And at this time, Jiang An came back.

His eyes fell on grandma and Lin Xixi in front of him, and he couldn't help but chuckle:
"What's going on here?"

"Grandma, are you up too? It's quite early, why don't you take a little more rest?"

Grandma smiled and said, "I'm old and can't sleep anymore, so I got up early and happened to see Xixi washing up."

"Soga, would you like to have breakfast with me? I just bought a lot."

Jiang An raised the breakfast in his hand.

As a result, grandma shook her head slightly: "No, if I eat breakfast with you, your grandpa will have to eat alone today."

"We two old people agreed to have breakfast together in the morning."

Lin Xixi smacked her lips gently at the side: "Not bad, not bad. If it were in the past, my grandma would not eat this breakfast at all. Now it seems to be quite good. At least she has started eating breakfast!"

Jiang An couldn't laugh or cry and shook his head: "Okay, grandma, you can take a rest for a while. Classmate Xiaolin, you have to come for breakfast quickly, otherwise, it may be too late."

Hearing this, Lin Xixi's face turned red: "Oh, don't rush me, bitch, I'm coming!"

The girl wiped her face and sat in front of the table.

Then she saw Jiang An placing the super version of the Supreme Hand Pancake in front of her.

"Come on, there's also soy milk. It'll be enough for you to eat and drink today."

Seeing this scene, Lin Xixi suddenly showed a very happy smile, stuck out her tongue obediently, and then picked up the hand cake in front of her:

"Hey, Teacher Jiang seems to be very smart today. Not only did he know how to buy me hand cakes, but he also bought me soy milk!"

"Eat, you are saying this as if I was abusing you before and didn't give you anything to eat." After hearing Lin Xixi's words, Jiang An couldn't help but rolled his eyes angrily.

This girl, how can she talk like this!
How much delicious food do I buy for you every day?

Lin Xixi held the cake in her hand happily and started to eat it. She nodded crazily while eating:
"It's delicious, it's delicious. The hand cakes here taste great. I'll eat them again tomorrow!"

Jiang An looked at her funny and asked, "I said, classmate Xiaolin, should we be at school tomorrow?"

Lin Xixi blinked slightly when she heard the words, and then showed a little confusion:
"Is that what you said?"

"I should be at school tomorrow. I probably won't be able to eat this hand cake!"

Female Hero Lin sighed, and those who didn't know thought that her martial arts secrets had been stolen.

Jiang An saw her sad look and couldn't help but feel happy: "Okay, are you so sad for a hand cake?"

"I said, girl, if you want to eat, can't I just buy it for you?"

When Lin Xixi heard this, she immediately showed a serious expression: "Really? Will you still buy me food?"

Jiang An nodded slightly: "Of course, if you want to eat it, can I buy it for you?"

"Why do you pamper me so much? Do you have any bad intentions for me?"

"What bad thoughts can I have towards you?"

"Of course it's an evil intention."

Jiang An stretched out his hand and pinched the girl's little head: "Okay, eat well and stop thinking nonsense. Can't you stop your mouth after eating?"

Lin Xixi pouted: "Tsk~"

"Bad guy!" (End of chapter)

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