Chapter 203 Huh!uh-huh!
Are you trying to seduce me?
Jiang An stared at the girl in front of him and couldn't help but have this idea in his mind.

The Lin Xixi in front of her was really moving.

She was wearing a maid outfit, black and white, and her ponytails, which were originally tied high, now turned into twin ponytails.

The evil twin tails!

There are only two kinds of people in this world.

The first type is people who have never seen twin tails.

The second type is people who like twin tails.

When many people don't see twin ponytails, they think cuteness is worthless in front of sexiness.

But... what if it's cute and sexy?
At this moment, Lin Xixi already possessed these two elements at the same time.

Lin Xixi was very nervous, although she didn't know what Jiang An was thinking now.

But to be honest, just being looked at by Jiang An was a bit too much for her.

To be honest, she was very uncomfortable wearing this maid outfit, and she felt like she was being restrained.

She lowered her head slightly and looked at her black and white maid uniform. Under the skirt, her long legs were tightly wrapped in white stockings, making them look long and straight.

It’s not like Lin Xixi has never cosplayed a maid.

However, the cosplay at that time was rejected by her as soon as the filming was completed. can you easily wear a maid outfit and show it to others?

Compared with other character cosplay costumes, the maid costume is definitely considered a shameful one...

As she was wearing it now, Lin Xixi's heartbeat was accelerating crazily. She was so shy!

And Jiang An just looked at her without saying a word...

Is this guy just stunned?
Thinking of this, Lin Xixi swallowed her saliva and gritted her teeth and said:

"Are you satisfied with the Lun family's maid outfit?"

Jiang An couldn't stand it after hearing such sweet words from Lin Xixi.

Very meow.

Who can stand this? ?
I can't stand it at all!
Lin Nvxia's voice was originally clear and sweet, but now it was slightly pinched, making it even more cute.

"Satisfied, very satisfied..."

Jiang An took a deep breath and walked quickly to Lin Xixi. Without saying a word, he first pinched his face and then rubbed his little head.

He even wanted to grab the little bell on the girl's throat.

Feeling Jiang An's actions, Lin Xixi didn't dare to take a breath. She lowered her head nervously, her eyelashes trembling, and her wet eyes stared at Jiang An.

As if he was afraid that this guy's hands would be dishonest and touch other places...

But Jiang An restrained himself quickly, took his hand back, looked at Lin Xixi with a smile and said:

"Eh? Why are you so stunned?"

"I, I said I'm very satisfied, sit down."

"Come closer~"

With that said, Jiang An walked towards the sofa.

As a result, the girl pursed her lips and stood still.

Jiang An was stunned, huh?
What does it mean?
As a result, the next moment, Lin Xixi blushed and whispered:

"There is surveillance in the living room, no, I don't want to go to the living room~"

Ever since she learned there was surveillance, Lin Xixi became more careful.

She didn't want Jiang An to preserve her shameful attire.

Then her life would be really difficult!

"Okay, okay, if you don't want to be here, then you won't be here. Let's go to the room."

Jiang An couldn't help but laugh softly when he saw Lin Xixi looking so wary.

This stupid girl.

He actually thought of monitoring this matter.

But to be honest, Jiang An himself feels like he is a weird man who is fooling a cute little girl.

But say it with your conscience.

Jiang An doesn't have any bad intentions.

"The room..." Lin Xixi blushed and nodded nervously: "Okay, the room is better~"

With that said, the girl followed him into the room very cautiously.When Jiang An looked at her like this, the corners of his mouth turned up involuntarily. Isn't this girl a little too cute?

Lin Xixi sat on the bed, then looked at Jiang An:

"How is it, Master, are you satisfied~"

"Will you still play those [-]-ban games in the future?"

After sitting down, the girl felt much better, but her pretty face was still hot, as if her whole body was being cooked.

But he still stared at Jiang An and hummed.

Jiang An was immediately happy when he heard this.

"Good guy, you've been waiting for a long time, so this is what you're doing?"

I'm sorry, this girl just turned on the TV and it happened to be the maid game. As a result, she really put on the maid costume. This is to express... Is the cash flow better than the paper man?Tsk, please keep Lin Xixi like this forever!


Who doesn’t want to have a girlfriend who can change her skin?

"Otherwise, what else? Then when the TV calls you master, I also call you, who sounds better?" Lin Xixi glared at Jiang An and continued to ask in a low voice.

"Of course it's you."

"Heh heh heh, you better be!"

Lin Xixi blushed, and finally a smile appeared in her eyes.

She forced herself to be shy and put on this maid outfit, for no other reason than to make Jiang An understand.

Something you like.

No need to watch TV or play games.

Just find me.

I also can!

Obviously, Teacher Jiang's performance has already explained a lot.

With such a scorching look in her eyes just now, to be honest, Lin Xixi almost couldn't bear it.

However, while Lin Xixi breathed a sigh of relief, she was also slightly dissatisfied.

They are all dressed like this, but some people have not taken any further action.

Sure enough, if you have a lustful heart, you don’t have the guts to be lustful.

It must be Teacher Jiang.

But... this is good. It proves that Teacher Jiang still respects her.

"So you haven't eaten the dessert yet?"

Jiang An noticed that the desserts bought by Lin Xixi were still on the table on one side.

He couldn't help but pick it up as he spoke, then looked at Lin Xixi in front of him and smiled:

"Do you want me to feed you something?"

heard this.

Lin Xixi rolled her eyes and hummed softly:
"Of course I haven't eaten. I was just busy coming in to change my clothes and show them to someone."

"I can't help it. How can a trivial matter like me eating desserts make someone happy?"

"What? And my brother feeds me? Then I've gone too far!"

"No no no~"

"Now you want me to serve the master. Come on, open your mouth~"

As she spoke, Lin Xixi's face turned redder and redder, but she still bravely lifted the dessert up, scooped it up gently with a spoon, and then brought it to Jiang An's mouth. .

Jiang An blinked, his eyes bright.

Staring at the girl in front of him.

Because he was squatting in front of him, he lowered his head slightly and could see that touch of whiteness.

So... touching.

He couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and reached out his hand to hold her little face.

Lin Xixi was a little confused by this sudden move.

He couldn't help but let out a soft cry in his mouth.

"Hmm... hum."

(End of this chapter)

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