearly wanted to let people who were unlikely to participate in their wedding banquet know about it.

How could she think that someone like Lu Shiyan would be bullied and want to stand up for him?

Yu Mumu suddenly felt like he had shot himself in the foot.

Within half a day, the news spread that Yu Mumu was getting married, and those gossip reporters came after smelling the news.

The official websites of the studio and several well-known companies owned by Yu Mu Mu are full of questions from netizens from all walks of life.

When Sister Yao saw the news, she was just stunned for two seconds, and then immediately spread all the marketing accounts and trolls in her hands.

Soon, several related companies simultaneously announced the news that Yu Mumu was about to get married, fearing that netizens would be led to attack by someone with malicious intentions.

He also made it clear that the groom was the son of an acquaintance whose family background was not inferior to that of Yu Mumu.

Only then did they reluctantly guide this wave of hot searches in the direction they wanted.

[This is the legendary powerful alliance. However, it is a bit miserable for Yu Mumu to have to marry the son of a famous family despite his worth. 】

[What a shame, you earn 3,000 a month, do you think the marriage between two families worth tens of billions is miserable? 】

[What, I suspect, Yu Mumu’s groom is the man who walked the red carpet with her at the award ceremony. If he is such a man, even if he is a pauper, his face is still worth it. What! 】

[This damn girl Yu Mumu eats really well. Not only is she rich, her husband is also so handsome...]


Sister Yao now also knows Lu Shiyan's identity. She doesn't dare to reveal his identity easily and can only let people stare online.

At this moment, the sailors all wish they were so sharp-eyed. Who asked Sister Yao to give a high unit price? This is twice as expensive as the market price.

There are people on the Internet who are secretly talking about Lu Shiyan's identity, but they are very vague and say that the man's family background is unattainable, but he is a good match for Yu Mumu.

But because of Yu Tenbi's reputation, many people thought that the husband's family was probably a wealthy family, and no one thought about where the family would go.

As the time for Yu Mumu's wedding gets closer and closer, many people here in Kyoto are under increasing pressure, and many families from abroad have sent people over.

Even though Yu Mumu didn't send them invitations at all, these people came in surprise, claiming that as long as the gifts were delivered, it didn't matter whether they came to the banquet or not.

The Lu family and the Yan family also wanted to face each other. People have said so. How can they be embarrassed not to give invitations?
On the day of the wedding, many ordinary people in Kyoto clearly felt the tension in public security, but they didn't know why.

Yan Tianjing and Yan Zhan finally saw Yu Taotao, who was said to look very similar to Yu Mumu.

The two of them were suddenly so curious that they wished they could make up for everything that Yu Mumu lacked when she was a child.

Lu Shiyan didn't know the relationship between Yu Mumu and Xiao Taotao, so he felt a little uncomfortable watching this scene.

He quickly said to Yu Mumu: "From now on, everything in our house belongs to you!" Yu Mumu immediately laughed: "You don't think that I will be jealous of a girl, do you? Xiao Taotao is My confidant, from now on, most of my overseas properties will be managed by her.”

Lu Shiyan was very surprised, but it was not because he felt that Yu Mumu gave most of his property to others instead of his own children.

"Do you believe her that much? Aren't you afraid that she will change her mind when she grows up?"

"Well, she is the person I trust most in the world, and even you have to be ranked behind her."

Lu Shiyan was a little bit jealous, but more rationally: "Although you trust her, you still need to supervise her."

"You can think of her as a robot, a robot that has been programmed."

Lu Shiyan was really shocked now, but what shocked him even more was that Yu Mumu would tell him such a confidential matter.

"I see."

He said that Yu Mumu had done so many things before to give those aristocratic families who were not attached to the Lu family or the Xuanyuan family a place to stay.

How could it be so childish to entrust everything that was finally built up to a little girl with no hair at all?

It turns out that Yu Mumu has already made better arrangements. If it is handed over to their future children, who can guarantee that their children will definitely do what their parents want?
Everyone is an independent individual with his own thoughts and ambitions. No one can guarantee what will happen in the future.

Then it seems that those hidden stakes that only he knows about need other arrangements.

Yan Shu also came back, but she obviously knew that there was no benefit to her being a demon now, so she stayed in the corner very quietly.

Even the former male protagonist Sheng Changqing is like this. Because he stabbed the Xuanyuan family in the back, he is keeping a low profile at the moment.

At this moment, the luck of those in the protagonist group finally completely dissipated.

This world in the book, which was originally a retirement home, has finally transformed into a small world that can truly operate independently, without being controlled by the plot or the Time and Space Administration.

Xiao Taotao couldn't help crying with joy: [Host, great, we finally did it. Now, this can finally become your little world for retirement. 】

Looking at the family not far away, Lu Shiyan beside him, and Xiao Taotao who was very out of touch.

Yu Mumu finally felt that she was complete. As the last descendant of the Tomb Keeper clan, the despair and loneliness she felt when doing tasks, as well as the emptiness in her heart when doing tasks, all disappeared at this moment.

The legacy of the tombkeeper has reappeared in this world. She also has a family, a lover, and will have children of her own in the future.

After marriage, Lu Shiyan no longer had the aloof, cold and alienated feeling before, and his whole person was completely full of fireworks.

Mr. Lu was once worried that people like Lu Shiyan would lose control and bring disaster to the Lu family, but he never thought that his style of painting would change like this.

He didn't seem to care about the Lu family's authority at all. At this moment, he finally admitted that his original defense was wrong.

When Lu Qian was promoted as the next heir to the Lu family, he was still a little confused.

But he can only bite the bullet, because his third brother and his third sister-in-law have lived a retired life like a couple of gods since they got married. They can't find anyone at all all year round! (End of chapter)

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