Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 433: This old man is good at taking care of people?

To be honest, any good guy would just chew his neck when he has nothing to do.

This is too much!
Especially the numbness that comes from time to time in my neck.

It was difficult for Jiang An to control himself.

With a little force, he directly grabbed Lin Xixi's little hand with his arm, and then stared at her: "Fairy, what are you doing after chewing on your neck?"

Lin Xixi blushed and whispered:
"Who is biting your neck? I am biting you!"

"Ouyou, is the heroine going to transform into a vampire?"

"You're a vampire, I'll bite you to death!"

"Okay, okay, someone is coming in!"

Just as the two people were talking, they noticed some figures coming in from below.

It must be the audience who came late.

"Okay, I thought the venue was reserved~"

Lin Xixi quickly climbed off Jiang An's body, looking slightly panicked.

If someone saw this, she would still be very embarrassed.

Jiang An saw Lin Xixi running away and couldn't help but chuckled: "No, that's it?"

"Weren't you pretty awesome just now?"

"Why can't it work now?"

He looked at the honest Lin Xixi sitting next to him, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

Lin Xixi glared at Jiang An:

"What do you think! I was embarrassed by that action just now..."

"I'm sorry. Do you think you are so powerful?"

Jiang An showed a look of disgust, then stretched out his hand and gently pinched Lin Xixi's forehead: "Are you thirsty? I've been struggling for a long time."

Lin Xixi shook her head guiltily: "What's the trouble? Don't talk nonsense. I haven't done anything with you!"

Jiang An couldn't help but chuckle: "Yes, yes, you didn't do anything~"

"Is it okay to drink some milk tea?"

Lin Xixi snorted softly, and then proudly took the milk tea, with a smile on her face.

Fortunately, someone came.

Otherwise, how could it have ended just now~
How embarrassing would it be if those people saw it?
Seeing Lin Xixi happily holding milk tea and picking up a straw, Jiang An couldn't help but lean back, feeling very comfortable.

Life is really amazing sometimes.

If you feel tired and tired, it is because there is invisible pressure that has been driving you to do a lot of things.

But, sometimes it’s really easy.

As long as you lean there, you don't have to do anything, admiring the beauty of your girlfriend, everything will look extra happy.

until the end of the movie.

Lin Xixi just came out of her sadness.

"This domestic violence drama was so boldly shot. I really didn't expect a director to actually make it!"

Lin Xixi sighed in disbelief.

"It's normal, this is called realism~"

"Baby, will you become a man like the one in the movie in the future?" Lin Xixi looked at Jiang An nervously and said.

Jiang An shook his head dumbfounded and said:

"Nvxia Lin, are you thinking too much~"

"With my ability, I can't be your opponent!"

"And to be honest, I'm not like that either."

Lin Xixi looked at Jiang An, and after a while, nodded seriously: "Okay, Teacher Jiang, I believe you, and I don't think you are that kind of person, and you can't bully me like that."

"That's it, let's go and go back and take a look. After all, grandma has just moved into the old man's house. I don't know how the mahjong is going." Jiang An was a little worried.

After all, they are two old people, and I don't know if their living habits and other things can be harmonious.

When Lin Xixi heard this, she immediately slapped her head: "Hey, you're right! I almost forgot about this, but you can't blame me!"

"They are going to play mahjong by themselves~"

"Let's go, go back and have a look."

Jiang An smiled, then took Lin Xixi's hand and walked home.

It stands to reason that it should follow the routine of the elderly.

It's already eight o'clock now. They should have finished playing mahjong and returned home to rest, right?
Jiang An was thinking as he took Lin Xixi home.

After a while, Jiang An opened the door gently, very cautiously, for fear of waking up the old people.

As soon as I opened it, I saw a very bright light.

And...two familiar figures.

"Oh, Lao Jiang, that move you just made was so powerful, it just happened to let me touch it!"

"Hahaha, just be happy if you mess around. Hey, playing mahjong is just for fun~"

"Okay, okay, let's play mahjong again tomorrow."

"You can't just play mahjong. I heard from Xiao Jiang that your legs and feet are not very convenient. Why don't you take me for a ride tomorrow and walk around."

"You need to walk more. Besides, I also know a few old Chinese medicine doctors. When the time comes, let them show you that these old guys have very good medical skills!"

Mr. Jiang was very enthusiastic and chattering.

Grandma nodded with gratitude: "Okay, okay, okay~ I'll follow your arrangements!"

Watching the conversation between the two people, Jiang An and Lin Xixi couldn't help but look at each other.

Good guy, they both call him good guy.

I was originally worried that the two of them would not get along well with each other, but now it seems that they are overthinking it.

Is this very harmonious?

"It looks like the two of them were having a good time chatting."

Lin Xixi whispered from the side.

Jiang An nodded lightly: "I think so. It seems that this is really just us overthinking~"

"You two just came back and what were you whispering about there?"

After hearing this, Jiang An quickly walked over and said with a smile on his face:

"Old man, grandma, I am very happy to see you two chatting, so I must be embarrassed to disturb you!"

"Go to hell."

The old man rolled his eyes at him, and then said: "Hurry up, go boil some hot water, and I'll make some tonic later."


Jiang An was stunned. When will the old man start taking supplements?

"Your grandma is weak and needs to be replenished. Okay, you two little guys, go get busy. I have to go to bed tomorrow because I have to go to class."

As he said that, he looked at the grandma in front of him with a smile on his face and said, "Then I'll go up first. I have class tomorrow and I have to go to bed. Otherwise, I won't be energetic in class tomorrow."

Grandma waved her hands quickly: "Go, go, have a good rest, and we'll talk about it tomorrow~"

"I will only have two classes during the day tomorrow. You can sleep a little longer. When you come back, I will take you out for a walk around."

The old man warned again and then went upstairs.

Looking at the back of his old man.

The corners of Jiang An's mouth twitched slightly.

Damn, I didn’t expect our old man to be quite good at taking care of people, right? ? (End of chapter)

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