Chapter 422 Get Better
In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone on Jiang An, he opened his eyes, looking a little dazed.

He found the girl just lying in his arms, with a faint sheen on the tip of her nose.

It looks really good.

Jiang An's eyes moved slightly from the tip of the girl's nose to her lips.

do not know why.

Jiang An instinctively wanted to kiss him. feels a little too fragrant.

"Tsk, little beauty, if you are so beautiful, there is nothing I can do about it."

Jiang An hummed and drank it in one gulp.

Lin Xixi opened her eyes in a daze, then raised her head helplessly and looked at Jiang An in front of her:
"What are you doing~baby~"

This unique little milky sound almost made Jiang An's heart feel like it was about to melt in an instant. He couldn't help but smile and said:
"Kiss you, what else can I do?"

"Hey, why didn't I realize that you are a clingy Xiao Jiang~"

Jiang An smiled and said, "I'm very clingy to begin with, and I'm telling you that."

"If you are with me, you can't leave."

"Because I simply can't imagine what it would be like to lose you. Maybe I will die~"

Lin Xixi was slightly startled and looked a little surprised: "How could that be?"

"How could I leave you?~"

"Didn't we agree that we would be together forever?"

Jiang An smiled: "That's right, we will indeed be together forever. Not to mention, the two of us are going very smoothly."

"Did you notice that there was almost no resistance along the way? It was just like the feeling in the novel."

"It seems so. It feels a little too smooth for the two of us, but isn't that bad?"

Lin Xixi was a little confused, as if she didn't understand why Jiang An suddenly asked this.

Jiang An chuckled when he heard this: "Okay, isn't this good?"

"You don't even know that there are many people who obviously like each other, but still break up in the end. Guess why?"


"Because of family, love is a matter of two families. There are many times when two people love each other very thoroughly, but eventually break up, and there is no way."

Lin Xixi thought about it thoughtfully, then chuckled and said, "So, Teacher Jiang thinks that the two of us don't have any pressure in this regard?"

Jiang An nodded slightly: "Yes, how can we have such pressure?"

"We were just plain, but it went well."

"Teacher Jiang..."

However, when Lin Xixi heard this, she became inexplicably worried: "Teacher Jiang, will there be anything wrong with our engagement?"

Jiang An couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this.

"You stupid girl, how could you suddenly have such an idea?"

However, he quickly reacted after saying this.

The reason why Lin Xixi had this idea was simply because of what she said with emotion just now.

But in fact, Jiang An didn't have that idea.

He just sighed with emotion.

I feel like life.

That's all.

But unexpectedly, Lin Xixi had such an idea.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand, gently rubbed Lin Xixi's face, and whispered:

"Idiot, don't think so wildly."

"I will never leave you, I will love you well."

"I will go with you to the end."

When Lin Xixi heard these words, her eyes couldn't help but pause slightly, and then she seemed to think of something:
"Baby, this is what you promised me, don't go back on it."

"I won't regret it." Jiang An held Lin Xixi in his arms, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised involuntarily.

What could he regret?
For him, the most correct thing in his life is to catch Lin Xixi~
"Okay, then I'm hungry. Can we get up and eat? It feels like it's so late when I wake up."

Hearing this, Jiang An nodded slightly, then picked up his cell phone and glanced at it. It was already 09:30.

He couldn't help but show a somewhat helpless look:

"It's true...I've never been able to sleep this long before, but since you came to my place, I almost feel like I sleep longer and longer every day, and I wake up later and later."

Lin Xixi slightly stuck out her tongue when she heard this, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Then it's my fault~"

"Then if it's my fault, they can only run away quietly!"

"Run away?"

Jiang An laughed angrily, then stretched out his big hand and pinched Lin Xixi's little ears: "Run? Let me see where you are running?"

"When you reach the palm of my hand, you still want to run out, right?"

Lin Xixi pouted slightly: "Well, then you disliked me just now, but you still rely on me!" "

Hearing this, Jiang An smiled: "Have I? I just explained the situation, okay?"

"And I'm also seriously thinking about the reason,"

Lin Xixi blinked: "Okay, then I want to see what reasons you can come up with~ Tell me, why do you think you got up late?"

"Oh~ I see~"

"Then you still blame me, right~"

Seeing Lin Xixi speaking like this, Jiang An shook his head and said quickly:

"I don't blame you, I really don't blame you!"

"I thought about it, it's because we slept too late!"

After talking for a long time, Jiang An finally thought of a reasonable explanation.

Hearing this, Lin Xixi was slightly stunned.

Didn't react at first.

Soon, he gritted his teeth in embarrassment:

"Don't you still blame me?"

Jiang An showed an innocent look; "Huh?"

"Nvxia Lin, what are you saying? When did I blame you?"

"I can't possibly blame you!"

"Then tell me why you go to bed so late at night!"

"Hey, because some people are so good-looking!"

"Then you don't blame me!" Lin Xixi raised her fist angrily.

"No, it's because my concentration is not good, you know, my concentration is not good, so I can't stabilize my mentality."

"What does this have to do with you~"


Hearing Jiang An's serious deception, Lin Xixi felt a little funny and helpless.

In the end, I could only grit my teeth and groan:

"Okay, if you say that, I don't know how to refute you."

"Then get up!"

Lin Xixi wanted to find fault, but found that she couldn't find any~
The stinky man is so thief~
He actually used her good looks as an excuse!

Although he knew it, this guy hinted that it was because of her that he got up late.


Unfortunately, she still has nothing to do~
Oops, it’s broken~
This stinky man took advantage of me again!

Jiang An couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he saw the girl's performance.

Oh, it’s so coaxing. Oh, it’s so good~
PS: I’m really sorry, dear readers, I’ve had some very urgent things happen at home recently, which has prevented me from updating normally. Now that it’s been sorted out, I’m resuming normal updates without any eunuchs. Thank you for your support. ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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