Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 416 The world is uncertain, are you and I both dark horses? ?

Chapter 416 The world is uncertain, are you and I both dark horses? ?

"Have you rebelled now? How dare you talk to me like this!"

After the old man reacted, he snorted angrily.

"Oh, old man, just pretend I didn't say anything. When I get to your place tomorrow, won't it be okay for your grandson to apologize to you?"

"Hehehe, who cares about your apology? Go ahead."

Mr. Jiang was very arrogant and ignored him and did not give Jiang An this chance.

Jiang An smiled bitterly, what's going on~
"Okay, if you want to come back tomorrow, just tell me in advance."

"Okay sir."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xixi just came back from washing her hands and walked to Jiang An, showing a somewhat confused look:

"What's going on here?"

"It's okay, my grandpa just called me."

"Ask me if I took you there today."

Hearing this, Lin Xixi was happy: "Then just tell him yes. If not, I can prove it to you~"

"What's the point of proving it? You're exaggerating to death."

Jiang An laughed, and then said: "By the way, do you remember what we said before about taking your grandma over?"

"Of course, how could I forget about my grandma?"

"Okay, then you tell grandma and we will take her to my grandpa tomorrow."

"Is this okay? Really?"

Lin Xixi was obviously a little surprised. She didn't expect Jiang An to arrange this matter so quickly.

"That's not what you think."

The corners of Jiang An's mouth raised slightly, and then he showed a faint smile:
"This matter is very easy to handle. My grandfather is still a little nervous, but he actually told me that he needs to prepare in advance to welcome the new neighbors~"

Lin Xixi had a happy look on her face, and then whispered:

"I don't know how to thank Grandpa. To be honest, I thought he would disagree."

"Don't worry, our old man is a typical cold-faced but hot-tempered person. Many times, he will agree to things that you think he can't agree to."

After hearing this, Lin Xixi nodded heavily, and then said with deep understanding:
"That's right, I totally agree with what you said!"

"Because in his advanced mathematics class, I did have a very strong feeling!"

"He seemed very stern. He would pull me over to start a small business when nothing happened, but later, he didn't do anything to me anymore. This shows how gentle he must be~"

Hearing this, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "So what I said is, the old man is like this."

Master Mo Ruosun.

From Jiang An's point of view, the old man is secretly trying to get high scores.

"Okay, I'll just call my grandma to discuss this matter soon."


After Lin Xixi said this, she suddenly became sad: "There is something very strange. Why haven't the results of the competition come out yet?"

When Jiang An heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.

When I think about this, I can't help but think of the two exam papers that all have him on them.

There is no one else like this.

"It should be out soon. I'll go to the old man to inquire about it tomorrow. Although he is not a professor in your department, he is very, very popular with the old ladies in the school."

After hearing this, Lin Xixi blinked and said curiously: "Is it so exaggerated~"

"That's not the case. After all, I inherited my good looks from my grandfather."

"When my grandfather was young, he was as handsome as a beautiful girl."

"Tsk tsk, awesome, awesome."

Lin Xixi gave a thumbs up, not too impressed.

"I see, then you ask grandpa to ask for me tomorrow." "No, you'd better ask yourself then. If it were me, the old man wouldn't pay attention to me at all."

Jiang An responded angrily.

Thinking of his old man's attitude, he was really a little depressed.

This is a complete matter!
Lin Xixi thought about it for a while, and couldn't help but nodded gently: "Very good, from the looks of it, I don't need to care about you very much."

"Anyway, the old man likes me the most!"

Jiang An couldn't help but froze when he heard this.

Damn it, now Xiao Lin knows that he is favored.


The banquet was over at this time.

Liu Yang leaned on the chair tiredly, glanced at Liu Youran on the side, and said softly: "Okay, it's almost over."

"Are you going back?"

Liu Youran glanced at Liu Yang and said softly:

"Dad, thank you for your hard work."

"You've been doing these things for me during this time, and I've seen it all."

"Haha, you kid, I'm a little surprised that you're like this at this time."

Liu Yang smiled, then rubbed Liu Youran's hair and said softly:

"Youran, in fact, dad cares about you very much. Just forget it if Jiang An can't get it. We have other good boys. Can't I find him for you when the time comes?"

"Okay, okay, of course, but dad, I just want to be good with Jiang An, so I won't give up like this."


Hearing Liu Youran's words, Liu Yang couldn't help being slightly stunned, with a confused look on his face.

No, why did you say it again after saying it for a long time?

Why did he become Jiang An again?

No, you can't get along with Jiang An? ?
"Yes, even Jiang An, I'm still not ready to give up."

Liu Youran showed a bright smile, as if he was saying something worth being happy about.

"You, you child!"

Liu Yang sighed, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Why is this girl so stubborn?
He thought Liu Youran had looked away just now, but now it seemed that he had looked away, and it was obvious that he was not looking away.

On the contrary, I felt like I was going to jump off the building if I looked away!
"Dad, I know what you are thinking. Isn't that a saying?"

A silent coldness flashed in Liu Youran's eyes;

"The universe is uncertain, you and I are both dark horses!"


Liu Yang silently held his forehead and looked at his daughter in confusion.

It was very unbelievable in my heart.

No, dear girl, can this sentence be used here?

Don't you think there's something wrong somewhere?

Liu Youran saw Liu Yang's silent look and couldn't help but whisper: "Dad, okay, I don't want to say too much. Anyway, that's it. I'm going back to school first."

After her birthday, she had to go back and pack her things.

There were some things in the dormitory before that were not cleaned up.

Now we are ready to pack everything up and move it to the seaside apartment.

"Okay... you go ahead." Liu Yang responded weakly.

(End of this chapter)

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