Chapter 424: Won’t you play with me?
That's what happens sometimes, when a rift occurs between two people.

It's really hard to patch.

Especially the relationship between Yang Tao and Liu Youran as best friends that can still be maintained on the surface.

But actually.

Whether it’s carambola or Liu Youran.

They both knew very well that the two of them were no longer good friends.

"Well, I was a little sleepy, so I lay down a little longer."

Liu Youran responded calmly, with a slight chill in his voice.

And Yang Tao could naturally hear the alienation in the words, and couldn't help but laugh twice, and then changed the subject and said:
"Okay, okay, if you're tired, take some more rest. By the way, have you got your results from the last competition?"

"How about it? Have you won the championship directly?"

I heard what Star Tao said.

Liu Youran's expression didn't change much. Instead, he just glanced at her lightly and responded coldly:
"No results came out."


After hearing this answer, Yang Tao looked a little confused.

A look of disbelief appeared on his face.

How long has it been.

The results haven't come out yet?
According to the habit of previous years, the results have already been released by this time.

But this year, it’s still not out yet, which is a bit strange.

"How is it possible that it hasn't come out yet? Did something go wrong?"

Star Tao's expression was very strange, and he found it a bit difficult to understand.

The results of this kind of competition can usually be found on the spot, and then given after some discussion.

As a result, this time, a full week passed.

There was not even a splash, which is really unimaginable.

"I don't know. If I didn't come out, I didn't come out. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry."

Liu Youran's reaction to this was very calm.

Even if you study this kind of thing once or twice, you may not be able to come up with an answer countless times.Just don’t study it anymore.

Anyway, it's been so long that she doesn't care much anymore.

I saw that Liu Youran, the real owner, didn't care that much about this matter.

The corner of Yang Tao's mouth twitched slightly, and her expression changed slightly. If it were her situation, she would have been extremely anxious.

After all, this is a matter of great honor.

But it was Liu Youran.

This kind of honor is not lacking at all. His family is rich and his background is extraordinary.

If you don't care, it seems to become reasonable.

To be honest, when this idea came out, Yang Tao was quite envious of Liu Youran in front of him, really envious.

If only she had such a life.

But obviously, she can't.

"Well, if that's the case, it doesn't matter. What you said seems to make sense."

"However, I think what you said before about opening a studio is quite acceptable. I've seen others say it before, and artists are still the most in-demand talents in the game market~"

"So, Youran, if you want to do it, I think you can definitely do it."

Yang Tao said to Liu Youran in front of him seriously.

Liu Youran frowned slightly, and after thinking for a few seconds, he spoke:
"I'm planning to start an art studio, but I haven't found a suitable partner yet."

This sentence makes a little sense.

In Yang Tao's ears, it seemed particularly uncomfortable.

What does this... mean?

Co-author, you told me before that you forgot what you were doing in partnership?
No... what this means is that you don’t want to cooperate with me anymore?
Don't you want to play with me?
Yang Tao's face turned ugly when he thought of this, and he stared coldly at Liu Youran in front of him.

It seems that he wants to understand...

What exactly did Liu Youran want to say next.

(End of this chapter)

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