In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 77 Yu Mumu is a client of my immediate boss

Chapter 77 Yu Mumu is a client of my immediate boss
The shop owner soon found out where this wave of wealth came from, and his mood was quite complicated.

It stands to reason that if someone buys it, he will sell it. However, these netizens are a little too damaged. Yu Mumu is still alive and well.

In order to avoid being scolded for eating steamed buns made with human blood, the shop owner reluctantly posted a notice on the top of the store, hoping that everyone would consume rationally.

But this generation of netizens are so rebellious that they not only refuse to refund, but also demand that the store owner deliver the goods immediately.

But Yu Mumu in the live broadcast room had no idea that she had single-handedly driven the performance of a special industry.

After "dealing with" Fourth Young Master Qin, Yu Mumu walked up to Modun again: "Now that he has been dealt with, we can just deal with him normally."

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, Mao Dun would have wanted to give Yu Mumu a thumbs up. The kick Yu Mumu just gave was really to his liking.

No wonder Pearl fell in love with Yu Mumu at first sight. Sure enough, the perception of animals is really amazing sometimes.

Because he had to record a program, Yu Mumu didn't have a mobile phone with him, so he borrowed Modu's mobile phone and called Gong He directly.

Gong He, who was in a meeting, saw that it was an unfamiliar call and hung up immediately. However, after a while, his phone vibrated, obviously it was a text message.

【It’s me, Yu Mumu! 】

Seeing the text message from Yu Mumu, Gong He's hand suddenly shook. Although he didn't know what happened yet, he instinctively felt that nothing good was going on.

After talking to the person next to him, Gong He took the phone out of the conference room and called Yu Mumu back.

"Hello, Miss Yu, what can I do?"

Hearing Gong He's polite question, Yu Mumu raised his eyebrows slightly, indicating that he was keeping a clear distinction between public and private affairs with her.

However, now that the people in her bowl have been allocated, they can't get out no matter how much they jump.

"While I was recording the show, I saw a horse that I liked very much. Send someone over to handle the contract and payment."

Even if Yu Mumu is just messing around, he can still get 10% of the income in a year, which is conservatively estimated to be at least hundreds of millions.

Therefore, as long as Yu Mumu's expenditure does not exceed [-] million, it is completely okay for her to apply for an advance in advance.

"Okay, I'll send someone from the local branch to handle it."

"Uh~ I think it might be better for you to come in person."

The people who can join their law firm are all top-notch in ability. They are just handling a small purchase contract, so there is no need for him to come in person.

For some reason, Gong He's eyelids started to twitch now, and his entire body's alert system was telling him that trouble was coming!
Sure enough, Yu Mumu's voice suddenly became lower, and she lost all her previous confidence: "That's it, what, I hit someone..."

If he just hit one person, how could he react like this? Gong He quickly asked: "Who did you hit?"

Yu Mumu felt that she might not be able to explain it in a few words.

His voice became lower and lower: "I suggest you take a look at the hot searches. If my estimate is good, I should be all on the hot searches now."

Fortunately, Gong He was well-informed and was not frightened. It was just that if he hit someone, it would be easy to deal with it.

"I'll take a look first and get back to you later."

Mao Dun stood next to Yu Mumu and naturally heard what Yu Mumu said. However, he was not curious at all about who the person opposite was. He would die quickly if he was too curious!

"My lawyer will come to handle the pearl purchase. If you have any questions, you can communicate with him directly at that time." I had always been prepared to find a new owner for the pearl, but now, really After finding it, Mao Dun felt slightly sad.

He rubbed his head against Pearl's head to show his reluctance. Pearl seemed to feel the owner's discomfort and rubbed it back.

At this moment, Gong He's call came back. The moment he saw the hot search, one of his reactions was, 'These days, it's hard to make money and eat shit.'

If Yu Mumu was still the same fool as before, the only thing waiting for her now would be a violent storm that could kill Yu Mumu directly.

But now, Yu Mumu is the heir to Ms. Liang's estate and also their client, and she must act in Yu Mumu's interests.

And to a certain extent, Fourth Young Master Qin was one level lower than Yu Mumu.

Judging from the video, it was obviously Fourth Young Master Qin who made the first move, so there was nothing wrong with Yu Mumu's counterattack!
When two people are at the same level, many things are easier to handle and reasonable.

"Miss Yu, I will handle this matter. You don't have to worry about the rest."

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Gong He called Mr. Qin's special assistant directly.

Others don't have this kind of private phone number for the heir eldest son, but Gong He does.

As an assistant to the public transportation team, his weight is completely different, but now that he has to deal with official matters, he naturally has to contact the special assistant first.

The special assistant was a little puzzled when he saw the call was from Gong He.

When he heard Gong He say that he was negotiating on behalf of the crazy woman who kicked the Fourth Young Master today, there was no look of surprise on his face.

But his voice obviously fluctuated: "Are you sure you represent Yu Mumu?"

"To be precise, Yu Mumu is a client of my immediate boss."

Who can be called Gong He's immediate boss, isn't that the legendary undefeated Gongshu Ban in the legal world?
The special assistant immediately did not dare to delay. If the public transportation team was really dispatched, things would be much more troublesome.

"Gong Lu, wait a minute, I'll tell Mr. Qin right now."

Young Master Qin has been extremely busy this day. He didn't even remember to take a sip of water, and was scolded by a phone call from his biological mother.

He said that as the eldest brother, he didn't care about his younger brother at all. Seeing his younger brother being beaten so badly, he didn't even think of dealing with it immediately.

Only then did Young Master Qin know that his troubled brother, who was on the trending search this time, was actually beaten.

In front of an audience of millions, oh, no, tens of millions now, it was cut.

Although he was usually very angry that his younger brother was not upright, but he couldn't stand up to the Qin family who were just protecting their shortcomings and dared to hit his younger brother!
I was just about to ask someone from the legal department to come up and sort this matter out.

Then he saw his special assistant coming in with a strange expression: "Mr. Qin, Gong Lu's phone number."

Young Master Qin thought it was Gong He calling him to ask if he wanted to take action. They met at a dinner before and exchanged business cards.

I was about to say that these lawyers have a really good sense of smell, but the Qin family’s legal department is not a vegetarian either.

We are just dealing with a star in the entertainment industry, so there is no need for Gong He to intervene.

(End of this chapter)

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