Kingdom of Light: I, Zero, join the chat group

Chapter 5: You call this being just a little bit stronger than them? !

Chapter 5 You call this being slightly stronger than them? !

I heard Zero's voice fall.

Nami reacted immediately: "You are the one in the group, are you 2 years too early?"

Surprise showed on her face.

Unexpectedly, the newcomer could actually fall from the sky.

This made her heart couldn't help but ignite the light of hope.

"It doesn't matter, just call me Zero."

Zero folded his hands on his chest and chuckled in an indifferent tone.

His eyes were on Nami.

Although it was the first time we met, the other party was indeed in good shape.

"Hello, I am a girl from Orange Village in the group. My real name is Nami. Thank you very much for your willingness to help!"

"Our Cocosia Village is now being harmed by the evil dragon realm."

"But there's no need to act immediately. Why don't you go sit inside my house first and let me explain the strength of those fishmen."

"When the time comes, come up with a plan and do it together."


Nami's eyes suddenly showed hatred.

Just recalling everything that happened in Cocosia Village in the past, she wanted to cut the evil dragon into pieces right now!
But such a good opportunity must be treated with caution!


Zero raised his eyebrows and said in a playful and confident tone.

"No! There's no need for a plan at all!"

"These fish-men are just too weak to pose any threat to me!"

A small miscellaneous fish like an evil dragon.

In Sero's eyes, there was no interest in taking it seriously at all.

At most, they just come to clock in and go to work.

And after hearing such arrogant words from Zero.

Nami had a worried look on her face.

"Mr. Sero, will there be any accidents like this?"

"Although I know you are strong, they are a group of fish-men after all."

"And if you think about it in the long term, you will be more confident."

In her impression, such terrifying creatures as fish-men must be dealt with with all their strength. Even if Zero can fly, he must be careful.

"Want to hurt me?"

"Based on them, it's still 2 years too early."

Sero crossed his arms on his chest and said calmly.


He is the strongest generation in the Kingdom of Light.

What needs to be discussed when fighting a dragon? Then if he spreads the word, should he still mess around?


Nami looked at Zero in surprise.

Is this newcomer in the chat group really a super boss? !
Is it possible that he can be ranked alongside those Shichibukai?
In her impression.

Shichibukai is already a powerful man who dominates the world.

"Sero, how strong are you approximately?"

Nami asked cautiously.

She is now very curious about Zero's strength. Being able to say such words must be much stronger than those fish-men, right?
"My strength?"

The corners of Sero's mouth raised slightly when he heard this.

He made a gesture with his fingers.

"As for my strength, I'm probably only a little stronger than them."

He finished speaking.

On the contrary, Nami was confused for a moment.

If he is only a little stronger than those fishmen, why are he so confident?
But the next moment.

Zero said no more, and directly put one hand around Nami's waist, urging the energy of his body to rise into the sky like a countercurrent meteor.

Almost in the blink of an eye, we arrived at the mission location.

The scene of suddenly flying into the air and the waist being touched.

Nami's head was a little confused for a moment.When she came back from her trance, she realized that she had reached the sky above the evil dragon's territory at some point.


Nami was so shocked that her beautiful eyes widened in disbelief.

The distance between the location just now and the Dragon Realm was at least a few kilometers, and they had arrived in just a few breaths.

This terrifying speed is simply unprecedented!

With such terrifying speed, even if you can't defeat those evil dragons, you will definitely have no problem escaping!

At worst, we can wait until we look back and make long-term plans!
"Below here is the dragon realm, right?"

"That pirate group is here?"

Zero asked casually.

Nami calmed down at this moment and heard Sero's question.

"Yes! That's right, it's right here!"

"Those nasty fishmen down there have invaded our village!"

Nami replied without hesitation, with some tears in the corners of her eyes.

If it weren't for these hateful fish-men, how could her mother die?


Nami glanced at Zero subconsciously.

Her pretty face blushed slightly, and her heart felt warm.

Now the village will finally be saved!

Sero looked down and felt very relaxed.

After all, with the combat power of the Pirate King, let alone the small evil dragon realm, even the three generals are just a gift when placed in front of him.

"OK, then Nami, please hold me tight."

Sero said deliberately.

Nami didn't think much and hugged Zero's body tightly, feeling the soft and close touch.

"You should take me down next."

"Zero must be preparing to deal with those fishmen."

She imagined this in her mind.

Results in the next second.

The figure stood high in the sky, Zero's golden eyes stared at the evil dragon realm below, and there was a faint light shining along his forehead.

When the light spot emerged, the green light fell straight down at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye!

"Bang bang bang!!"


Accompanied by a series of sonic explosions, the light exploded, and the terrifying green light bombarded the evil dragon field!

The moment when the sonic boom exploded.


Any area swept by the green light was engulfed by terrifying explosions and air waves!


The astonishing blazing flames were instantly spread by the light, even if the fishman's physical fitness was ten times higher than that of ordinary people!

Ahead of this explosion and light!

But as fragile as tissue paper!
Just the aftermath of the heat breath easily spread to the entire evil dragon realm!
The shrill wails echoed throughout the entire area!

Almost instantly, the evil dragon realm was completely destroyed!
Those shrill screams quickly disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

The whole area was just filled with potholes.

Broken limbs evaporated by the heat wave were scattered on the ground.
【Ding!Congratulations to the group member "You are 2 years too early" for completing the bounty mission (Destroying the Dragon Realm) and receiving the bounty reward of 8 points and an additional 10000 points! 】

The voice of the chat group sounded.

As the air waves gradually spread and dispersed, the entire evil dragon realm had already changed its appearance.

Just in less than 1 minute, everything changed!
As if pierced by a terrifying beam of light.

This scene.

Nami couldn't help but open her mouth wide and stared blankly, unable to believe it for a moment.

Her face was full of shock, and her heart was extremely shocked. this too easy? !

In just the blink of an eye, the evil dragon realm was destroyed!

Do you call this being slightly stronger than them? !
(End of this chapter)

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