Kingdom of Light: I, Zero, join the chat group

Chapter 73 Long time no see!The Titan Zero comes to Marvel again!god!

Chapter 73 Long time no see!The Titan Zero comes to Marvel again!god!
Tony's friend?
Everyone in the reunion was stunned when they heard this.

I quickly realized who that person was!

Isn't it the same giant that was special meowed last time, and was directly killed by the aliens?
"Tony, is this the one you're talking about?"

Captain America thought for a moment and looked at Tony in shock.

After all, the power of that giant is really terrifying!
Can destroy the entire alien fleet in an instant!

Such terrifying power is beyond their imagination!
With this help, maybe we can defeat Ultron easily!
Your mechanical life form is indeed difficult to kill!

But there is a limit to how difficult it is to kill!

It’s just that it’s more difficult for them!
Not for that giant!

"That giant..."

"It looks like Surtur!"

"The culprit of Ragnarok!"

If Thor hadn't known what Surtur looked like, he would have recognized Zero as the other person.

The kind of power that can destroy the world is not something ordinary people can possess!
They Asgard do have the ability to destroy the earth.

But it's not difficult for Zero to destroy their Asgard!
"A 60-meter giant! I think the guy inside me will be slapped to death!"

"The so-called power that can continuously increase is not worth mentioning in front of this kind of existence!"

Banner shook his head.

Therefore, some people are at their peak from birth!
No human being can be an opponent of such a terrifying warrior!

"Isn't this friend of yours going directly to Ultron now?"

Hawkeye looked at Tony, curious about Zero's movements.


Tony thought for a while, it was like this last time. He hadn't even seen Zero yet, and he had already defeated all the monsters!

They went over to clean up the battlefield.

Not a single bit of strangeness was left for them.

That’s quite embarrassing!

"I'm sorry, I really didn't go there this time!"

Right now!

In the Avengers base, a voice suddenly remembered!
Everyone in the Reunion looked behind them with solemn faces!
A handsome black-haired man appeared in front of everyone, with a metal coffin floating out of thin air behind him.

"Oh! Zero! Long time no see!"

After Tony saw Sero, he rushed up and planned to give Sero a hug, but...

Before he even got to Zero's side, he was immobilized by Ultra's telekinesis.

"Ultron can transfer his consciousness through the Internet, so I need you to activate this guy now."

"Let it deal with Ultron's ability to reprint it on the Internet first."

"Otherwise, even if I help you kill Ultron, it won't mean much!"

Zero threw the coffin behind him to everyone, signaling to activate it quickly.

Don't waste time, after all, I have to go there to complete the mission of the Ultra King!
Everyone in the reunion looked at each other a few times after hearing this, not knowing what to say at all.

Let Tony continue to work on artificial intelligence, they are unwilling to say anything.

They know exactly how Ultron came out!

If Tony hadn't been engaged in artificial intelligence research, things like Ultron would never have appeared.

"Since it's you who said it, Zero, of course I will continue!"

Tony was actually a little confused. According to common sense, an artificial intelligence life form like Ultron should be able to swim in the ocean of data easily.

There is simply no firewall that can block artificial intelligence.

Plus Jarvis didn't make an impact at the beginning.

Let Ultron have the idea of ​​​​destroying mankind.

Then there is only one possibility!
Until now, Jarvis should have played a role in Ultron not getting the password to the nuclear bomb!
Has been resisting Ultron's cyber attacks.So now this body can completely serve as Jarvis's new body!
"That's right! Where did you get this thing?"

Captain America frowned as he looked at the sleeping Vision.

It's not normal for a guy who doesn't know his origin to let them continue to carry out artificial intelligence experiments!
If they hadn't been able to defeat Zero together, Team America would have beaten everyone now!
"This is what you call Ultron's work!"

Sero shrugged, they would always agree anyway.

"No! Absolutely not! It's something that belongs to the enemy in the first place, and Stark also created something like Ultron."

"This experiment must not continue!"

Thor shook his head, firmly disagreeing with this matter.

He doesn't want to continue to create a father for himself!
"I'm just informing you, not asking for your consent!"

Zero's brows suddenly frowned, and the energy around him rioted!
The extreme energy pressure instantly made it difficult for everyone present to stand!

"Sai...Sero, you have something to say..."

Tony is so angry!

Zero is not from this earth!

It’s not something Captain America can order!

Don’t even think about it, when Loki invaded with his alien fleet.

The strength shown by the Cerro family...

That is simply not something humans can resist.

Now you actually refute what others said.

Isn’t it artificial intelligence? Manufacturing is manufacturing.

Originally, only artificial intelligence could fight against it!
"Then, let's make it! I think this guy's suggestion is okay!"

At this moment, a certain black braised egg also walked in. As soon as he came in, he was made quite uncomfortable by the energy pressure.

But since the other party is Tony's friend, just believe it, maybe you can get some surprises?

Everyone present said nothing again...

Who knows what the consequences will be if you continue to talk...

This guy's strength is beyond what they can deal with!

"It's quite simple to make, but..."

"We don't have enough energy..."

Tony and Banner worked for a long time before realizing that there was not enough energy!

Only by injecting extremely powerful energy into this guy's body in an instant can it be activated.

When he said this, Tony turned to look at Sero.

Only Zero and Thor can do this!
"Let Thor come, my energy is not something vibranium can bear!"

Sero smiled and shook his head.

However, his words were so suspenseful that everyone in the Avengers was not fooled!

Do you know what you are talking about?
Your energy is not something that vibranium can bear?
Vibranium is already the most powerful metal in their world!

Not even Thor can destroy vibranium with energy.

Alright alright!

They had underestimated Zero's power before!
It can only be said that this person's power is completely beyond their imagination!

They should just work honestly!

The feeling of lying down and winning is actually quite good!

Think on the bright side!

Anyway, with this help this time, they will be much more relaxed!

(End of this chapter)

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