Weird story about rules: Play as a boiling sheep at the beginning!

Chapter 37 I am 26 this year and died without saying hello.

Chapter 37 I am 26 this year and died without saying hello.
When the green energy entered the body, there was a look completely different from the power of the black mist.

The green energy seemed to be directed toward the physical body, flowing from Jiang He's fingertips to his whole body, all his limbs.

Bones, flesh and blood, internal organs, and green energy penetrated everywhere. Jiang He frowned, feeling the stabbing pains coming from his body. He relied on the actor's excellent expression management ability to avoid showing embarrassment.

Soon after, the green energy was completely sucked into Jiang He's body. As the needle-like sting faded away, he felt that his whole body was full of strength.

Looking at the kitchen knife on the chopping board, Jiang He hesitated and then used it to scratch his arm.

'呲! '

It seemed that the cut was not done well, and blood spurted out slightly, but before Jiang He could cry out in pain, a green light flashed across the wound, and it returned to its original state.

"It seems that my perception is correct. This strange green energy and the black mist energy are opposite. One is biased towards mental pollution, and the other is biased towards physical strengthening." Jiang He thought to himself.

This green energy strengthened his body, and without the use of green energy, it might have exceeded human limits.

In the case of using green energy, according to Jiang He's own estimation, it is one level worse than black mist energy.

"By the way, I absorbed the energy of many store owners and upgraded it to the current level. Green energy can also be used!"

The moment the idea appeared, Jiang He immediately looked at Mu Qingxue and said, "I won't accompany you tonight. I plan to go to a gourmet restaurant in another city."

Mu Qingxue's expression darkened for a moment, but she quickly returned to her cold expression and said, "Go ahead."

Hearing Mu Qingxue's sadness, Jiang He was also helpless. After all, he was more willing to improve himself than to covet the temporary warmth with Mu Qingxue.

After all, he's not really a Boiled Sheep.

Are you?

Mu Qingxue chose to set off with Jiang He.

It was getting late, but there were a lot of weird things on the street. Fortunately, Mu Qingxue was here, and the powerful aura she exuded was enough to scare away most of the weird things.

In particular, the rumors about the perverted Chosen One that Jiang He made a long time ago are still a little weird for people who know him and can't avoid them.

: Brothers, I feel that Jiang Shen is going to cause trouble again.

: Upstairs, please remove the word "feeling", Jiang Shen is going to cause trouble.

: I can only say that he is worthy of Jiang Shen. I guess Jiang Shen will take over restaurants in other cities like last time.

: I was so excited to see Jiang Shen fight. Zhuo, I was so excited that I randomly went to the street to catch someone!

:? ? ? (`;)?

: Yes, our college students are like this. I also go to the transpersonal level!

: I really can’t do anything to you. (Put your butt out)
Just as Live Broadcast Room 6 took off, they were in the staff dormitory of the No. 17 City Food Restaurant.

Kuna Hezi sat on the big bed and said: "Yes! As long as you survive one day tomorrow, you can pass the level!"

Kuna Yuko is a relatively short man, and he is definitely short among the islanders. He is only 45 meters tall, and even some children are taller than him.

It's to the extent that others ask him if he has dwarfism.

Because of this, he was bullied a lot in the island country, a country that bullied the weak and feared the strong. In addition, he was average-looking and had a poor family background, so he always lived a useless and aggrieved life.

This has caused his character to become distorted, and he often makes remarks on the Internet, such as the recent release of nuclear wastewater. He even spoke on various platforms, asking the island country to directly discharge nuclear wastewater into the Bohai Sea of ​​China.

Of course, he knew this was impossible, he was just venting his emotions.

But now, everything is different. As long as he can pass this strange world, he will become the hero of the island country!Money and women are all at your fingertips!

A loud noise was heard, and Kuna Yuko's brows jumped. Just as he was about to get up and check, he remembered that the rules said that there would be strange noises at night.

His body felt cold, and he immediately covered himself with a quilt, not daring to say anything.

At this time, outside the staff dormitory, Jiang He looked at the lifeless chef and others, and absorbed the strange green energy without hesitation to strengthen himself.

After a while, Jiang He felt that his body had regained some of its strength, and he didn't forget to take a look at the ingredient store.

However, there are no humans trapped in the food warehouse of this gourmet restaurant. It seems that if you want to keep the chosen one in captivity, you will not always have the opportunity. In other words, the humans here have been slaughtered and sold.

Shaking his head, Jiang He walked towards the staff dormitory, followed by Sofina who was a little depressed.

It was only when he was leaving that he remembered that he had dealt with the chef and others, so who would protect Sofina and how to keep the restaurant running?

He was not a bad person, so he kindly called Sofina up and took her away together.

It was precisely because of this that Sofina was so depressed, but she also knew in her heart that it was good that Jiang He was willing to protect her.

After coming to this gourmet restaurant and getting rid of the chef and others, Jiang He naturally planned to take away the chosen ones here and protect them.

However, when he violently broke open the door to the staff dormitory, he saw Dr. Wo Shenxu with cold sweat on his forehead and a nervous look on his face.

"Jianghe!" Dr. Wo Shenxu's tone rose, full of surprise.

"Why am I here? I don't want to explain. As long as you understand and follow me, you can pass the level, otherwise you will die." Jiang Heyan said concisely and concisely.

Dr. Wo Shenxu was stunned for a moment, his brain working rapidly. He glanced at Sofina behind Jiang He and nodded immediately.

Seeing Dr. Wo Shenxu being so polite, Jiang He nodded with satisfaction, and then went to knock on the door of another dormitory.

At this time, Kuna Yuko in the room was shaking like chaff under the quilt.

With 'Bang! ' With a sound, the door was kicked open, and Jiang He and others walked in.

Kuna Hezi poked his head out, and the first thing he saw was Dr. Wo Shenxu. His heart suddenly felt a little more at ease, and immediately he saw Sofina and Jiang He.

Just when he looked confused, Jiang He suddenly asked: "Which country are you from?"

Kuna Yuko instinctively replied: "It's not a good time in China."

Jiang He nodded and asked, "What do you think about your country's recent discharge of nuclear wastewater?"

Kuna Yuko said without thinking: "Those people on the Internet are making a fuss out of a molehill. The nuclear wastewater has been purified. It's okay. Especially China has stopped importing our aquatic products. It's so abominable."

:***, Dasha!

: I’ll blanch your mother!
: I can’t stand it anymore, brothers!How about inviting them to eat the little boy and the fat man?

: Little boy...fat man...fuck, that's it, then I support it too!

Curses were everywhere in the live broadcast room, but Jiang He just raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "You didn't say hello when you saw me. That's enough."

After saying that, the blood dagger was thrown out, directly slicing Kuanayoko's neck. Kuanagyoko's eyes widened, and he died immediately.

Jiuna Box: I can’t live without laughing. Brothers, I am 26 this year and died without saying hello.

(End of this chapter)

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