Chapter 102 I Want to Die

Are you kidding me?
Don't tell me it's only a dime, even if it's 100 million, she wouldn't dare to ask for it, right?

If she accepted it, she would squat on Orange in the next second.

She didn't want to spend the rest of her life surrounded by walls.

As soon as Zhang's mother thought about this, she immediately stepped back, fearing that Meng Qing would conjure up a dime and throw it at her face.

Meng Qing was suddenly embarrassed.

"If you don't want it, then who should I give it to?"

Meng Qing was not going to sell out anymore.

Without saying a word, she took away Zhang’s mother’s cell phone.

"Today you have entered the Orange Order!"

Meng Qing said these words, and then Zhang's mother received a dime on her mobile phone.

This is the first time that Meng Qing pays off a debt with words that are very obvious.

Zhang's mother was stunned and immediately rushed to take back the phone and return the damn dime.

Unfortunately, Meng Qing avoided him every time.

Zhang's mother instantly bit Meng Qing fiercely.

It's a pity that people haven't brought it back to you yet.

Just listen to the bang!

Zhang's mother's chin was removed by Meng Qing.

Zhang Daben: "Mom!" He looked at Meng Qing, "You bitch!"

Meng Qing didn't intend to deal with Zhang Daben yet, so he executed a trick. Zhang Daben was instantly isolated and couldn't get close to Meng Qing and Zhang's mother.

"Tell me, tell me how you killed your husband Zhang Daying?"

"Oh, I forgot about your chin removal. It's really troublesome."

"But, I say it's the same."

Meng Qing looked at Lanzhi (Mother Zhang) who was trembling in front of her, her eyes seemed to be recalling the past, and her voice was calm and unhurried, as if she was telling a story.

Lanzhi thought this story was too scary to tell Meng Qing, but she couldn't move.

Meng Qing noticed her behavior and sneered twice.

"You covered Zhang Daying with a pillow in the middle of the night, and you were afraid that Zhang Daben and Zhang Daxiong would find out in the room."

"So, you decided to chop Zhang Daying into pieces and hide it under the floor. In this way, the two Zhang Daben brothers found nothing when they came back, and they believed you and thought Zhang Daying was missing."

Meng Qing stared at the corpse insect on Lanzhi's face with a cold face.

The corpse insect disappeared instantly when Meng Qing finished speaking.

Seeing this, Meng Qing instantly confirmed that the corpse insect came from Zhang Daying who was killed by Lan Zhi.

Lanzhi was shaking like a mountain, and it seemed as if Zhang Daying kept chanting in her ears.

It's wrong for you to do this. How could I marry a wife like you?

Can you read more books to improve your thinking? No wonder Da Ben’s temperament has changed like yours and is nothing like mine.

Fortunately, Nobita is like me.

The man kept hating her for this and that.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and killed Zhang Daying who was thinking about it that night.

Her face was covered with blood, but she was not afraid, and her eyes were still excited with relief.

Lanzhi came back from her memories. She didn't expect that she would be exposed.

Sure enough, nothing good would happen when meeting Meng Qing.

She stared at Meng Qing angrily.

But before she could say a word, her jaw was removed.

Meng Qing raised her eyes and glanced at Zhang Daben, who had been stunned for a long time.

As for Li Yihan, she has recovered from the shock. She still keeps paying attention to the direction of her daughter's bedroom, fearing that her daughter will see the bad side.

Meng Qing looked back.

"Lanzhi, you have two twin sons, Zhang Daben's brother, does Li Yihan know?"


Lanzhi's mouth was drooling, but she couldn't say a word.Meng Qing's lips curled up coolly and she looked at Zhang Daben.

Zhang Daben was sweating profusely, and he felt as if he had been seen through.

This feeling is too uncomfortable.

Zhang Daben immediately scolded: "What are you looking at? You are not a policeman. It is your turn to interrogate my family's affairs?"

"Of course it's your turn!"

The door opened from the outside and a group of men in uniform came in.

Before Zhang Daben could recover from his confusion as to why the door opened automatically, he saw his mother Lanzhi being handcuffed.

Some people are born to be nervous when they see the police, just like a mouse when it sees a cat.

Zhang Daben was no exception. He was extremely nervous at the moment.

Meng Qing looked at Zhang Daben.

"Zhang Daben, I'll give you a chance to say it, will you say it?"

Daben opened his mouth as if it was stuck and did not speak.

Li Yihan asked: "What is going on? Zhang Daben also has a twin brother?"

Li Yihan felt that today's melon was so big that she almost couldn't eat it.

However, it doesn't matter whether Zhang Daben has a brother now, and it has nothing to do with her.

Li Yihan thought of this and said, "I'm going to see Xinxin. Comrade police, I'll leave this place to you."

"It has something to do with you, so you'd better listen."

Li Yihan stopped in place in confusion.

Zhang Daben collapsed on the ground. The police's presence here was enough to test his psychology. If Meng Qing told that incident, he would want to die!
Zhang Daben said quickly: "Don't say it, don't say it, I beg you!"

Meng Qing doesn't care about other people's pleadings.

"Li Yihan, are you also curious about why Zhang Daben is so humble and polite and takes care of your feelings when we are in love?"

Li Yihan nodded: "But I think men should be like this before and after marriage."

Male policeman present: ...

Li Yihan huffed, then quickly said, "Sorry, I didn't mention you."

Li Gang said it was nothing, and then continued to let Meng Qing talk.

Meng Qing said: "Because the person you are falling in love with is not him, but Zhang Daben's brother."

"Hey, but his brother is not confident in his appearance and always thinks that this bastard's appearance is better and his name is better than his."

"So, he lied to you that his name is Zhang Daben, but in fact his name is Zhang Daxiong."

Li Yihan was stunned and said loudly: "How is this possible? Are you writing a novel?"

After Li Yihan finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Daben, who looked guilty and nervous.

Suddenly, Li Yihan felt sad.

No wonder, no wonder the two faces before and after marriage turned out to be like this.

"How could he have such thoughts? How could he think he is worse than this bastard if he is a twin!"

Li Yihan collapsed to the point of crying, "And I don't care about his appearance or his name!"

Meng Qing sighed.

The only big shortcoming of Zhang Daxiong is this.

He certainly didn't expect that this shortcoming would harm Li Yihan and himself.

Li Yihan calmed down and asked: "What about Zhang Daxiong? I want to see him. Why does he want to fool me around? My life will be ruined by him."

Meng Qing pursed her lips, unable to bear to tell her the truth.

She didn't say anything, but someone couldn't hold it in any longer.

Zhang Daben listened to Li Yihan's attachment to Zhang Daxiong.

His eyes were red from holding back.

After all these years, he is worse than a dead person!
He wanted to tell Li Yihan about Zhang Daxiong's death, which would make Li Yihan sad to death!

"Miss Meng, tell me, where is Zhang Daxiong? I want to tell him clearly!"

"He is dead." Zhang Daben's voice made Li Yihan look at him, and he smiled, "He was killed by me."

(End of this chapter)

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