Chapter 68 I have 5.2 eyes!

After getting out of the car and seeing the vast prairie, Yu Mumu actually felt a little nostalgic. Back then, she had a mission to nurse an orphan from the General's Mansion.

As a female general, she did not have many privileges, but she stayed in the grassland for a full 20 years until she handed over a complete and powerful army to the grown-up orphan of the general's mansion.

At first, I felt that life in the grassland was monotonous and boring, but then I got used to it. Now that I came to the same scene again, I actually felt nostalgic. It turned out that I was getting older~
"Sister Yu, what are you looking at?"

Qu Na looked at Yu Mumu's longing expression and couldn't help but ask.

It seems that Qu Na, who is one of the heroine's best friends, is also an important character, so the relevant information is complete. She is already 21 years old, a few months older than the original heroine.

Yu Mumu withdrew her gaze: "Oh, I just want to know how far my eyes can see. After all, I have 5.2 eyes!"

I originally thought that Yu Mumu would say something knowledgeable or particularly tonal, but it turned out that Yu Mumu's reasons were so down-to-earth.

[Hahaha, it made me laugh so hard. I thought Yu Mumu Gaobo was going to say, "The wind blows through the grass and the cows and sheep see the cows and sheep" to show off, but it turned out that she was here to show off her good eyes! 】

[I finally understand why others say that Yu Mumu’s emotional intelligence is low. This is just a joke. 】

[I seriously doubt that the fish bitch is the one who wears glasses inside us, too much! 】


The staff who followed Yu Mumu really never imagined that Yu Mumu would attract so many viewers to complain with just one sentence.

But that's not all.

Yu Mumu withdrew her gaze, and then fell on Qu Na, who was half a head taller than her.

She asked as if unintentionally: "Nana, when were you born?"

If you ask someone else about this, you will probably be bullied by the Internet immediately. It is very impolite to ask a girl her age in public.

But who asked this question was Yu Mumu? She had been called low in emotional intelligence before, which directly broke the audience's expectations and bottom line.

Therefore, now, no matter how outrageous questions Yu Mumu asks, the audience will feel that this is something that a person with low emotional intelligence like Yu Mumu can do.


Qu Na was a little confused. Faced with a question like Yu Mumu's, she was a little confused. Why did the topic come to the year she was born?

If this wasn't a live broadcast, she would probably have asked: Are you sick?

But now, for the sake of character, she still answered honestly, but in her heart, she was already complaining.

"I was born in 02."

Yu Mumu groaned before saying, "I was born in 03, so I'm younger than you~"

[Pfft~ I was drinking water just now, and when I heard Yu Mumu’s words, I burst into tears. This is the first time I’ve seen people’s yin and yang, and others are so confident! 】

[I heard that when female stars in the entertainment industry compete for beauty, age is one of them. They especially like to call people sister! 】

[Although Yu Mumu has been around for a long time, she debuted at a young age. Now she is well-known in the entertainment industry. Although she is still a fool, she is still the youngest. 】

[I can feel Qu Na’s embarrassment now. Damn it, I finally tried to get a shot, but it was ruined by Yu Mumu! 】

[If it were anyone else, I would definitely believe that this is a way of female competition, but if the other party is Yu Mumu.All I can say is that smart people will not play with fools, because you don’t even know what fools’ tricks are. 】


Qu Na's manager was naturally paying attention to the show. When he saw the barrage, he was about to explode with anger.

The beautiful girl group has just been established. It stands to reason that even if they appear on variety shows, the entire group should go together.

Not long after they formed the group, they appeared on the show alone. People who didn't know it thought that the members of the group were going to part ways.

But Qu Na couldn't hold back her own personal resources, so she was given a spot to move forward, and someone from above gave her the green light. As an agent, she couldn't say too much.

I thought that Qu Na would be able to gain some fans, but just after she came on the show, she was given the connotation of yin and yang.

However, others didn't think this was Yu Mumu's intention. Instead, they thought it was Qu Na's own problem.

Qu Na's eyes flashed with displeasure, but her expression was still well managed. When she heard Yu Mumu's words, she suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

Then came a sincere apology: "Sorry, I just debuted and don't understand much. I hope you don't mind."

Yu Mumu also smiled and said: "It's okay, I don't mind, after all, I'm just a fool."

Crowd: ...

Qu Na is not really stupid. She knows that if she talks to Yu Mumu again, she will definitely not have a good reputation waiting for her.

I immediately endured it, but the gap was finally settled.

Xiao Taotao covered her non-existent eyes: "Host, you want to create equality for everyone~"

"I'm so rich, I'm still working hard here, and I still respond to every word, they should be satisfied!"

Xiao Taotao: Sure enough, things are different when you are rich, and your voice becomes louder.

Between the two women, Jian Li seemed a bit like a pitiful little one, not daring to stand out at all.

Seeing the person walking forward, Jian Li finally breathed a sigh of relief. Oh my god, women in the entertainment industry are really scary!
When they arrived at the base camp, Yu Mumu saw several beautiful yurts and a sizzling roasted mutton, which immediately caught Yu Mumu's attention.

The permanent guests also have their own roles, with clear priorities. They all smiled when looking at the new flying guests.

The leader, Wu Shouliang, is the big brother in the variety show industry, and he also has several Best Actor trophies, which can be said to be a TV series Grand Slam. The key is that his connections are also leveraged. It can be said that they carry a lot of weight!
The other three were trained in dance and won many awards. Later, due to injuries, they turned to acting. The roles they played were Mu Xiaoling, who did not have many roles, but they were all glimpses.

There are two left, one of whom is an athlete. After winning the Olympic gold medal, he retired and entered the entertainment industry, Zhang Qing, who has high national popularity.

The last one is Tong Kui, a talented girl who was born in a music academy and has won many awards.

This kind of combination can only be invited by a program with an official background and deep pockets.

"Wow, our new friends look in good spirits."

Because all of them were young people, Tong Kui took the initiative to relieve the awkwardness of unfamiliarity.

(End of this chapter)

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