As soon as Professor Luo said this, the scene was even more ignited.

None of the leaders, including the leaders on the rostrum, expected that he would say this.

As we all know, some people's wealth doubles because of whose paintings they can collect, and there are also some people who join the ranks of the Ming Dynasty because of whose paintings they collect.

Professor Luo is obviously one of the latter's collectors. Countless people at home and abroad have tried their best to give his paintings to him. They don't need to collect them, but just getting a response is enough to double their value.

Today, Professor Luo actually extended an olive branch. Not to mention how much Lin Xixi's value will increase, the benefits this link will bring to the school will be immeasurable.

Even the cost of inviting Professor Luo this time will be paid for in an instant.

I don't know how many eyes looking at Lin Xixi have changed from blessing to envy.

"How about it, classmate Lin, are you willing?"

Professor Luo looked at her expectantly, with a touch of unnoticeable excitement in his eyes.

This painting indeed ignited in his heart the memory of his past days of chanting sutras.

"Promise him! Promise him!"

Zhang Zhejie was all helping in the audience: "If this is collected by Professor Luo, then our company will definitely be far ahead in the art field from now on!"

"Not only Wang Tu, but also all the emerging studios will be crushed by us here!"

His excitement at this moment was even happier than winning the award.

Jiang An was actually very excited. He didn't expect that Lin Xixi would get such an opportunity today.

There was a brief silence, and everyone looked forward to the command.

Finally, Lin Xixi spoke on the stage.

Her voice was excited and firm: "Professor Luo, thank you for giving my paintings such high praise."

"I am also very surprised to be honored to receive your collection intention."

"But I'm sorry."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Xixi bowed deeply to Professor Luo, and her refusal also aroused sighs from everyone present.

"Did I hear wrongly?"

"She actually rejected Professor Luo?!"

Everyone looked at the stage in disbelief, and the school leaders immediately became furious.

"Classmate Lin, do you know how difficult this opportunity is?"

"How many people have scratched their heads and couldn't get a single comment from Professor Luo."

"You have to cherish the opportunity!"

The leaders' excitement was finally suppressed by Professor Luo. He stared at Lin Xixi with warm and solemn eyes: "Little classmate, it seems that you have rejected me."

"Then may I know why?"

After Lin Xixi apologized again, she slowly raised her head. She didn't even need to search, her eyes rested on the back of a pillar in the auditorium.

"Because I just want to give this painting to him, to that person."

"None of this has anything to do with glory, it's just my wish."

Professor Luo looked at her with clear eyes, saying nothing. He did not continue to ask, or even follow her gaze for a second time.

Because he knew that neither Lin Xixi on the stage nor the person in the audience wanted to attract attention.

This is the purest emotion obtained under the test of utilitarianism.

Therefore, the value of the painting itself is once again sublimated.

As one of the leaders of art, Professor Luo is still the same emotional and crazy person to this day. It’s just that time and identity have prevented him from showing it all in front of others.

"Little classmate, today, I want to thank you."

Professor Luo said softly while avoiding the microphone. At the same time, he took out a personal business card and secretly inserted it into the certificate.

"I hope that if there is a chance, you and him can marry my studio." "I would like to meet him. Of course, if you need me for anything at work, you can also contact me."

"I'm so jealous of your age."

After speaking, Professor Luo asked Lin Xixi, who was full of shock, to step off the stage, and then he began to announce the No. 2 candidate - Liu Youran.

As the person involved, Liu Youran knew her ranking the moment she saw the painting, but she still couldn't figure it out even when she went on stage to receive the award.

Why would he be ranked below Lin Xixi?

And this result once again shocked the entire school.

But Jiang An and others could no longer see all this. After Lin Xixi stepped down, they quietly exited the auditorium and waited outside the door for the grand prize winner to arrive with his honor.

"Congratulations Xixi."

"I knew it had to be you!"

Compared to Jiang An and the others, Xu Ruojia and Xu Ningning were more direct. As soon as Lin Xixi came out, they ran over to greet her with flowers and gave her a big hug.

But now Lin Xixi couldn't respond to their kindness. In her eyes, Jiang An was the only one.

She wanted to give him her painting.

This painting rejected Professor Luo’s invitation to collect!

"Teacher Jiang, are you still satisfied?" Lin Xixi's expectant eyes at this moment were stronger than when she was on stage. For him, Jiang An's approval was the most important thing.

The response to her was not a kind word, but the faint, sincere and happy smile on Jiang An's face at this moment.

All this is enough.

Lin Xixi hugged him fiercely, not caring that there were other people around.

"Okay, Lady Lin, is it almost done?"

As a master of atmosphere control, Zhang Zhejie timely broke their moment of letting loose, and while inviting everyone to celebrate, he also asked what Professor Luo said quietly on stage.

"Why do you feel like he envies you?"

Lin Xixi ignored him, just repeated Professor Luo's words completely, and at the same time handed Jiang An the business card worth ten thousand gold.

This is a personal business card. Although it is just ordinary white cardboard, it is something that only true friends can get.

The phone number and address on it are completely different from Professor Luo's business card collected by their company. It only shows relevant information about his studio, company, and school.

Can you contact Professor Luo? Of course you can, but it will definitely not be him.

So you can imagine how valuable this humble white cardboard is.

Everyone fully believed that if it were put up for auction, someone would be willing to pay 100 million.

And all these prices are not the final value of this business card.

Lin Xixi handed the business card to Jiang An without hesitation: "This is Professor Luo's invitation to the two of us. If you are interested, I am willing to accompany you."

"Nvxia Lin is extraordinary!"

"A million dollars, you're giving it away now? Lao Jiang, a brother like you, the emperor, is dumbfounded."

"Just two words, envy!"

Everyone was happy for Jiang An and Lin Xixi today, so Zhang Zhejie's talkativeness was not taken advantage of by Xu Ruojia this time.

Today is definitely an unusual day, not just because of the award, nor because of the million-dollar gain. What is really important is that they witnessed the relationship between Lin Xixi and Jiang An.

This immeasurable love.

Celebration is inevitable!
There was no need for Zhang Zhejie and the others to make noises. Jiang An took the initiative and requested that a celebration ceremony be held today at the century-old Peace Hotel in Shanghai. He had already planned it long ago.

Professor Luo's business card is just the icing on the cake.

As for why he chose to be here, Jiang An has his own reasons (end of chapter)

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