Kingdom of Light: I, Zero, join the chat group

Chapter 133 You guys underestimate Zero!

Chapter 133 You guys underestimate Zero!

But Dr. Herodia's happiness was a little too early.

On the frontal battlefield.

A full ten minutes have passed since the appearance of the Ultraman Mechanical Legion, but the battle is still continuing.

There were originally overwhelming mechanical Ultraman, but now only half of them are left.

The ground was covered with the broken limbs of Ultraman. From the wounds of the scrapped mechanical Ultraman, the parts inside could be clearly seen.

in the laboratory.

The smile on Dr. Herodia's face has gradually disappeared.
Zero's combat effectiveness was beyond his expectations.

Beside her, several employees cautiously comforted her: "Doctor, no matter how powerful Zero is, there will be times when he is exhausted. When his strength is exhausted, it will be his end."

Dr. Herodia's face was gloomy. Although he did not speak, he still recognized his subordinate's words.

Her eyes were fixed on the big screen, waiting for the moment when Zero was exhausted.


Another ten minutes passed, but Zero still showed no sign of fatigue. Instead, only the last quarter of the mechanical Ultraman legion filled the sky.

Dr. Herodia couldn't sit still.

What kind of monster is this!

Can you still have fun.

She felt like she hadn't woken up yet.

The strength of these mechanical Ultraman's are all based on the real data of the Ultraman Brothers.

Although it is definitely not as powerful as the main body, it will not be weakened too much.

However, such a powerful mechanical Ultraman legion was no match for Zero alone.

God, is this Zero still a human?

No, is he still Ultraman?

Dr. Herodia felt her heart bleed.

So many Ultraman legions are all her hard work.

A light flashed in her eyes, and she finally made up her mind. She could never just watch the Ultraman Mechanical Army be annihilated.

"Come on, wake up the guy in the experiment."

The two men were shocked.

Dr. Herodia was very confident: "Don't worry, I have installed a limiter on him. There is no way he can escape our control."

On the frontal battlefield.

Zero punched the last mechanical Ultraman to pieces.

The mechanical Ultraman turned into parts scattered all over the place.

Zero looked around and found that the surroundings were empty. He couldn't help but muttered: "This is so useless. I thought you could last longer. It's boring."

Not far away, Captains Ray and Hinata were numb.

They were shocked when Zero first fought against the mechanical Ultraman army.

Every time Cerrodo killed an enemy, their shock would deepen. By now, they were numb with shock.

Looking at the mechanical Ultraman parts scattered on the ground, the two of them suddenly had a suspicion.

It was said before that these Ultraman are all mechanical.

Now it seems that Zero is more like a machine, right?
killing machine.

Not far away, the admiration in Bemonstein's big eyes became even stronger.In mid-air, Zero stretched out comfortably.

"It's so comfortable! I haven't had such a hearty fight with someone in a long time."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly paused, turned his head sharply, and looked in the direction above his head, frowning.

Hinata and Lei both exclaimed at the same time, reminding: "Sero, be careful up there!"

Zero subconsciously looked up, only to find that at some point above his head, there was a figure hanging in the air, looking at him.

The figure's body has the same pattern as Ultraman, except that the pattern is composed of black, orange and silver. On his upper body, he also wears an armor.

in the laboratory.

The two men looked at the scene of the frontal battlefield with worries on their faces.

"Doctor, do you think this dark one-eyed Zero can beat the real Zero?"

Dr. Herodia shook her head.

"Hmph, you guys underestimate him too much. He is stronger than the genuine Zero, and I also installed a core on him. In front of him, Zero will definitely die."

That was exactly what Dr. Melodia discovered in the multidimensional universe. He looked exactly like Zero, but had only one eye.

Although he didn't know where he came from, Dr. Melodia was certain that his was built based on Zero's data and he knew every move of Zero.

Most importantly, Dr. Melodia also installed a dimensional energy core on him, making her even more powerful than before.

And this is also the strongest trump card in his hand.

At the same time, Zero was looking up at the dark one-eyed Zero: "You little bastard, who are you staring at? Why don't you come down and die obediently?"

In the sky, the dark one-eyed Zero actually spoke: "Hmph, do you know who I am?"

Zero felt funny in his heart. Who else could this be? Isn't it Dark Pros?

"Okay, stop whining. Don't say it's you. Even if your boss, Bei Laohei, comes over, I can still hit you."

This time it was Dark One-Eyed Zero's turn to be speechless.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Sero continued to sneer: "What, you don't know who Bei Laohei is, right? Oh yes, it seems that after he ran away, he gave himself another name, what the hell is Caesar? On."

Dark One-Eyed Zero was a little surprised: "You actually know our emperor?"

"Nonsense, not only do I know him, I once pressed him to the ground and rubbed him. If you want to experience it, I can help you later."

Dark One-Eyed Zero suddenly became angry: "Hmph, how dare you disrespect the emperor, you are seeking death!"

With that said, he pounced on Zero, extremely fast.

However, Zero couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect a robot like you to be quite loyal."

He also rose into the sky at the same time.

The two collided together, and exchanged dozens of blows in the blink of an eye. The speed of the two people was so fast that they could not be seen clearly, just like two black lightnings.

Suddenly, Cero found the right opportunity and kicked Dark One-Eyed Cero on the waist.

This kick knocked him directly to the ground, making a big hole in the ground.

"Unlock the restraint device on your body, otherwise you won't be my opponent!"

Zero looked at the armor on his upper body. In fact, it was a set of devices that limited his strength and could also restrict his movements at critical moments. Dr. Herodia knew that he could not control the dark one-eyed Zero, so he specially installed it. .

The dark one-eyed Zero was not polite, grabbed the armor on his chest, and crushed the armor with a force of his palm, revealing his true face.

The strange patterns on his body, the two head darts on his head, and the dark red dimensional core on his chest. Except for the long one eye, the rest of his appearance is clearly the same as Zero's, except that the color scheme has been changed.

In the distance, Captain Hinata and Lei were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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