Chapter 11
Entering the apartment room, after a "click" sound, dim lights appeared, and Jiang He could clearly see the interior space.

This is a small apartment that is not too big in area. It is divided into two floors. The lower floor is an open kitchen in the hallway, a bathroom with toilet and bath, and a fairly bright living room.

As for the second floor, Jiang He could roughly guess that it should be the bedroom.

"You sit in the living room for a while and I'll get something." Wen Lan said.

Jiang He nodded, sat on the sofa obediently, and looked at Wen Lan.

He noticed that Wen Lan seemed to be cooking some kind of sauce and it smelled delicious, but he didn't think much about it and quickly looked away.

Next to the sofa in the living room, a cradle covering an area of ​​about one square meter was swaying quietly. Jiang He looked over and instantly met a pair of blue eyes.

The owner of the blue eyes is a baby, who looks to be only a few months old and cannot walk yet. At this time, he is using his little hands to fiddle with the rotating hanging plate above his head. There are also several exquisite unicorns hanging on the hanging plate. doll.

Seeing a big face approaching, the baby did not cry like other children. Instead, it showed a sweet smile and changed its target with its small hands, wanting to touch Jiang He's face.

Jiang He vaguely heard the baby babbling, as if saying, "Touch~"

Jiang He naturally guessed that this was what Wen Lan was talking about. His child immediately fell in love with the house and the bird, and he felt a little fond of it.

So he didn't refuse and moved his face towards her.

The baby, who was not very strong, touched Jiang He's face with his tender and soft hands, seeming to like it very much.

For some reason, Jiang He felt a bit of nymphomaniacism in this little baby's eyes.

:Well!so cute!Is this a weird baby? !
Eating thick phlegm with maggots dipped in feces: I guess so. I didn’t expect Weird to actually be able to give birth to a baby. Guys, I have a bold idea!
:?It's you again, kid!
At this time, Wen Lan Xun Sheng, who was making sauce, looked over, his expression slightly stagnant.

"Xiaoyue seems to like this chosen one very much..."

Wen Lan's expression was a little tangled, as if he was thinking about something.


When Jiang He left the apartment, the time had already reached 10:30. I don't know what happened, but Wen Lan just let him sit for a while and let him go.

Although he wanted to stay with Wen Lan longer, he was more unwilling to make Wen Lan unhappy than to satisfy himself.

"She must be worried that I stay too late and stay up late. She is so considerate~" Jiang He had a smile on his lips, his expression nostalgic.

: No more, I am already immune to such joker quotes.

: Forget it, why are you thinking so much? Fortunately, nothing happened this time. It is estimated that nothing will happen in the next few days.

: Not necessarily. Didn’t you see the hidden rule that Dr. Wo Shenxu saw?There might be some big crisis on the third night.

: Big crisis?maybe.

The people of China were not panicked. After all, no one who saw Jiang He beating up Huang Tao and the woman in red and scaring away the shop owner would have any worries about him.

On the way back to the convenience store, Jiang He could clearly sense that someone was following him. He looked back a few times and saw that they were four men about 30 years old. At this time, their eyes They all had a chilling look in their eyes.

Jiang He, who had already entered the state of self-love and whose love brain had faded, now returned to his IQ, could naturally read the meaning in their eyes.

"You are targeting me." Jiang He touched his chin and activated the substitution state.In an instant, his love brain started up again. Jiang He stopped observing these 'people' and only thought about getting up early tomorrow to prepare breakfast for Wen Lan.

The four 'people' slowly approached Jiang He, two of them passed Jiang He, then turned around and blocked Jiang He, and the two behind them also pressed forward.

Jiang He was surrounded by four people for a moment, but with his love brain activated, he obviously didn't feel there was any danger. In addition to his own unwillingness to think after his intelligence declined, and after turning on substitution, his power forcibly crushed him. These four people are on the same level.

: I didn’t expect that staying up late would have such benefits. Jiang Shen’s violent beating was weird!
: Hehe, I've woken up my 'son' and watched it together.

: Upstairs, children still need to rest more. Don’t do this again.

: Hahaha, you don’t think he is talking about his real son.


A powerful and heavy punch was thrown out, and instantly a figure flew backwards.

Naturally, this figure was not Jiang He, but one of the two people standing in front of him.

His punch not only solved a quarter of the battle, but also stunned the remaining three people for a moment.

Jiang He, who was in a love brain state, had no idea of ​​a sneak attack. He just wanted to go back to the convenience store as soon as possible and figure out what to do for Wen Lan tomorrow, so he punched the 'person' who blocked him unceremoniously.

In the blink of an eye, the two people were eliminated. Jiang He ignored the two people behind him and continued walking forward when he saw that there was no one in front of him.

The two 'people' behind him saw Jiang He's terrifying strength and were not manipulated by his emotions. They rushed forward angrily.

They looked at each other, and then quickly fled without caring about the life or death of the two companions.

:ox!Jiang Shen did not disappoint me, but the speed of his two punches was too fast, and I wanted to watch it for a while.

: Withdraw it and go to sleep.

:ah?I just came to see it, and it’s over?

Thick phlegm and maggots to eat in feces: Yes, I have put down my inflatable wife, what do you do to me?
:ah?Oh, it turns out to be you, that’s okay.

After solving the insignificant matters, Jiang He continued back to the convenience store.

Back at the convenience store, all the lights were turned off and the front desk was empty.

Jiang He yawned, and then prepared to wash up and go to bed.

However, as he continued walking into the convenience store, a cat meowed, causing him to stop slightly.

The one who made the sound was naturally the black cat. Its pair of eyes emitting a faint green light stood out in the dark night. If he hadn't been brave and fearless, Jiang He would probably have been frightened.

He continued to walk inside, but his mind began to think.

His IQ returned, and he suddenly remembered something.

That is, since there is a unique and weird world outside convenience stores, and the weird scenes that each Chosen One enters exist independently, is the world outside other convenience stores the same as the world he lives in?
If they are the same, then how come there are so many characters like Huang Tao at one time? Is it possible that each Huang Tao is an independent individual?

Jiang He decided to explore the outside world tomorrow. If his idea came true, he might be able to meet other chosen ones!
(End of this chapter)

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