Chapter 426: Eat him early!
"How could I be afraid that people would say I'm a henpeck?"

"It doesn't exist, okay!"

"Let me tell you this, there are times when the wife is strict, and it is an honor for him!"

"You have to be clear, if it weren't for strict wife control, this wouldn't work~"

Jiang An responded happily.

Lin Xixi couldn't help but smile: "Okay, what you said is so fresh and refined, okay, okay~ I know you are the best."

"Wait a minute, if you say this when you get in front of my grandma, my grandma will like you more!"

Jiang An chuckled:
"It sounds like if I don't say this in front of grandma, grandma won't like me~"

"Let's put it this way, I rely on practical actions to win grandma's favor!"

"Tsk tsk, niu niu niu, can't you say this is our teacher Jiang? The main character is reliable."


The two of them were talking and laughing, and soon arrived at the place where grandma lived.

Aunt Liu had already packed her things. When she saw Jiang An and Lin Xixi coming, she couldn't help but said with a smile on her face: "Here you come, oh, grandma is so lucky to have such a filial and good granddaughter." , and a filial grandson-in-law~"

"This is really good!"

Lin Xixi chuckled: "That's necessary~ My grandma has a blessed life~"

"Of course I want to give my grandma the blessing~ But I have really worked hard on you these past years, Aunt Liu."

"Hey, it's nothing. You should take care of grandma. The main thing is that after you go, you must take good care of her!"

Aunt Liu obviously also had feelings for her grandma. She glanced at Jiang An and said with a smile: "Young man, have you made arrangements for her place and everything?"

Jiang An nodded and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Auntie, this will definitely be fine. We just sorted everything out before we came to pick up grandma." "Okay, then you go in and see grandma. I just happened to take the rest of what I have on hand." Just pack your things and you can leave soon."

"Okay, please, Aunt Liu."

Lin Xixi thanked her, then took Jiang An's hand and walked straight into the house.

Hearing the noise at this time, grandma couldn't help but smile and said:
"You two got here pretty quickly, I haven't even gotten up yet."

Jiang An responded with a smile: "Grandma, of course I have to come earlier~ There is no reason to make grandma wait, don't you think?"

Grandma smiled and nodded Jiang An's head: "You, your little mouth is covered with honey. The girls in our family will just do this to you!"

"Okay, okay, just stick to this."

Jiang An glanced at Lin Xixi beside him and said, "Grandma, your room and everything have been arranged for you."

"You can feel free to go with us. If the time comes, if you feel uncomfortable or something, just tell us."

"Okay, okay, I'm an old person, how can I still feel uncomfortable?"

Grandma smiled and rubbed Lin Xixi's little head: "You two, how is the progress? When will the marriage be finalized?"

"I am just waiting for you to get engaged, get married, and have children..."

heard this.

Lin Xixi's pretty face turned red slightly, and then she glared at Jiang An.

I secretly thought in my heart... It seems that it is necessary to eat a certain man as soon as possible!

(End of this chapter)

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