Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 405: Simple, human beings are not good enough

Chapter 405: Simple, human beings are not good enough

Jiang An's voice fell.

As if, everyone got out of the car.

Already arrived at the door of the hotel.

I have to say that the Liu family is still very impressive, and this birthday party was very impressive.

And many people were invited to participate.

As soon as Jiang An entered, he saw several familiar figures.

"The Liu family invited a lot of people from the yard."

Zhang Zhejie saw this scene and couldn't help but secretly said.

As a result, the next moment, his eyes changed, and he showed a somewhat speechless look: "Oh, look, who did I see? Isn't it Yang Wenqin?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes turned to him.

Good guy, it’s really Yang Wenqin.

"I don't know what's going on, why do you still invite him?"

Zhang Zhejie shook his head in disgust.

"I thought Liu Youran had awakened and would never have anything to do with this guy again, but I didn't expect it. It seems I was overthinking it!"

"Whatever, maybe he came uninvited?"

Xu Ruojia on the side smiled: "It's not like you don't know the characters of Liu Youran and Yang Wenqin."

"I estimate that Liu Youran will never be interested in Yang Wenqin again. After all, her heart is entirely focused on Jiang An. How can she still be interested in Yang Wenqin?"

"As for Yang Wenqin, who can bear the feeling of that dog-skin plaster?"

She knew these two people, after all, they had been together for so long. As soon as these words came out, Zhang Zhejie nodded: "It's possible."

"Lao Jiang, what do you think?"

When Jiang An heard this, he rolled his eyes at him with disgust: "What do I think? I'm not interested in taking care of this. I just want to know, how is today's food?"

"Who cares about that~"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Xixi on the side couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, showing a proud smile.

Hey ~
Listen and see!
My boyfriend’s consciousness is awesome!

"Watch your face, Xiaolin-san."

Sensing Lin Xixi's performance, Jiang An lowered his head slightly, couldn't help but look at Lin Xixi in front of him with a smile and said.

"Eh...is it that obvious?"

Lin Xixi smiled sheepishly, and then whispered;
"Even if you do, you can't expose me!"

"I'm so embarrassed."

Jiang An became happy: "Aren't you still embarrassed, classmate Xiao Lin?"

"Nonsense, I rely on my ability to travel in the world, not my shamelessness, okay?"

"OK, OK~"

The two people walked into the hotel talking and laughing.

By coincidence, Yang Wenqin also cast his gaze over, and when he saw a group of people, his expression instantly became a bit unpleasant.

"Hey, I thought it was you, but it turned out to be you."

Yang Wenqin walked over with a wine glass in hand and a smile on his face, a look of worthlessness on his face.

"Hey, I thought it was who it was, but it turned out to be the boss of Wang Tu Studio, Boss Yang."

Before Jiang An could speak, Zhang Zhejie had already walked up.

If we talk about the recent grievances, it has to be between him and Yang Wenqin.

If it weren't for this kid, his business would definitely be on the next level. But now it's better, Yang Wenqin has cut him off a lot.

Therefore, Zhang Zhejie was angry.

Seeing Yang Wenqin running over to provoke him, Zhang Zhejie couldn't help it.

Mom sucks.

Your kid even came to my door to scold me, right?

"Haha, it turns out to be Zhang Zhejie, the errand boy from Jianghu Studio." Yang Wenqin glanced at him, then sneered:
"I heard that many of your orders have been taken by my people recently? Isn't that very uncomfortable?"

The corners of Zhang Zhejie's mouth twitched slightly, and his expression became a little cold.

"Surely it was you who did it?"

"Otherwise, you wouldn't think that your order would be gone for no reason, would you?"

Yang Wenqin sneered.

He had long discovered that Jianghu was looking for companies to contact for cooperation.

So he just asked his men to mess up the situation in advance.

This is also the reason why Zhang Zhejie has been unable to deal with those companies.

At this time, he couldn't help but speak directly, wanting to show off and stimulate.

Zhang Zhejie's eyes were filled with coldness: "Yang Wenqin, Yang Wenqin, I never thought that after so many years, you, a dog coin guy, still like to play dirty, right?"

"If a good person doesn't do it, you have to be a fucking dog!"

"Fuck, man, I really want to whip you right now!"

After hearing this, Yang Wenqin laughed: "Don't say that. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Why are you talking about me?"

"If you have the ability, just do it. I won't stop you, right?"

"Okay, Lao Zhang, what do you want to say to him?"

At this time, seeing this scene, Jiang An looked indifferent, glanced at Zhang Zhejie who was a little annoyed, patted his shoulder gently, then looked at Yang Wenqin, smiled and said: "Yang Wenqin, you like to rob, I I knew it, but I didn’t expect you to want to snatch everything.”

"It doesn't matter, then just grab it. Anyway, there are some things you can't take away no matter how hard you try."


Yang Wenqin was immediately choked by such a sentence.

I only heard Jiang An continue to say calmly: "I have already seen through your character. You like to imitate, follow suit, and steal my things."

"But, that's all you can do. If I don't walk in front of you, you will be like a blind man. It's funny."

"Okay, there's nothing more to say, just do whatever you want."

"Anyway, the time is here, let's see who can have the last laugh?"

Jiang An's words carried some profound meaning.

To put it bluntly, he felt that Wang Tu Studio would not be able to develop for a long time according to the current situation.

Not only is Yang Wenqin incompetent, but Wang Tu's internal structure is also full of problems.

In this situation.

Why does Wang Tu last so long?
Just when the two were fighting against each other.

Two figures walked in from the door.

One is Liu Youran who is dressed like a princess.

The other one was Yang Tao, who couldn't help but look particularly gloomy when standing next to Liu Youran.

As soon as the two people came in, they saw several people not far away.

Yang Tao's face couldn't help but instantly turned a little ugly.

Why did you just come here and see Yang Wenqin and Jiang An getting together?
And the momentum is so tense.

Yang Wenqin also saw Liu Youran at the same time, and an extremely greedy look instantly appeared in his eyes.

So beautiful Liu Youran!
Jiang An also glanced at Liu Youran and found that her makeup was inexplicably familiar.

Just like the time I praised myself.

Just a pity.

Jiang An doesn't like this makeup very much now.

It's not because the makeup doesn't look good or anything.

Just simply feel.

People can't.


(End of this chapter)

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