Kingdom of Light: I, Zero, join the chat group

Chapter 34 Zero vs Leo!Leo panicked!Run away directly!

Chapter 34 Zero vs Leo!Leo panicked!Run away directly!

this moment.

Leo subconsciously clenched his fists and stared in disbelief.

There was absolutely no way he could misremember that familiar pattern, it definitely belonged to the Cosmic Fantasy Beast Fist!
But the question is how did Zero get it? !

He remains in space.

I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time, thinking that I was probably dreaming? !

I thought that Zero was out training for such a short period of time, and just being able to get a new form was incredible.

But now not only has it grown so much!

He also obtained the long-lost Space Fantasy Beast Fist. What exactly did he do? !

Leo swallowed involuntarily.

When he came to his senses, Fang hurriedly approached him and asked.

"Hi, Shiro."

"What you had on your wrist just now was a space fantasy beast?"

"But the Space Fantasy Beast Fist has long since ceased to exist, and it has been lost even on planet D60."

"How on earth did you learn the Space Fantasy Beast Fist?"

Leo couldn't help but ask.

You must know that D60 and his hometown are brothers in the galaxy. Seeing that the other party actually inherited the Cosmic Beast Fist.

It really had to make him extremely curious.

"It is indeed the Space Fantasy Beast Fist."

"But I only got it by chance. Leo, would you believe it?"

Sero wiped the tip of his nose with a smile on his face.

He definitely couldn't tell anything about the chat group. What if he was kicked out of the group?
Before getting the position of group leader.

Zero did not intend to reveal the existence of the chat group easily.

And saw Zero say this.

Leo knew that there must be something hidden in the other party.

However, Leo is also quite happy that the Space Fantasy Beast Boxing Technique can be passed down.

"Since you said so, I won't ask any more questions."

"Just in time, let me see your growth during this time and see how far you have grown now."

Leo was eager to try.

It had been a long time since he had sparred with the Space Fantasy Beast Fist.

Leo also became excited at the thought of training with the most powerful boxing technique in the universe.

"Just right."

"Then come on, Leo."

Zero clenched his fists confidently and stared at Leo in front of him.

Being able to fight Leo, who is the King of Fighters, can also further improve his strength.

Leo suddenly stepped forward and rushed forward.


The moment when the ground trembled.

Leo's figure had disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of Zero at an astonishing speed.

The fist that was swung out suddenly also struck directly at this moment.

But just with this level of power.

For Sero, it was completely easy to see through.

He also waved his fist and let out a blast on the spot.


The moment when fists collide.

Leo could clearly feel the amazing power coming from his wrist!
This terrifying power is even better than what he is now!
While letting the air waves spread out instantly.

Leo's figure was also forced to take a few steps back. Sensing this terrifying power, his eyes became extremely solemn at this moment.

"What a terrifying power, Zero."

"But fighting is never just about strength!"

"If you want to defeat me, then show your strength as much as possible!"

Leo grinned.

Then he rushed forward again, this time his fists were covered with astonishing light energy.And countless afterimages appeared in mid-air.

It is one of his signature fighting skills. If you don't have enough skill and speed, you won't be able to catch this move.


The roar of the red dragon faintly resounded in mid-air.

At this moment, along with Zero's fist, they blasted forward boldly.

The moment when fist and fist collide.

Waves of astonishing shock waves shattered the surrounding asteroid fragments even more!
So fight.

Leo was even more shocked.

Because Cerro is both in terms of strength, skill and speed.

Zero is quite powerful, even to a certain extent, he has reached the level of a monster!
When the fists are separated.

Leo also completely lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

He stared in Zero's direction.

"Ahem, you are doing very well now and can already help Mebius protect the earth."

"He is still a little too immature now, so I don't feel reassured."

"But now that you are here, it will be different."

When referring to the earth.

Leo's eyes showed a hint of worry.

Because his intuition told him that the crisis that the earth will face next will only be more terrifying.

Especially the threat from the Dark Emperor Abela.

In front of that terrible opponent.

If something unexpected happened to the earth, he would not be able to accept it.

"No problem, just leave it to me."

"But I also believe in Membius, even in my absence."

"With his growth, he can also sort out the next things."

Sai Luo smiled lightly.

For him, protecting the earth is something to do in itself.

Because he is also very curious about the person from Planet Abela, who is called the Emperor of the Universe.

How powerful it is.

"However, even if you want to defeat the darkness, you have to get enough of it first."

"We have only fought for two rounds now."

Sero clenched his fists.

What appeared in his eyes at this moment was full of fighting spirit.

After all, this is a good opportunity to test how far your limits can go!
When Leo saw Zero's gaze, the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched.

He didn't want to continue fighting with the kid in front of him. If he was defeated, wouldn't his face be lost? !
No no no!

Never let this happen!
"Ahem! Let's forget it. Anyway, I'll leave the earth to you first!"

"I still have things to do next, and I have to go back to the Kingdom of Light. I'm sorry to bother you, kid!"

After Leo finished speaking quickly.

Without hesitation, he turned around and disappeared into space.

And Zero could only watch the other party leave speechlessly.

"What's going on with this guy Leo that makes you want to go back in such a hurry?"

"This is completely outside the scope of the original expectations. Could it be that something terrible happened?"

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

Sero muttered something.

He still knows a lot about the plot of Mebius.

Naturally, it includes this classic plot involving Leo, but if he remembers it correctly.

Leo should have stayed behind to continue helping Mebius.

Only then would I choose to leave.

And now that he left in such a hurry, what happened?

Who knows~~~
(End of this chapter)

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