Chapter 59 You crossed the line!
The assistant director originally thought that Yu Mumu would be more "sensible" and come to apologize to him. After all, the entertainment industry is so realistic. Even the staff can step on people who are not famous.

But he never expected that Yu Mumu would go directly to sit next to him and listen to the song, completely ignoring him.

The assistant director suddenly laughed angrily. This was the first time he had seen such an unscrupulous person. He deserved to be fooled!

This time on the plane, there was finally no trouble.

But when Yu Mumu returned to Kyoto, Sister Yao actually sent someone to pick her up. This treatment was revoked after she was confused.

"Sister Yu, is this all your luggage?"

The person who came to pick up Yu Mumu turned out to be a young man who had just stepped out of society. She was so confused that she didn't even show her face because she was sent to pick her up, and she even enthusiastically helped to carry her luggage.

"Well, that's all."

The young man saw that Yu Mumu's expression was much better than that of the people in the company whose eyes reached the top of their heads, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he looked at Yu Mumu carefully and said, "Sister Yu, my name is Chi Yi, and I am the new driver and assistant assigned to you by the company."

Hearing this, Yu Mumu's eyes immediately fell on Chi Yi: "What did you just say?"

Chi Yi was also a little unsure of Yu Mumu's temperament, so he could only say it again in a low voice.

Yu Mumu: Good guy, this company is really unprofitable. When she was a fool, she wished she could even take back the 2000 yuan rent for a single room. Now that she has nothing to do to be courteous, she must be eyeing the resources in her hands. .

"Okay, just follow me for now. Maybe I'll be replaced again in two days."

Chi Yi didn't say anything. Anyway, he was just a freshly graduated intern and had no right to choose. He would go wherever the company asked him to go.

When she arrived at the company, before Sister Yao could even say a few words to her, Luo Ai came with someone.

Even though she looked down on Yu Mumu's dead appearance, her tone was still good: "Mumu, you performed well this time. I spent a lot of words and words to pack you up together."

Looking at Luo Ai's appearance, there was something else that Sister Yao didn't understand. Luo Ai still didn't give up and wanted to rob Yu Mumu of her resources.

She had repeatedly given in before, just to make a living for her artists.

Now that her artist has the ability to find a living, if someone wants to grab it, it depends on whether she agrees or not.

"Luo Ai, Mu Mu has just come back. If you have anything to do, tell me. All her affairs should go through me as her agent!"

Yu Mumu immediately raised her eyebrows and looked at Sister Yao. Wow, she really didn't expect that Sister Yao had such a strong side.

"Yao Fen, do you really want to go against me?"

"It's not that I want to fight against you, it's that you have crossed the line!"


The two started arguing, and the sound was quite loud. This temporary lounge was not soundproof to begin with.

At this time, other people in the company also pretended to eavesdrop on the gossip.

Yu Mumu acted like a good baby throughout the whole process, as if these things had nothing to do with her.

Sister Yao didn't give in the whole time, and Luo Ai couldn't force her away. She could only give her a fierce look, then turned around and left with the others.

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that Luo Ai will definitely not give up like this.

After all, even if they are artists from the same company, she will grab the resources that Luo Ai likes.Sister Yao watched Luo Ai leave, then took a deep breath, and then glared at Yu Mumu.

"I bet you were smart this time. You knew how to use Bai Yinghou's hand to expose yourself during the live broadcast. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to keep this resource at all!"

They had already had a meeting this morning, although most people were biased towards Luo Ai.

I feel that Yu Mumu is just a fool, and it is a waste to use the resources of the Yang Group.

It should be given to more suitable artists to maximize profits. At the worst, when the time comes, just add another resource to Yu Mumu.

But Sister Yao just killed it. What Yu Mumu and Bai Yinghou said on the live broadcast were watched by millions of fans.

If we change the resources, not only will we be ridiculed by netizens, but we might also offend the Baiying Queen!

Leaders are not fools for such a potentially overturning decision, so naturally they will not be willing to take the blame.

So I just let them negotiate privately, but it would be better if they can think about the company.

This is why Luo Ai couldn't force Yu Mumu to hand over the resources.

"Hurry up and show me what kind of resource it is. I have offended a lot of people today just to keep your resource!"

Regardless of whether Sister Yao has her own position, she is on her side anyway, and Yu Mumu naturally accepts this sentiment.

Then he handed over the folded agreement, and Sister Yao's eyes widened immediately. No wonder, even Bai Yinghou said this was a good resource.

"You are really lucky. This program [Let's Move Forward Together] has an official background and all the selected guests will attract fans."

However, thinking that Yu Mumu had a lot of infamy, but fortunately there was no fatal clue, Sister Yao immediately breathed a sigh of relief and just took it upon herself to clear her name.

"Fortunately, you didn't expose the agreement early, otherwise, someone would have definitely taken over."

It's not that their company really can't get this resource.

But to win such a flying guest, you have to pay a lot of money, and the price/performance ratio is not high.

As for Yu Mumu, this is for free, so the company must have an idea. The oil and water in the middle will be rich.

Turning to the end, Sister Yao saw that she had only participated in one episode, and she had been paid 30 yuan, which was indeed much more generous than the current big-production "Fantasy Life".

Of course, it is not ruled out that Luo Ai made some small moves in the middle and ate the price difference. However, this is not something they can interfere with.

"This show is quite rushed. There are still three days left. During these few days, you should rest at home, but don't make any trouble, you know?"

"Then Chi Yi, was it arranged by the company for me?"

Sister Yao was chattering to Yu Mumu when she suddenly heard Yu Mumu's question and was stunned for a moment before she reacted.

"Oh, no, I tried to find a way to apply for a whitewashing fee for you, but it turned out that the negative information about your ungratefulness was directly covered by your low emotional intelligence. There is nothing to clean up.

I just used this money to apply for someone for you. I don’t have that much time to focus on your affairs, so please be more careful! "

Yu Mumu:......

"Then I will go back to my hometown to deal with some family matters in the next two days."

(End of this chapter)

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