Chapter 98: Breaking up with some people
"Don't think that if you retire, I won't be able to deal with you. Shut up!"

Xiao Taotao is still very afraid of her host. No, if she is threatened, she will shut up immediately.

The car quickly returned to the place where the crew was filming. Some of the crew members followed, and some of them stayed in place to deal with the horses.

Director Guo looked at a top-of-the-line off-road vehicle that appeared and his eyes flashed.

Until he saw Yu Mumu get out of the car and saw the man standing in the crowd, he was still the first thing people saw.

Director Guo, who originally had no intention of coming forward to "ask for help" due to his status as a director, immediately walked over with his long legs.

Perhaps it was because the aura on Lu Shiyan's body was really oppressive, which made Director Guo, who had met many "big people", couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

Although he has never met the person in front of him, it does not affect his attitude at all.

"I am Guo Bufan, the chief director of the crew. Who are you?"

This was the first time that Yu Mumu saw Director Guo acting like a lowly person. It seemed that Director Guo was not as jealous of evil as everyone said.

Lu Shiyan ignored Director Guo and looked at Yu Mumu.

"I will stay here for a few more days. If there is anything that cannot be solved, you can come to me."

After saying that, he turned around and got in the car.

Special Assistant Feng was not surprised by the temper of his third young master. He would not take a second look at anyone who did not catch his eye.

Fortunately, the third young master had a keen eye and found him as a considerate assistant.

Assistant Feng took out a gold-plated all-black business card from his body.

On the front there is only the word "LU" written in small seal script, on the back there are two words "Seal", followed by a string of phone numbers.

"This is my business card. Miss Yu is here with the crew, so I'll bother you."

When he saw this iconic character "Lu", Director Guo had already tried his best to suppress his excitement.

Taking the business card with both hands, Director Guo dared not care at all about Lu Shiyan's previous attitude.

When Lu Shiyan and their car drove away, Director Guo looked at Yu Mumu with extremely complicated eyes.

I thought that this time, even if they found something about Yu Mumu's conspiracy, they would most likely only get some compensation.

Unexpectedly, he turned around and sneaked the real boss over to show him around, even though he didn't know who the dignified man was.

But just relying on the word "Lu", let alone his crew, let's talk about the entire circle of people, who dares to say "no" more!
No wonder Wu Shouliang was asked at the meeting to leave the role to Yu Mumu.

It seems that people who know how to camp are different, and the difference in Yu Mumu can be seen at a glance.

"I have wronged you today, don't worry, the crew will definitely give you an explanation."

With that said, Director Guo left. He had no intention of letting it go like this. He caused trouble in his crew and slapped him in the face. Now that he has the support of a big boss, what else is he afraid of?
When Chi Yi knew that something had happened to Yu Mumu, he almost went crazy. When he was about to call Sister Yao to tell her, Yu Mumu was already back.

Seeing how embarrassed Yu Mumu was now, Chi Yi rushed forward, as if his whole body was full of thorns.

He looked at everyone warily, as if everyone here might be the murderer.

"Sister Yu, let's go and have a rest first. I'll call Sister Yao right now. They are seeking wealth and murder. We must make them give an explanation!"

Looking at the excited Chi Yi, Yu Mumu just wanted to say that this little kid who just came out of society is full of passion and sense of justice.

"I expect the company to stand up for me, why not do it myself!" With that said, Yu Mumu directly got her cell phone and sent a message.

Chi Yi was not really as stupid as a pig. When he heard this, he immediately understood that Sister Yu was planning to use her connections to teach others a lesson.

Yu Mumu changed her clothes, and the doctor hired by the crew came to treat her wounds.

Looking at the fair skin on the inner thigh of Yu Mumu, which was broken and slightly red and swollen, the doctor couldn't help but take a breath.

How painful it was, but the delicate-looking Miss Yu in front of her had no expression at all, and her feelings for Yu Mumu immediately improved a lot.

"Ms. Yu, let me disinfect you first. It will hurt a little. Please bear with it."

"You do it."

Yu Mumu turned on her phone and looked at the message from Gong He, with a flash of anger in her eyes.

If you dare to act like a monster on her head, you will have to realize that you will die badly!

Yu Mumu didn't care at all about the pain caused by disinfection.

This injury is not worth mentioning compared to the injuries he suffered while doing missions.

This made the doctor who treated Yu Mumu's injury couldn't help but wonder if Yu Mumu had no pain.

"Miss Yu, it's taken care of. Don't touch the water for the next two days, and try to eat as light a meal as possible."

"I see, thank you!"

Waiting for Yu Mumu to put on her skirt again, Chi Yi brought news.

"Sister Yu, the crew has already found out that the horse was given medicine by a temporary worker from the props team. However, what he said was that he was given the wrong medicine and it was not intentional."

Yu Mumu immediately rolled his eyes and just pushed out a scapegoat, okay?dream!
Director Guo obviously refused to accept such a statement, but the people below checked it over and over again and found that it was just an accident.

He immediately called the police. He would rather admit that his subordinates were incompetent and would rather expose his family scandal than let Yu Mumu feel that he wanted to cover up.

Everyone on the crew also changed their expressions when they saw Director Guo obviously not giving up.

This kind of framing of cast members is very common. In the past, as long as a scapegoat was introduced, everyone would assume that the matter was over.

But now, Director Guo is doing this just because he wants to break up with some people.

People with clean hands couldn't help but rejoice, and at the same time, they watched the show with a bit of schadenfreude.

People with unclean hands and feet are more angry and panicked at this moment.

Afterwards, a lot of calls were made directly from the crew, but Director Guo was obviously confident at the moment.

He still remembered what that noble man said to Yu Mumu. He would stay here for a few more days. If there was anything that couldn't be solved, he should come to him.

These words were not told to Yu Mumu, they were clearly meant to hit him.

When the police arrived, Yu Mumu was resting, but Chi Yi told her that the police asked her to go out and record a statement.

Yu Mumu suddenly frowned slightly. Under normal circumstances, these should often be taken care of as a wounded person like her.

(End of this chapter)

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