Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 375: A few glasses of wine, is it enough to be ambitious?

Chapter 375: A few glasses of wine, is it enough to be ambitious?

"So, the current situation is that if you, Lin Qingyou, don't design the game well, you will be forced to go home and inherit hundreds of millions of assets?"

Jiang An looked at Lin Qingyou in front of him with interest and asked.

Lin Qingyou laughed: "Fuck you, are you waiting for me here, plotting against me?"

"How is that possible? If I fail in game design, I will indeed go home, but I won't inherit the family fortune. I may choose another direction."

Jiang An raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "That's about it."

"But, just hang out with me. I guarantee you won't have to fall to this. When the time comes, you can go home happily."

Lin Qingyou nodded.

If it had been in the past, he would have complained that Jiang An was trying to make a fool of himself.

But since Jiang An gave him the Dig Di Qiu Sheng.

He had already begun to realize that Jiang An's ability was indeed very terrifying.

"I believe in your ability now."

Lin Qingyou narrowed his eyes: "And I'm not planning to leave the Magic City. This is a good place, and there's a girl I like."

"Ah hey hey hey! Can you two keep your voices down when you say such greasy words? Is it possible that our real master is still around~"

Lin Xixi couldn't help but laughed and cursed.

This Lin Qingyou has really evolved.

There is something to say.

After three days, it’s time to watch with admiration!

Now his ability to talk about love is no less than that of Teacher Jiang.

"Okay, okay, that's what I meant anyway." Lin Qingyou took a bite of the mutton, and then showed a satisfied look:

"Hey~ Anyway, I'm quite happy staying in Jianghu. It's much more comfortable than staying at Yang Wenqin's place."

"But this old boy, Wang Tu Studio has become very famous recently."

Hearing this, Jiang An raised his eyebrows slightly: "Wang Tu, has he started it?"

"Yes, there was a rich man from Kyoto who became an investor behind him, and Wang Dong's entire team entered the studio."

"With such a ready-made team, their reputation will naturally rise very quickly.",

"In other words, Wang Dong has been operating in China for so long, and now it's like changing his sponsor."

Hearing this, Jiang An narrowed his eyes slightly, and his mind suddenly thought of what Zhang Zhejie said during the day that a cooperation with a company had not been negotiated.

At the time, I thought it was nothing. Maybe the company had already made an agreement with another studio.

But come to think of it now.

But something is wrong.

What company would throw away profits?
Unless... it can be compared to the size of Jianghu, and then it will also provide more generous profits.

Think about it this way.

Maybe it’s Wangtu Studio.

Jiang An had already seen Yang Wenqin's ability to draw big cakes last time. He has improved rapidly and is very powerful.

"Today I asked Lao Zhang to discuss cooperation, but one company refused, saying that it had already cooperated with another studio."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Qingyou's expression changed slightly, and then he instantly understood what Jiang An meant, and his voice was a little cold: "You mean, Wang Tu Studio cut off the beard?"

Jiang An nodded lightly: "It's hard to say whether it's a cut-off, but the competition is definitely there." "As you said, the team led by Wang Dong is very mature, so they will naturally have the need to get in touch with resource projects. , and at the same time, there are financial backers behind it, so the price must be much higher than ours, so that company will choose them."

"Well, it's true. If it's really them, that company probably had this idea." Lin Qingyou nodded lightly. It is the nature of businessmen to pursue profits.

In particular, Wang Tu is not bad at the moment.

Although it is not as famous as Jianghu, it has three famous games.

But Wang Tu is rich and famous, and some companies will care about this.

"So, it won't just be this company, but probably other companies as well."

"I even think that this may be Yang Wenqin's arrangement. He likes to target me and fight with me, so this time, maybe he has worked hard in advance and wants to rob me." Jiang An shook his head gently, There is a lot of thoughts in the eyes that can see through everything.

How can he understand this guy Yang Wenqin?

After all, the two of them grew up together. With his urinary nature, Jiang An knew what kind of medicine this guy was selling in his gourd without having to guess.

"Anyway, don't worry about that. Just let him go. Since he really wants to grab it, let him grab it. It's not like we can't compete with him."

Jiang An smiled and shook his head.

If you want to grab Yang Wenqin's Wang Tu, just grab it.

Anyway, he was not prepared to eat up all the shares in the market at the beginning. He could only eat some.

And Jianghu doesn’t need to eat so much, so why bother?

"My assessment is that this guy is very petty and will have conflicts with Wang Dong sooner or later." Lin Qingyou nodded, then suddenly thought of something, and said cheerfully.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"First of all, I know Wang Dong a little bit. He is also a headstrong person. He is also very independent and has a bad temper. The reason why he came out of his previous studio is that I doubt him. Maybe it’s because I don’t want to be controlled.”

"But what kind of person is Yang Wenqin? You should understand that his desire for control is also very terrifying. Before I went to his studio, he also told me that he would never interfere with my work decisions, but How's it going back then?"

"He doesn't want to keep interfering with me and occupying a dominant position. To put it bluntly, he just wants to lead the team because he doesn't have the ability."

"Given the personalities of these two people, I will never believe them if they don't touch each other in the future. They will definitely start fighting."

Lin Qingyou laughed. At first, he was so determined to leave.

This is also a major reason.

No designer likes to have someone interfere with his thoughts or ideas.

If someone like Jiang An was capable and indeed had great ideas, it would be okay if he could be persuaded.

But if it’s someone like Yang Wenqin who doesn’t have the ability, he still has to show off.

That is absolutely impossible to be happy with.

"Then just wait and see, it's best if they can fight in a nest."

Jiang An stretched out: "I really don't care now. I think it's pointless to argue with him. It's better to do my own thing."

"In other words, Jianghu's development is now on the right track and the initial expansion is over."

"As long as it remains stable, Jianghu's future is bright."

"Yes, bright."

Lin Qingyou and Jiang An looked at each other, and they felt like they had the same goals.

Xu Ningning on the side saw this scene and couldn't help but curled her lips at Lin Xixi and whispered:

"Did you see, you stinky men, you haven't even had a few glasses of wine, and you're already getting very ambitious..."

(End of this chapter)

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