In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 85 Is this the appetite of an actress?

Chapter 85 Is this the appetite of an actress?

This scene made Sister Yao confused. When did the artists she led have such ability to bring goods?

Before she could be happy, she saw a barrage of comments, all of which were made by anti-fans. Sister Yao was immediately furious, these red-eyed monsters!
When the company's evaluation for Yu Mumu comes out, she will definitely apply for the best anti-gang resources for Yu Mumu.

Others don't know why Yu Mumu is so dark, but doesn't she know? It's entirely caused by Yu Mumu's own short-sightedness and shallow eyelids!
The number of people in the other live broadcast rooms ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, and the sales of products are booming.

Especially Wu Shouliang, this time, he wants to make a good result and serve as a stepping stone for him, so that the person in charge can perform well, and others will reward him.

No, not only Wu Shouliang's die-hard fans have come to support him, but even his former "good people" have also come to help.

It's only been a few hours, and the sales have already exceeded [-] million. The sales of the rest of them are only a few million at most.

The lowest ones are Yu Mumu and pure newcomer Jian Lian, whose sales barely exceeded 10.

Jian Li didn't have many fans, so the people who bought it were passers-by and Two-dimensional netizens who had a good impression of him as the inheritor of intangible cultural heritage.

Yu Mumu, on the other hand, simply didn’t want to sell more. If someone hadn’t kept an eye on her from time to time, she wouldn’t have bothered to find a staff member to replenish the empty shopping cart.

The rest of the people, their mouths were really dry, and they introduced and explained very hard, while Yu Mumu burped after eating.

With this wave of obviously unprofessional attitude, the anti-fans were naturally unwilling to let go of the opportunity to ridicule her.

【Internal entertainment will be over sooner or later!A person like Yu Bitch has no appearance and no dedication at all. Look at how hard others work, she is the one who will die! 】

[Everyone is working hard to contribute to public welfare, but some people only know how to cheat and slip. If you ask me, there is a saying that is really good. When the tide goes out, you will know who is swimming naked. 】

[With comparison, I feel more and more why so many people hate Yu Mumu. This is indeed a bit annoying. 】

[Isn’t this similar to my colleagues in my company? Everyone in a team works hard, but there are always a few rats that ruin all the efforts of the team! 】

[Look at Lao Wu next door. It really makes sense that he can become an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry. In any industry, only those who are dedicated to their work can last a long time. 】


Yu Mumu was really not affected at all. During the break in the live broadcast, she even ran to Wu Shouliang's live broadcast room to eat a few plates of meat to try.

Seeing those black men, they were about to break their guard. Really, they had never seen such a shameless person. Don't such people have no sense of shame at all?
There is still one hour before the next broadcast, and this hour will naturally become the final stage of everyone's sprint.

The people on the ranch were very satisfied when they saw that all the sales had exceeded a small target. They had basically sold out the 'inventory' of their ranch for the first half of the year.

In the last hour, they were already putting the finishing touches on it.

Yu Mumu burped several times in succession, and Qu Na, who was not far away from her, looked at her with a warrior look in her eyes.

Is this how much an actress eats?At this moment, she felt more and more that the Yu Mumu in front of her was completely different from the coquettish bitch she had heard from her best friend.

It’s true, my best friend was deceived.

Yu Mumu noticed the gaze and looked over directly, meeting Qu Na's eyes, which made Qu Na even more embarrassed.

"How many did you sell?"

Qu Na hadn't forgotten that there was a big player looking forward next to her during the live broadcast, so she could only find something to say.Yu Mumu glanced at the backstage and then said: "20+."

Qu Na's live broadcast account has been sold for more than 100 million. This is still a real achievement without anyone's help.

She originally thought that someone like Yu Mumu would not be able to do just that, and she was a little surprised.

"Is that all?"

Sure enough, he is worthy of being one of the heroine's best friends, and someone who can also get a HE in the ending. The tone of his words is just different.

"Yeah, that's it!"

After saying this, Yu Mumu turned away and stopped talking. She just expressed her anger and did not want to get involved with the heroine in the original text and the people around her.

Qu Na:......

Seeing that Yu Mumu obviously didn't want to talk to her, she felt that she was a bit wronged, except that she was a little hostile to Yu Mumu at the beginning.

Now, her attitude towards Yu Mumu is quite good, why is she still ignoring her?
At the end of the live broadcast, Yu Mumu's performance finally reached 30+ with difficulty, and she received the consolation prize, a white wool blanket.

The permanent guests have their own die-hard fans, so their performance is naturally the best, and these temporary flying guests are just the icing on the cake.

Wu Shouliang took one look at Yu Mumu's performance and breathed a sigh of relief. Yu Mumu's identity seemed not simple, and he was afraid of being robbed of the limelight.

Now it seems that he is very satisfied with this result. It should be said that the entire program team is very satisfied with today's result.

When the live broadcast ended, Yu Mumu lazily burped. She had no choice but to keep eating during the live broadcast, even though it was as a snack.

But after all, it is meat, and the feeling of fullness is naturally quite strong.

When everyone was preparing to have a bonfire party, Yu Mumu naturally couldn't let down the fun, so she just sat there and watched everyone celebrate today's success.

Wu Shouliang watched Yu Mumu eat nothing and came over with a pot of highland barley wine.

"Try it, this is a good thing specially brought out by the owner of the ranch."

Yu Mumu took it directly. He couldn't eat anything, but he could drink some wine.

She raised her head and took a big sip. It tasted good, but compared to the inferior Shaodaozi she drank when she was a general, it was still a little less interesting.

"Teacher Wu, if you have anything to do, you can just tell me!"

A person whose status does not match hers came here specially to give her highland barley wine?Are you kidding? She's not really stupid.

“I have an old friend who is filming a movie, and there is still one role left, which is a subjugated princess who was trained as an assassin since she was a child.

You don't have many scenes, but you have some eye-catching effects. I think you are very suitable and recommend you to him. When the recording is over tomorrow, you can go for an audition. His crew happens to be not too far from here. "

Yu Mumu looked at Wu Shouliang in surprise: "With my mediocre acting skills, are you sure you have no grudge against your friend?"

(End of this chapter)

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