Who is it~
He deliberately pretended to leave, but it was too much.

Lin Xixi glared at Jiang An gently, with three words written all over her face: "You're going too far."

In response, Jiang An grabbed someone's stretched out hand and subdued her restlessly.

Then he chuckled angrily.

"So, what's the matter with you~"

"Didn't you just not want to be in the same room with me, and now you suddenly want to?"

Lin Xixi pouted slightly: "What's the matter? You are my boyfriend, how can I really let you sleep alone~"

In fact, Xiao Lin has become accustomed to sleeping in Jiang An's arms.

If not, honestly, it might be hard to sleep.

"Okay, okay, let's go, I just ordered takeout."

"Go ahead and clean up."

After hearing Lin Xixi's answer, Jiang An couldn't help but smile fondly and rubbed the girl's face.

After entering the room.

Lin Xixi looked at the layout of the room, and her pretty face turned rosy.

"This...is this a couple's suite?"

At this time, what comes into view is undoubtedly a couple's suite.

The room is decorated in a pink tone overall.

Not only that, there are rose petals spread on the ground, which makes people feel an inexplicable impulse to spurt blood.

The bed I sleep on is in the shape of a heart.


There are also some strange facilities on the side.

Like a large chair, it seems that two people can sit on it.

There are also some handcuffs, whips...

In the closet on one side, there are all kinds of uniforms!
Lin Xixi instinctively turned her head, stared at Jiang An in front of her, and gritted her teeth shyly:

"You...what do you mean! Dog man!"

"This, this, this!! What's going on?!"

Jiang An was also slightly stunned.

He just ordered a couple's double bed room.

Damn it, how did it become like this?
This is fucking reasonable!
To be honest, Jiang An really doesn't have any bad intentions.

Mainly because the guest rooms are basically fully booked today.

So at the end of the day, Jiang An simply chose this house.

Thinking about it, he and Lin Xixi were originally lovers.

So since we are a couple, isn't it reasonable to live in a couple's suite?
When I came in and saw...it turned out to be this...


Jiang An swallowed silently. To be honest, the facilities in front of him had no impact on him at all.

That is absolutely impossible.

This kind of color, including the sensory effects of the facilities, is very, very powerful.

in case……

His eyes fell on Lin Xixi beside him.

The girl snorted softly:

"Look at what I'm doing! Look at the good thing you've done!!"

"How can you sleep here?"

After hearing this, Jiang An couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly: "What's wrong with sleeping..."

"It stands to reason that you can sleep like this, right?"

As he spoke, he put the things on the bed, walked around the room, and sniffed:
"Hmm...it smells pretty good."

"Would you like to take a shower first? When you come out, you can eat takeout?"

"Fuck you...you still eat takeout, this, this is so embarrassing!"

For Lin Xixi, the layout here is too embarrassing!

It was almost impossible for her to stand!

I’m so shy that I can’t stand it!
"No... this arrangement is too outrageous. Should we change rooms?" Lin Xixi blushed, looked at Jiang An and asked in a low voice. "Change rooms?"

Jiang An was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Why are you changing rooms? You don't have to change to other rooms, okay? It's a bit difficult to change now."

"Then what to do..."

"Then live here."

Jiang An glanced around, then suppressed a smile and said:
"Here, I think it's okay, except that the color is a bit ambiguous, the atmosphere is a bit ambiguous, and the facilities are a bit unorthodox..."

"It seems pretty good. Don't you think this bed is also pretty good?"

"It's big, it should be fine for two people to sleep in!"

Heard Jiang An's answer.

Lin Xixi gritted her teeth and looked at him angrily: "You did it on purpose. Now I seriously doubt that you did it on purpose~!"

"I did it on purpose?"

Jiang An blinked and showed a very, very innocent expression:

"Impossible, how could I do such a thing!"

"Well, I'm not sure why it's like this, but I think it's completely acceptable to the two of us."

"What do you think."


Lin Xixi gritted her teeth, finding it hard to believe that Jiang didn't do it on purpose!
"All right……"

She took a deep breath to calm down her shy mood, then rubbed her face and said:

"I don't care about you...I'm going to take a shower!"

With that said, Lin Xixi took her clothes and hurried to the bathroom.

Looking at her embarrassed figure, Jiang An raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

good mood……

It's very good here. It feels very good.

As a result, not long after Lin Xixi entered, he heard a very clear sound of surprise from the girl.

Jiang An looked subconsciously.

As a result, I noticed that there was a glass door at the door of the bathroom. The girl was covering her upper body with clothes, and the slender white legs of her lower body were fully exposed.

"This...this is actually a transparent door! Then you can clearly see me taking a shower!"

Jiang An couldn't help but blinked.

This... this operation is indeed a bit outrageous.

He immediately said:
"Well now, I'll turn my body around. In this case, you don't have to worry about being seen by me, right?"

heard this.

Lin Xixi pouted slightly: "That's pretty much it."

Then, the sound of rushing water continued to sound.

Jiang An breathed a sigh of relief and leaned on the bed.

After a while, Lin Xixi walked out wrapped in a white bathrobe with a nervous expression, and then gently sat down next to Jiang An.

Jiang An glanced at the girl and chuckled:
"What's the matter, why is your face so red?"

"If you don't know, you might think I did something to you."

When Lin Xixi heard this, she snorted angrily: "No! You brought me to the hotel, and it's a love suite!"

As soon as these four words come out.

Jiang An blinked and suddenly understood the problem.

Good guy.

It turns out... I almost forgot.

Where is this couple's suite? This is a love suite.
Thinking of this, Jiang An couldn't help but smile: "Good guy, it turns out to be a love suite."


"Come on, girl, I want to see you in that outfit."

After hearing this, Lin Xixi cast her eyes away.

Surprisingly, it was a bunny suit.

Lin Xixi immediately gritted her teeth and became so angry that she clenched her little pink fists and opened her teeth and claws. (End of chapter)

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