"I don't know why, but now I have a feeling that the two of us are having an affair!"

Lin Xixi stared at Jiang An in front of her and couldn't help but say in a low voice, embarrassed.

Jiang An glanced at the girl and couldn't help but burst into tears:
"No, it's an affair~ Don't talk nonsense, okay~"

"Didn't we say that we were afraid of disturbing our grandparents at home? So how can we call it an affair? We call this being considerate~"

"Besides, we are upright, how can it be considered an affair~"

"..." Lin Xixi stared at Jiang An's face and realized that her darling was really good at deceiving others.

He couldn't help but snorted: "You are quite good at deceiving me~"

"I feel like I'm going to feel dizzy if you fool me like this!"

Jiang An blinked and showed a very innocent look: "Classmate Xiao Lin, how do you say this?"

"How could I deceive you? I'm not that kind of person!"

Lin Xixi rolled her eyes when she heard this and responded angrily:

"Believe me, you damn old man~"

"Then... what time shall we set off~"

Although Jiang An kept talking about whether Jiang An was deceiving him, some people were indeed claiming to be dissatisfied with his body.

"when to departure?"

Jiang An was stunned for a moment, and then became happy. This girl was more anxious than him, right?

He is still choosing, but Xiaolin is already thinking about when to leave.

He glanced at the screen of his mobile phone and quickly settled on a hotel with a better environment.

For Jiang An, what he pursues is definitely the quality of the hotel~
Especially soundproofing.

"Let's go and pack the things you want~"

Jiang An warned Lin Xixi while holding a charger or something.

Then he walked to the door and opened it quietly.

"You can't let the two old men find out, otherwise you'll get scolded~"

After hearing this, Lin Xixi couldn't help but chuckle: "Baby, I thought you were so cruel. It turns out that you are also afraid of being told by grandpa~"

Jiang An sighed: "That's what you think!"

"The character of our old man is that he can't tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes~"

"If I go out so late, I will definitely be severely criticized by our old man."

"When the time comes, don't tell anyone, maybe we both will be criticized~"

Jiang An replied helplessly.

The old man was good at everything, but he was very strict with him.

In the words of the old man, why are you running out at night?
If he answers... When he goes out to open a hotel, I guess the old man can pick up a cane and get on with his business~
"Pfft~ Okay, let's be quieter. In fact, if my grandma knew about it, she would probably come and ask me."

"Old people are all like this~"

The two people were talking as they picked up their things, then gently closed the door and walked downstairs.

Try not to make any noise~
Jiang An turned around and looked at Lin Xixi's behavior and couldn't help but laugh and cry.

"We don't have to be so guilty~ It seems like we are eloping~"

Lin Xixi spat softly: "It's better to elope. I think we are obviously having an affair!"

"Okay, okay, almost the same."

"Let's go, let's go out first~"

Jiang An took Lin Xixi's little hand, feeling as if he was going to elope, and the two of them quickly left the door.

Walking on the street gently caressed by the night breeze.

Jiang An sighed inexplicably: "Xiao Lin, it seems that we have to go through the whole summer."

Hearing this, Lin Xixi was slightly startled, turned her pretty little face to the side, and stared at Jiang An:

"Why did you say that suddenly?"

"Because it seems that when we met, it was the best time of summer, no matter how good the wind was, or how good the weather was. It was the time when beautiful girls were wearing short skirts around the artificial lake on campus, and then boys were talking loudly around the beautiful girls." "And now. , it already feels a bit like autumn, so I said it might be autumn."

Jiang An's eyes were calm, staring at Lin Xixi in front of him.

Never thought about it.

It's so fast to go through a summer with a girl.

"Yeah, it seems like autumn is coming soon. No wonder it's a little cold today."

"I guessed that you might be cold, so I prepared clothes in advance and put them on."

Jiang An handed the coat in his hand to Lin Xixi.

Lin Xixi couldn't help but blush slightly when she heard this, and whispered: "Baby, you are just as caring as you were at the beginning."

Jiang An smiled and said, "Excuse me, when did I not be considerate?"

"It seems not."

Lin Xixi thought about it. In her memory, Jiang An had always been an extremely gentle person.

In him, you can easily see that he is irritable or unhappy.

They are generally very gentle and considerate.

"Isn't that what it is?"

Jiang An rubbed the girl's hair and pulled her into his arms, which would save the girl from the cool breeze.

Feeling Jiang An's actions, Lin Xixi snorted softly:
"I wonder if a gentle person will change his mind."

"No, how could I change my mind?"

"I always feel that two people, a lifetime, is actually quite simple."

Jiang An lowered his head and looked at Lin Xixi's beautiful face:

"It's so difficult to meet you, and you still want me to change my mind?"

"Girl, stop dreaming. How could I agree to let you change your mind?"

"Tch~ Sweet words, I finally discovered that men don't have the talent to talk about love in the first place, but if they hold it back, they will!"

"This is not sweet talk, this is the truth."

The corners of Jiang An's mouth raised slightly, and then he stopped a taxi.

After telling the driver the location of the hotel, the driver turned around and couldn't help but look at the two of them.

The young couple went to the hotel in the middle of the night.


Sitting in the taxi, Lin Xixi lay in Jiang An's arms and found a quite comfortable position.

Sometimes Lin Xixi likes this feeling of hanging on Jiang An.

There is a feeling that Jiang An is a big humanoid doll.

Jiang An gently lifted the girl's hair and said, "Okay, I'll give you something good to eat later."

When Lin Xixi heard this, she blushed instinctively and glared at Jiang An.

Jiang An looked confused.

Why are you glaring at me all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?

"You still look at me with an innocent face~"

Lin Xixi gritted her teeth slightly, feeling very unhappy.

"What's wrong with me?"

"You...you don't have good intentions in your heart!"


Jiang An blinked, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

She was so happy all of a sudden that the emotional girl was struggling with what he just said about eating good food! ?
He couldn't help but move his eyes slightly down to his lower abdomen.

Suddenly I felt dumbfounded:
"I'm talking about the heroine, is it possible...that you've got it wrong?" (End of Chapter)

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