After Jiang An complained about the two door gods, he dived into the vegetable market.

No matter how much food he eats from outside, it is not as loving as the food he cooks with all his heart.

Isn't this sour? The main thing is to celebrate birthdays. For him and Lin Xixi, the key is not what to eat, but who to be with.

Food is just the taste of emotion.

Jiang An prepared four main dishes with different flavors from four places.

Authentic northeastern killed fish, which is similar to Shunde fish but has different delicacies;
Shunde fish focuses on freshness and sweetness, but the fish that is killed is more pungent, and the fish must be washed and marinated with a high degree of white vinegar before eating. In comparison, Jiang An feels that this is safer.

After all, for all raw things, one more link means one more guarantee. Food safety cannot be underestimated.

The other two dishes are stir-fried king crab in the typhoon shelter and an oolong ginseng dish.

But these three dishes were just supporting roles. The real focus was on a dogwood soup pot that Jiang An discovered after consulting a lot of information.

Lin Xixi likes the spicy taste, and the dogwood soup pot was the main source of spicy taste before the introduction of chili.

Because it contains medicinal properties, it can satisfy the spicy taste without causing hot and spicy taste and stomach problems.

Spicy food is indeed delicious, but Lin Xixi likes to eat it so much that he is worried that it will upset his stomach.

Everything goes according to her, which is not love.

Dogwood is like fire, and my lover is beside my pillow. Even if it is planted all over the mountains and fields, and reaches the horizon, she is still there.

Never leave nor abandon.

I love her, even if she is in front of me, I still miss her...

Jiang An shuddered and felt that he was a little sore.

But he had prepared too much for today, so what about the sour points?
The key is that it was not the right time for him to get sore. If he could be so sore to Lin Qingyou and Zhang Zhejie as witnesses, he would probably choke to death with such a big mouthful of dog food.

Thinking about that picture, it’s very touching!
After walking out of the vegetable market, Jiang An returned home with a smile on his face. When he opened the door, he didn't see Lin Xixi.

But from the looks of it, all the shoes she wore when going out were still there, so she probably went to the supermarket downstairs to do some shopping.

Jiang An changed his clothes and went straight to the kitchen to get busy.

After a while, I heard a noise outside.

"Is that classmate Xiaolin who doesn't keep his word back?"

"You're really here so early today!"

The surprise made Lin Xixi sneak into the kitchen before she could put down what she was holding, but Jiang An deliberately didn't give her face: "You promised to wait for me at home, but why didn't you see anyone when I came back?"

"What are you doing, Xiaolin-san?"

"You bitch, did you do this on purpose?" Lin Xixi twitched her mouth, looking angry, but all she could see was him.

"What else can I do? Although today is my birthday, we still have to express it."

"Boss Jiang can take time out of his busy schedule, why shouldn't he still have a drink?"

As he spoke, a bottle of Romanee-Conti was delivered to him: "No, I ordered this specially to express my gratitude to my hard-working dog man."

"This bottle of wine is not cheap."

Jiang An is a knowledgeable person, Romanee-Conti's price is [-] yuan, this little girl really spent a lot of money.

He couldn't help but smile, didn't Jiang An understand what she meant?

But today, no.

"Wine is good, but the dishes I cook are not suitable for it. Let's have some drinks today."


Lin Xixi was a little disappointed, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she nodded: "Yes, it seems that there are only two of us today. The drinks would be good if we eat at home. It just so happens that this wine is too strong and I can't digest it."

"Just wait until your company signs the contract. It's good to celebrate." Jiang An just nodded for the first time, which made Lin Xixi feel a little strange, but she didn't say anything, especially when she saw the ingredients in the kitchen. Sometimes, I am even more curious about what kind of feast will be presented to me later.

Compared to her, Jiang An's cooking skills are much better.

All four main dishes and twelve side dishes were ready, and it was less than three o'clock in the afternoon to start eating.

There was still about half an hour before the appointed time, and Jiang An really needed to take a good rest.

It was indeed a bit hard for him to work on such a large table of dishes, but seeing the way Xiao Lin couldn't stop drooling, he felt that no matter how tired he was, it was worth it!

"Can I have a bite first?"

Lin Xixi stood at the table and endured it for a long time, but still couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food.

What can Jiang An say?
"You are the protagonist today, and everything is under your control."


Speaking of this, Jiang An suddenly thought of something and suppressed his smile: "Where is the bottle of wine?"

"In the wine cabinet."

Lin Xixi gently scooped a tablespoon of the sea cucumber soup and put it on her tongue. The rich and mellow aroma instantly broke through the barriers of taste buds. If it can only be described as delicious, it was delicious.

She was willing to repeat it a thousand times.

"I didn't expect you to be able to cook this kind of food. Hey, what are you doing?"

Watching Jiang An take out the bottle of Romanee-Conti that had just been placed, Lin Xixi was very curious, wouldn't it look good there?


Jiang An shook his head and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Lao Zhang and Lao Lin will come later. Such a good wine... Tsk, tsk, I'm afraid it will be in vain."

"When did Boss Jiang become stingy with your brother?"

Lin Xixi pursed her lips: "Shouldn't you take the initiative to take it out and enjoy it with them?"

"If it's given by someone else, of course you have to take it out."

Jiang An said seriously: "But this is yours, and it can only be used by the two of us. This is not stinginess, but attitude! Do you understand?"

Ignoring his preaching, Lin Xixi shoveled a little more soup. The second impact on her taste buds brought a completely different mellow experience on the basis of being conquered.

Really, if they don't come again, Lin Xixi will be ready to learn from Teacher Jiang.

Being alone is really nice sometimes.

Unfortunately, before her dream could come true, two couples, Zhang Zhejie and Lin Qingyou, also came.

Lin Qingyou was still the same as usual, but with a touch of happiness on his face. After all, Ning Ning was holding his arm at this moment.

Jiang An glanced at it and found that this was all expected.

As for the pairing of Zhang Zhejie and Ruo Jia, it was much more natural. The boy actually changed into a suit today and was holding a big cake in his hand.

In Shanghai, cakes don’t care about first-line brands, but rather the font size.

The last word is which pastry shop it comes from.

"Nvxia Lin, happy birthday!"

Zhang Zhejie naturally placed the cake on the table. The pretended gentleman looked a little awkward: "This is a little bit of our thoughts."

"You're almost there."

Jiang An was amused by him, not to mention Lin Xixi, whose eyes narrowed to a slit.

To be honest, the situation was a bit embarrassing for Zhang Zhejie, but he has never been afraid of this.

"Old Lin, where are the gifts you two prepared?" (End of Chapter)

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