"Haha, of course." Jiang An said with a proud smile.

The three of them chatted passionately, as if not seeing each other for many years had not affected their friendship.

Liu Chun asked about Jiang An and Lin Xixi's travel plans, and enthusiastically provided his experience and suggestions in Bourges.

"You must go to the Cathedral of Bourges. The stained glass windows there are so beautiful." Liu Chun strongly recommended.

"Well, we have already planned it." Jiang An nodded, "Do you have any other fun places to recommend?"

"Of course."

Liu Chun thought for a moment and said, "You can visit the museum in Bourges to learn about the history and culture of this city. In addition, you can also taste the local French food in the evening. You will definitely not be disappointed."

With Liu Chun's enthusiastic recommendation, Jiang An and Lin Xixi's trip to Bourges became more colorful.

The three of them chatted happily until the airport broadcast reminded Liu Chun that Liu Chun's flight was about to take off, and they reluctantly said goodbye.

"Keep in touch, Jiang An." Liu Chun waved goodbye, "I wish you a happy stay in Bourges!"

"Most definitely!"

Jiang An and Lin Xixi responded in unison. After watching Liu Chun disappear at the boarding gate, the two turned and left the airport and began their romantic trip in Bourges.

This unexpected reunion also added special memories and warmth to their trip.

Jiang An and Lin Xixi's trip to Bourges began.

They chose a local, Gothic religious style hotel to stay.

This hotel is hidden in a corner of the ancient district of Bourges, and its appearance reveals a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.

When they walked into the hotel lobby, Lin Xixi was immediately attracted by the scene in front of her and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow, this place is really unique!"

Jiang An looked around and felt very satisfied: "Yes, this hotel is really good. It is completely integrated with Gothic cultural elements."

The hotel's lobby is decorated with soaring vaulted ceilings carved with intricate and detailed patterns.

The stained glass windows on the walls shine in the sunlight, giving off a charming brilliance.

In every corner, there are exquisite religious artworks, making people feel like they are in a medieval Gothic church.

“Look at those stained glass windows, they’re so beautiful!”

Lin Xixi pointed to the window and said excitedly, "Moreover, every detail here reveals a mysterious and solemn feeling. It really feels like traveling to the Middle Ages."

"Yes, this is the charm of Gothic culture." Jiang An sighed, "This hotel is really attentive and has completely integrated the essence of Gothic culture into every corner."

They checked in and got the room key. It is worth mentioning that the if here was also carved into the shape of a rose.

The moment she opened the door, Lin Xixi was shocked by the scene in front of her again: "Wow, Teacher Jiang, am I not dreaming?"

The room is also decorated with vaulted ceilings and stained glass windows, and the bed style is also full of medieval style.

There is also an oil painting depicting a Gothic church hanging on the wall, making the whole room even more immersed in the atmosphere of Gothic culture.

“It’s really great here!”

Lin Xixi walked around the room excitedly, carefully observing every detail, "I feel like I have become a princess in the Middle Ages, living in such a mysterious castle."

Seeing her excitement, Jiang An couldn't help but laugh: "Then you are my princess. Let us enjoy this 'castle' for a few days."

In this Gothic religious-style hotel in Bourges, Jiang An and Lin Xixi were destined to spend a few days, full of surprises and romantic nights.

They were immersed in the atmosphere of Gothic culture, feeling the mystery and solemnity of the Middle Ages, as if they had traveled through time and space and returned to that distant era.

After checking into the hotel, Jiang An and Lin Xixi couldn't wait to go to the hotel's specialty restaurant to experience the unique Gothic cuisine there. The restaurant is arranged like a medieval banquet hall. On both sides of the long table, exquisite silverware and glassware are placed. Dark murals are hung on the walls. The candlelight flickers, adding a mysterious and solemn atmosphere to the entire space. Atmosphere.

In order to better integrate into this special dinner, both of them dressed up as a gothic-style marquis and marquise as required.

Jiang An wore a black velvet jacket with silver accessories, looking noble and mysterious.

Lin Xixi, on the other hand, was wearing a long black dress with a wide hem, complicated lace and a thin belt, as if she were a noble lady from the Middle Ages.

After they sat down, other guests around them were also dressed in similar costumes, and the entire restaurant seemed to have turned into a masquerade party.

The waiters, all dressed in medieval costumes, provide attentive service to the guests.

"This is so interesting!" Lin Xixi whispered to Jiang An, "I feel like I have really traveled to the Middle Ages."

Jiang An responded with a smile: "Yes, this kind of experience is indeed very special. Look at the guests, they are all immersed in this theme."

The dinner began, and exquisite gothic delicacies were served on the table.

Every dish is carefully designed and cooked, not only has a unique taste, but the presentation is also very artistic.

While enjoying the delicious food, the guests also exchanged their understanding and feelings about Gothic culture from time to time.

"The presentation of this dish is so exquisite!" Lin Xixi praised, pointing to a dish with complicated decorations.

"That's true, and the taste is very unique." Jiang An commented after taking a bite.

Halfway through the dinner, a gothic-style performance began on the stage in the center of the restaurant.

Musicians dressed in medieval costumes played ancient music, and dancers danced gracefully and solemnly on the stage, as if they were performing a medieval court dance.

"This performance is so wonderful!" Lin Xixi was fascinated. "I feel like a real marquise enjoying a medieval court dance."

Jiang An gently held her hand: "Then let's enjoy this wonderful night."

In such a gothic-style dinner, Jiang An and Lin Xixi seemed to have traveled to the Middle Ages and experienced the noble life of a marquis and a marquise.

They not only tasted exquisite gothic cuisine, but also enjoyed wonderful performances and spent an unforgettable and unique night.

After the dinner, Jiang An and Lin Xixi returned to their gothic-style room.

The candlelight flickers in the room, creating a mysterious and warm atmosphere. The two of them sat on the edge of the bed, immersed in the aftertaste of the dinner they just had.

Lin Xixi looked at the starry sky outside the window and said with emotion: "France is so romantic, especially the religious culture here, which gives me a mysterious and solemn feeling. I really like this atmosphere."

Jiang An gently held her hand, smiled and said, "Xixi, as long as you like it. However, although religious culture has its beautiful and mysterious side, it also has its cruel and dark side."

Lin Xixi turned her head and looked at Jiang An curiously: "Cruelty and darkness? Are you talking about religious wars and persecution in history?"

Jiang An nodded: "That's right. In French history, religion has been the root cause of countless wars and persecution."

"For example, the Crusades in the Middle Ages were brutal wars fought in the name of religion. There was also the Inquisition, which persecuted heretics in the name of religion and even used torture."

Lin Xixi couldn't help but feel a little shocked after hearing these words: "Really? Why haven't I heard of this?"

Jiang An sighed: "Because history is always written by the victors, they often only show the glorious side and hide the cruel and dark facts. But I think that understanding the full picture of history will help us better understand culture. is very important."

Lin Xixi was silent for a while, and then said: "You are right. I have only seen the beauty and mystery of foreign religious culture before, but ignored that it also has such a cruel and dark side. This may be why Gothic culture Yes, it’s probably because it was gradually replaced by other cultures.”

Jiang An gently patted the back of her hand: "Yes. But no matter what, we should cherish the peace and prosperity we have now, and at the same time, we should remember history and learn from history."

The two looked at each other, smiled, and hugged each other tightly. (End of chapter)

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