Chapter 79 This sister is really tough

The doctor at the horse racing medical center still has two brushes. Although Qin Fourth Master's hand was broken, it was still easy to put it back.

Fourth Young Master Qin looked at his hand which had returned to its original state. In addition, he had just received the call from his elder brother, and his face was full of confusion.

If he let Yu Mumu go like this, his face would really be stepped on the ground in the future.

But who would have thought that Yu Mumu would have such an identity that he would have to surrender. What a bad luck!

He and his eldest brother are from the same mother. The eldest brother is as smart as a monkey, so he is not bad either.

Otherwise, why is it that every time the rich second generation in Kyoto suffers disaster, he is never there, but he is still the most out-of-the-box one among them.

The old man in the family favors the second wife. Although it is logical for the eldest brother to take the position of heir, it is also extremely difficult.

If he continues to show his shrewdness and ability, the old man will probably feel more and more that the people in their first room can live better even without his care, and he will be more partial to the second room.

That's why he often gets into trouble. On the one hand, he prevents the people in the second room from staring at him, and he can secretly help his eldest brother secure his position as heir.

At the same time, let the old man see that he is also a loser who needs the protection of his elders, and he can share a small part of the old man's affection for his second wife.

But the frustration in his heart only lingered in his heart for a while before he sighed slightly, stood up, and patted the dust on himself.

Just then we left the medical point. The director of the program team was already waiting outside. He was nodding and bowing when he saw Fourth Young Master Qin coming out.

He wished he could give Yu Mumu a hard fight to calm down the fourth young master of the Qin family.

"Why are you still standing there, why don't you apologize to the Fourth Young Master immediately!"

If it hadn't been for the live broadcast, the director's voice would never have been lowered like this.

Who would have known that Fourth Young Master Qin didn't pay attention to the director at all. Even though the director was rushing forward, he still had a lot of connections and status in this circle.

But in front of Fourth Young Master Qin, he was not even considered a loser. Naturally, Fourth Young Master Qin was too lazy to give in to him.

He walked straight towards Yu Mumu. There was no anger on his face, but there was an unbreakable gaze in his eyes.

Looking at Fourth Young Master Qin's expression, Yu Mumu knew that he probably knew her identity, but she didn't want to be so high-profile yet.

It's not that she wants to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, but that she hasn't fully obtained the inheritance yet. She is too high-profile and can easily cause trouble.

He immediately said: "Sorry, I just had a conditioned reflex. I hope you won't be angry."

This was obviously a heartless apology, and the audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

[No, does this sister not know what an apology is?If you really can't, I can give you a template. 】

[Really, apart from not encountering ghosts in so many years, in this circle, you can really see everything. 】

[Some people probably really think that having a face can defeat everything. 】

[I used to be a fan of Yu Mumu, a real fan, but now, I have turned into a fan, not for anything else but because this girl is really tough and will die even if she wants to! 】

[I want to know now, who gave her the courage not to mention Fourth Young Master Qin, but now she dares to apologize in such a weird way? 】

[If someone else had been banned, I would have felt it was a bit excessive, but when Yu Mumu was banned, I think it was appropriate. 】

... Most of the barrages at this moment are passers-by or loyal fans of the program team, real anti-fans. At this time, there is no use for them.

After all, it’s already like this, how can we be so black?It was obvious that Yu Mumu was really dead.

The black guys, for the first time, felt that it was too easy to make money, which made them a little embarrassed.

And the financial backers behind it were extraordinarily generous this time. Even if Yu Mumu was so dark now, it had nothing to do with them.

But the sponsor has not only paid the final payment, but also issued an additional 20% bonus.

This made the sunspots actually feel a bit reluctant to give up. After all, there will no longer be anyone who can make them such money.

Just when the audience thought Fourth Young Master Qin was going to say harsh words or something.

As a result, what Fourth Young Master Qin said made the audience in the live broadcast room unable to think straight.

"Forget it, I forgive you. I was wrong before, so I gave up the pearl to you."

After saying that, he turned around and left regardless of the expressions of everyone present.

It was also at this time that everyone saw that Fourth Young Master Qin actually brought two bodyguards.

But when Yu Mumu took action just now, these two bodyguards didn't take action. What kind of fantasy plot is this?
[No, who can tell me what the principle is?Is Fourth Young Master Qin so easy to talk to?If I were kicked by someone, I would have to do a chain kick! 】

[Am I the only one who finds those two bodyguards fascinating?Their employer was beaten like that, and they were just watching like this?Is it so easy to make money as a bodyguard nowadays? 】

【It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other! 】


Everyone thought that as Fourth Young Master Qin, Yu Mumu would definitely be doomed. Now, is Yu Mumu alive again?
Not to mention that the audience in the live broadcast room was confused, even everyone present was a little confused. Didn't it mean that the Fourth Young Master Qin always exacted revenge?
Or is it because he has some serious illness that he likes people who are rude to him?Isn't this the plot in the ancient overbearing novel?

When Fourth Young Master Qin left with a frustrated mood, many people in their circle had begun to spread the rumors that Fourth Young Master Qin had a sexy physique.

As a result, many people who wanted to get close to him started to take the route of the irritable woman.

This really left Fourth Young Master Qin speechless and he didn't even dare to go out casually.

The bodyguards who had previously been ordered not to take action casually unless their lives were in danger.

The content of his job has also changed now, that is, he cannot let any weird women get close to him.

Fourth Young Master Qin left, and the director of the program team looked at Yu Mumu confused.

Then he also asked his doubts: "Do you know Fourth Young Master Qin?"

If they weren't acquaintances, it was obvious that Yu Mumu had a deadly feud with Fourth Young Master Qin just now, how could he just let it go?

Yu Mumu thought for a while, although they had never met before, who asked her to find someone to have a relationship with, so rounding it off, they were considered acquaintances.

He nodded immediately: "We know each other."

At this time, the director of the program team's expression became more and more complicated. Fortunately, he thought he had to take off a layer of skin to solve the problem, but in the end, this is it?

(End of this chapter)

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