Chapter 412 Biggest Loser

Yang Tao stood in the hotel, feeling slightly cold and looking particularly ugly.

Yang Wenqin left immediately after saying so.

And Liu Youran also sat there to rest by himself.

Saw her figure.

Yang Tao took a deep breath, and many thoughts came to her mind. In the end, she seemed to have made some kind of decision.

She walked quickly to her side and said in a low voice:
"Youran, Youran, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you still unhappy?"

Seeing Yang Tao, Liu Youran couldn't help but smile, raised his head and said lightly: "What's wrong? I'm not unhappy. What should I be unhappy about?"

"No... weren't you angry about that just now?"

"No, I have nothing to be angry about."

Liu Youran responded calmly: "Didn't you all say that I misunderstood and that there is no relationship between the two of you? If that's the case, what should I be unhappy about?"


Star Tao inhaled slightly, the expression on his face was a bit unpleasant.

She really knew Liu Youran very well.

Once Liu Youran shows such a nonchalant tone, it means that Liu Youran... really doesn't care anymore.

So what does she mean if she doesn't care?

She... doesn't actually care what happened between her and Yang Wenqin?
Then think about it carefully.

In fact, Liu Youran just used her as a shield to reject Yang Wenqin?
Thinking of this, Yang Tao felt a little bad.

When Liu Youran saw this scene, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, saying everything without saying anything.

She knew that according to Yang Tao's mind, he would definitely be able to figure out what she meant.

Just as Yang Tao thought, she really didn't care what happened between Yang Tao and Yang Wenqin.

Since she can say it and say it calmly, she has actually made her attitude clear.

She didn't care what happened to these two people, just let them be, as long as they didn't interfere with her.

"Okay, I understand what you mean, You Ran."

And Yang Tao adjusted his mentality quickly enough. At this time, he took a deep breath and forced a smile on his face: "If this is the case, then I will pay more attention."

"But don't worry, it's absolutely impossible for me to be with Yang Wenqin. He likes you, I know it."

A mocking smile appeared on Liu Youran's face: "Do you like me?"

"Actually...after meeting Jiang An, I have understood many, many things."

"Among them, there is one thing that I see most clearly. Do you know what it is?"

"What's going on?" Yang Tao was slightly startled, looking a little confused.

"What it's like to like someone. I understand now better than anyone else. He doesn't really like me like that, he just cares about me."

Liu Youran laughed: "To be honest, I always thought it was easy to tell whether a person likes you or not. But later I realized that you can't tell clearly no matter how you look at it."

"Time can tell everything~"

As she spoke, her eyes moved slightly to Jiang An's table.

Now she had a thought in her mind, which became clearer and clearer.

That means Jiang An has really let go, completely and completely.

If we talk about Jiang An in the past, maybe in her heart, Liu Youran felt that she still had a little idea, but now, she really doesn't feel it anymore.

He can still tell clearly whether he has her in his eyes or not.

"Time..." Yang Tao couldn't help but fell into deep thought after hearing Liu Youran's words. This word... was so unfamiliar.

Will Yang Wenqin wait for Liu Youran for ten years?
Certainly not.

How could Yang Wenqin wait for ten years?
Even if she is no longer around, there will be other women.

So thinking of this, Yang Tao looked at Liu Youran in front of him, and couldn't help but look a little deeper.

She didn't expect that Liu Youran could see much more clearly than she did.

This kind of thing can be seen through at a glance.

On the contrary, she was foolish enough to think that Yang Wenqin was a qualified candidate.

At the same time, I also want to control this man.

In the end, I just got tired of playing and abandoned it. .

Thinking about it now, this also made the pretentious Yang Guo feel inexplicably irritable and disgusting.

She only wants to find a good man and change her destiny.

In the end, it ended up like this.

The bloody plot in the novel actually happened to him, which is ridiculous enough.

Yang Taotao laughed, then glanced at Liu Youran: "Youran, you should give up on Jiang An. Look at how happy they are. I think you may not have a chance."

Hearing this, Liu Youran looked at her silently, and finally said softly:

"I don't know if you have heard a word."

"What's your name here?"

" long as he is not married, then I still have a chance. If there is still a chance, I will not give up~"

"Okay...I'll convince you."

Yang Tao took a deep breath, then sat down as if no one else was around, leaning on the chair in a daze, feeling a little regretful and hesitant in his heart.

What should I do next?
She suddenly became confused.

She...had a falling out with Yang Wenqin, and her relationship with Liu Youran was awkward and not as good as before?
It seemed that in the end, she, who had always seemed to see everything behind the scenes and be in control of the situation, achieved the most dramatic result in the end.

"That's it."

Star Tao took a deep breath, and then let out a long sigh.


"How was your meal?"

Lin Xixi touched her belly and looked at Jiang An beside her with a satisfied expression.

Jiang An couldn't help but nodded slightly, showing a satisfied look: "Of course, I have to say, the level of this store is indeed acceptable."

"We can come here to eat often in the future."

"Same! I feel so full after eating. It's my first time to eat at a banquet and feel so good."

Zhang Zhejie lamented on the side: "But, the only fly in the ointment today is that I met Yang Wenqin, but the look on his face just now, I guess he hit a wall with Liu Youran, right?"

"Whatever." Jiang An smiled disapprovingly.

"We can't ignore him anymore. He is robbing me of my business. When I was just eating, I was already thinking about how to get revenge."

Zhang Zhejie disagreed, with hatred on his face:
"This bitch has cheated me. I can't let him go. When I have some free time, I have to punish him!"

Jiang An smiled when he heard this and said nothing.

When Zhang Zhejie said this, there were no problems or loopholes.

What is the identity of Young Master Zhang?
To put it bluntly, among the families in the courtyard, in terms of hard power, the Zhang family has to be the one.

(End of this chapter)

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