Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 409 Eat well, drink well, and live forever?

Chapter 409 Eat well, drink well, and live forever?
"Is it dangerous……"

After hearing everyone's words, Zhang Zhejie smiled naively and showed an embarrassed expression: "Oh, I was just talking, so I definitely can't really do that!"

Having said this, Zhang Zhejie sighed softly: "But, one thing to say, I am quite anxious to see the progress of these two people. Do you think Lin Qingyou is a big-headed guy? Not at all. Are you anxious?"

Jiang An couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this: "Why should he be anxious about this?"

"To be honest, I'm not in a hurry."

"After all, this matter is not a big deal."

"Both of them, just let nature take its course."

Everyone has always seen Lin Qingyou and Xu Ningning.

In other words, it has never been a matter of whether this pair can succeed.

And importantly, the personalities of Lin Qingyou and Xu Ningning actually match well.

"It would be cool if the three of us couples got engaged and got married together, right?"

Zhang Zhejie murmured in a low voice.

It was only now that he had such an idea in his mind. After all, he had never thought that these two people could get together before.

At first...he just joked casually.

Unexpectedly, it really did!

"Harm, let's just let it happen anyway. Let's just let it happen. If some people can't help but get married first, then there's nothing we can do about it, right?"

"That makes sense~"

Just as he was talking, a figure appeared not far from everyone.

Zhang Zhejie raised his eyebrows slightly, and then thought: "Liu Youran, are you planning to come over? Or do you want to do something?"

"Something's wrong, this is very wrong."

After hearing this, Jiang An also cast his gaze over.

Liu Youran was greeting several elders.

There are many elders here today. As the protagonist of the birthday party, it is absolutely inappropriate for her not to go out of courtesy.

At this time, after she had just said hello to several elders, her eyes fell on Jiang An's table involuntarily.

She was a little hesitant. Should she go to Jiang An's table and talk to him?

This opportunity should seem good. After all, it should be appropriate to open the door like this.

It's just... those people, Liu Youran has some inexplicable headaches.

She obviously knew these people.

But seeing each other again now feels extremely strange.

She even felt a little embarrassed.

This emotion made Liu Youran very confused and hesitant.

Does she want to go there?

If she went, they would definitely look at her strangely, but if she didn't, she would miss this opportunity.

Thinking of this, Liu Youran took a deep breath, picked up the cup in front of him, and looked much more serious.

She went there this time... to thank them for coming to her birthday party.

Well...that's right, just use this method and words.

It won't make her look too humble.

"Youran, what are you going to do?"

Just when Liu Youran was about to go over, Yang Tao saw this scene with sharp eyes, and couldn't help but stand up, showing a somewhat puzzled expression, staring at Liu Youran in front of him, wondering what he was going to do.

"I, I'm going to talk to Jiang An."

Liu Youran glanced at Yang Tao, who had a puzzled expression on his face, but he didn't hide anything and responded directly.

"Going to talk to Jiang An?"

Yang Tao was stunned for a moment, then looked at her in disbelief: "Let's go like this, but is this appropriate?"

"There are quite a few of them over there. I'm afraid what they will say to you then."

"What can you say about me?"

Liu Youran smiled hoarsely, then shook his head slightly and said: "You won't say anything about me. At most, you will think that I have the nerve to go there." "Besides, everyone knows each other, and I know them. Even if they think so, You would never say that to me."

"But if they think so, they can't hide that look..."

"So what? I'm used to it."

Liu Youran smiled hoarsely: "After such a long time, in their hearts, I have long been that kind of person."


"I may have said something wrong. I'm not who they think I am."

"That's the kind of person I am."

"So, I don't care about that at all."

"Okay, Star Tao, I'm going over."

Liu Youran raised the corner of her mouth. She didn't know why, but after she said it at this time, she felt much more relaxed, as if she had never felt so comfortable before.

This feeling... is really good.

"Do you want to come with me?"

Looking at Liu Youran's expectant look in front of him.

Star Tao shrank back instinctively, with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

After seeing her actions, Liu Youran understood everything instantly.

She smiled and didn't care much, and then waved her hand; "Okay, then just wait for me here."


Although Yang Tao feels that he and Liu Youran are very good friends, if they make a fool of themselves together, he really has to think carefully about whether he can bear it...

After all, this is no joke.

Liu Youran naturally understood what she was thinking.

But Liu Youran really didn't care much anymore.

What's there to care about?

She had already thought about some things clearly.

Anyway, she is already such a person, why should she care about that? She just regrets it, so she wants to change.


When Liu Youran walked into Jiang An's table.

The atmosphere felt a little inexplicably silent for a moment.

Everyone's eyes involuntarily fell on Liu Youran in front of them.

"No, are you really here?" Zhang Zhejie looked extremely surprised. He felt that this was a bit hard to accept. No, what are you doing here?

Is this reasonable? ?
It wasn't just him who was in a bit of disbelief.

Others on the side were also confused.

What's going on? Why did Liu Youran come here?

Logically speaking, today is your birthday. Isn’t it a bit inappropriate for you to come to our place?

Lin Xixi's expression also became a little subtle, feeling a little strange, what does this guy... want to do?

"It looks like you are here to find me."

Jiang An raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling particularly calm. Compared to others, he was the most calm.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with anyone else, just him.

"Then what do you think we should do? This is the only way."

"Anyway, she's here now. I'm curious about what she wants to say to you."

Lin Xixi blinked and looked sideways at Jiang An in front of her, the corners of her mouth raised, and a curious look appeared on her face.

"Maybe... eating well and drinking well will lead to immortality?"

Jiang An Yile responded softly.

(End of this chapter)

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