In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 73 Is this a horse?This is the ancestor!

Chapter 73 Is this a horse?This is the ancestor!

【This white horse is so beautiful! 】

[Look at its muscular body, strong thighs, and its high-raised head. It must know that it is very expensive! 】

[I now understand why so many people liked those famous horses in ancient times, and I like them too. 】


The young herdsman, standing next to Yu Mumu, whispered: "This horse is called Pearl, and its owner is called Mo Dun (du), who is a famous horse racing master in this area.

Basically, as long as he participates in the competition, he can win the championship, and that yak over there is the prize. "

Yu Mumu followed his gaze and saw that there was a yak with a colorful ribbon tied on its head. It was obvious that it was regarded as a prize.

"Is he selling this horse?"

The young herdsman originally wanted to continue educating Yumumu about the process and related rules of the competition.

Hearing Yu Mumu's sudden words, for a moment, he didn't even react.

"What did you say?"

"I said, is he going to sell this horse called Stop Pearl?"

[Fuck, did I hear it wrong?Someone actually wants to buy this horse that looks very expensive at first glance?Isn't she poor? 】

[People’s horses are free on the grassland. Some people, just for their own preferences, want to turn them into captive pets. This is completely intolerable! 】

[If I were the owner of the horse, I would really want to whip her with the whip in my hand! 】


As expected, Modu and Zhenzhu won the championship again. Such a scene would ignite the blood in a person's body.

The young herdsman is no exception. He occasionally participates in such competitions, so he knows very well that some tourists will always have some impulsive thoughts when they see such a scene.

So he didn't feel any disgust because of Yu Mumu's words. After all, he encountered this kind of problem almost every time.

“Generally, horses that have always won championships will not be sold, but I seemed to have heard before that Moton’s grandfather passed away.

Some of the messy relatives in the family came to fight for the family property. His family members wanted to sell the pearls to get some money, because the pearls are very valuable..."

As he said this, the young herdsman felt a little sad in his heart. Any man on the grassland who got a horse like Pearl would treat it as his own brother.

Nowadays, due to family changes, one has to sell one's brother. This situation is indeed very uncomfortable. Many people covet pearls, but they really can't afford them.

Yu Mumu has no reaction yet, and Xiao Taotao is already about to cry: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Host, Pearl is so pitiful, let's buy it. If someone buys it, it will definitely be miserable~"

Pearl is very much like the war horse that Yu Mumu once used when she was a female general. In the end, she died of old age in Yu Mumu's arms. Xiao Taotao had always called the stand-in disgusting before.

Now that I see that it really looks like its former little friend, it is really more excited than anyone else, and no one is allowed to bully its little friend!Not even its stand-in.

"Can I trouble you to give me a recommendation?"

The young herdsman looked at Yu Mumu, obviously very serious. He knew that Yu Mumu was a female star, and she was definitely rich.

Although I still felt a little strange, I thought about what if the pearls were really sold to those organizations specializing in competitions.

Once it loses a game, it will no longer be of use value. No one knows what will happen to it. It is better to keep it safe and sound. "Okay, just wait, I'll go ask for you."

As he said that, the young herdsman ran over, while Yu Mumu watched the barrage pass by quickly, so densely packed that she was not in the mood to take a closer look.

【no?Is this woman serious?This horse racing is very expensive! 】

[Maybe he wants the donor to pay, this is a bit disgusting. 】

[Those who spread rumors, why do they come so easily, just because of Yu Mumu’s good looks? If he had a financial backer, he wouldn’t be so confused.

Don't tell me that Yu Mumu has poor character and low emotional intelligence. There are many low-quality people in this circle, and it doesn't necessarily mean that they have poor resources! 】

Probably because there were so few people helping Yu Mumu to speak, that one of them finally disappeared with just a swipe.

The middle-aged herdsman also came back at this time, and the price had been negotiated and paid.

As a result, I only saw Yu Mumu, who was sent by the program team to work, and my nephew had slipped away without knowing where he was.

He immediately let out a laugh: "Why are you alone here? You brat, you know how to be lazy! Tell his dad later that a belt won't kill him!"

If someone else had said that, he would have been given a bad reputation immediately.

But who makes him an elder? This tone is just like his father trying to deal with him, even if he wants to be evil.

"He went to the front to help me ask about buying a horse."

With that, Yu Mumu simply said a few words that she fell in love with the white horse called Pearl.

The middle-aged herders immediately looked at Yu Mumu with wide eyes. People like them could be considered rich, but they would not spend so much money to buy a horse.

Looking back at the foal he just bought, he saw that it was not even a fraction of the price of the pearl. The middle-aged herdsman suddenly felt a little unhappy.

The young herdsman also ran back at this time. The smile on his face was full of simplicity, and his white teeth really made people feel good about him.

"I've asked for you, and Mo Dun said that he has to choose his own owner for his horse, and the owner has to have his own horse farm for Pearl to roam, and he can't keep it locked up..."

After making a lot of requests, if it hadn't been for a horse, people who heard these requests would have thought that someone was raising a son.

Yu Mumu thought for a while, and it seemed that among the inheritance she inherited at that time, there was a vacation manor.

She was satisfied with all the requirements. The only trouble now was that it was a bit difficult to choose the owner of this horse.

Although she was confident that she could trick the horse into liking her, what if the horse didn't follow the trick?
[Good guy, is this a horse?This is the ancestor! 】

[No wonder others say that these days, if you become a pet in a wealthy family, you will live better than a social animal. It is indeed the case. 】

[Family members, who knows? I live in a basement of 5 square meters in Beidiao. Now I hear that this horse needs a horse farm to support it. Really, I cried to death~]

[Understood, reincarnate as a horse in your next life! 】

[Upstairs, you are wrong. Being a cow or a horse is hard work. You should say that in the next life, you will be a precious horse, and your body will be delicate and your flesh will be expensive! 】

Yu Mumu rubbed her chin, and then said to the young herdsman: "Okay, let me go to Pearl for an interview first?"

(End of this chapter)

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