Ten years as a substitute!Now that she leaves, she regrets it too much

Chapter 490 Teacher Jiang, do you have a little secret?

"Is it early?"

Zhang Zhejie drank the fragrant hazelnut latte like a huge mouthful, "I don't think that since we are all adults, it's best if some things just go as they should."

"Then you and Ruojia, are things going smoothly?"

Nvxia Lin would not lose to him, but she originally wanted to make Zhang Zhejie suffer, but she didn't expect that the old man would divert the trouble and throw it directly on Lin Qingyou's head.

At this moment, he almost ascended to heaven on the spot without any preparation.

Zhang Zhejie chuckled and glanced at Lin Qingyou: "I don't know if Ruojia and I are in a natural situation. Anyway, we, Lao Lin, I think we still have to work hard."

"Nvxia, you don't know that he talks about wanting to go one step further with Ning Ning all day long."

"The words are worn out, but their actual actions are nothing at all."

"The main thing is that the teapot is broken without a lid and only the mouth is left."

frog fun.

It's really uncomfortable to lie down with a gun.

Lin Qingyou smiled a little bitterly and was ready to fight back. However, he was just a younger brother in this kind of matter and was completely incapable of confronting Zhang Zhejie.

It didn't matter if he scolded her directly, but he still had to be more graceful in front of Lin Xixi.

In desperation, I had to suffer the loss of being dumb.

However, Lin Qingyou remembered Zhang Zhejie in her heart, and when she found the opportunity, she had to let him have a good time.

"By the way, why didn't you see Ning Ning today?"

When Lin Xixi mentioned this, she felt that there were a lot of people missing in the company.

Lin Qingyou sighed and smoked the atomizer until it was almost smoking: "She went to the museum. There is a special exhibition in the past few days. She said she was going to collect ideas and find some inspiration."

"Then why don't you accompany me?" Lin Xixi thought to herself, isn't this a missed opportunity to promote feelings?

Unexpectedly, before Lin Qingyou could speak, the official complaints from Zhang Zhejie started: "He also wants to go, but the technical difficulties at hand have not been solved yet."

"Downstairs in the company, he told me that he was going to wait for Lao Jiang to come back and hold a meeting to study it and see if we can open up these points."

"Our current progress is almost the same." Since there are no outsiders in the company, Zhang Zhejie has nothing to hide: "Actually, to be fair, Lao Lin has the heaviest burden on his shoulders, otherwise we wouldn't have her technical support."

"None of us can play."

Lin Xixi nodded, but it was almost noon, why hadn't Jiang An come back yet?
Just as he was about to check the time, Jiang An, who was tired of traveling, also came back from outside.

Lin Xixi was dumbfounded when she saw his current appearance.

When he went out in the morning, he still had a handsome CEO style, but why didn't he see him this morning, and he changed into a wasteland style that was good in his childhood.

Was it changed too quickly?

The suit Jiang An was wearing now was missing a hole, and there was a big scratched hole on the left cuff.

The most important thing is that you can vaguely see a few drops of brown blood on his collar.

"What’s wrong with you!"

Lin Xixi ran over and hugged Jiang An: "Did something happen?"

Zhang Zhejie and the others also gathered around and asked him with concern.

Jiang An was naturally very happy that everyone cared about her so much, but he had to explain: "Don't worry."

"I'm fine. I just met a drunk man who stole his wallet on the way back. I helped the old man catch him."

"It's all taken care of now."

"Frog Qu, Lao Jiang, I really didn't know you were capable of this!" Zhang Zhejie became interested at that time and dragged Jiang An to ask her to explain in detail, but Boss Jiang didn't have time now.

Otherwise, people are just lucky.

The drunk man he caught today turned out to be an independent producer in their industry!

Not only that, he is also the award-winning author of three consecutive world-class game technology competitions.

"Then you've offended someone, haven't you?" Zhang Zhejie felt a little embarrassed. Otherwise, there are capable people everywhere in the magic city. Such a casual move actually hit the iron plate.

"This guy is very famous in the industry. If you took him to the police station, will he still cause trouble for us when he comes out?"

"Now our game will be online soon, I think it will be affected."

"Who said that:"

Regarding his worries, Jiang An was as stable as Mount Tai, and even had a little pride in the corners of his eyes.

"Although I did catch him, Lao Zhang, am I still acting bravely?"

"And he had sobered up at the police station just now, and he immediately thanked me."

"Why!" If Zhang Zhejie didn't know him well, he would definitely think that he was bragging.

If you arrest someone, will they still thank you?
Jiang An looked at them solemnly and nodded heavily: "This is what he said himself, because while waiting at the police station, I helped mediate between him and the old man."

"We just took notes and it has been resolved privately."

"I'll just say it!"

Zhang Zhejie's reaction was faster than flipping through a book, and now he was like a playful and smiling person: "You, Lao Jiang, will not offend others easily, but to be honest, did you recognize him, that's why..."

"Old Zhang, you are a bit wretched."

Lin Qingyou, who was standing aside, couldn't bear to look at him like this: "Listen to the boss first, why do I feel that this topic is not over yet."

When Jiang An heard this, he couldn't help but smile. Looking at Lin Xixi's eager look, he decided not to show off anymore.

"I really didn't recognize him at the time. I only found out later when he gave me a business card."

"I controlled him at that time, did he sober up?"

"That's why...he thanked me for not leaving any stains due to his temporary emotions."

"To express his gratitude, he agreed to provide us with technical support, the kind that comes from formal channels!"

What the hell!

This is great news!

At that time, Zhang Zhejie could hardly sit still and pulled Lin Qingyou's shoulder: "Don't you happen to understand a few points now? Now with the help of this great god, you can definitely tide over the difficulties."

He was very excited, but Lin Qingyou was different: "Lao Jiang, have you really thought about it?"

There are many types of technical support provided by game companies, but no matter which type, no matter how many confidentiality contracts are signed, if the other party really has evil intentions, it will be in vain.

But just as he was about to say something, Jiang An gave him a look that forced him to swallow the rest of his words.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to take a rest."

As he said that, he pulled Lin Xixi and ran into the office.

"Sit down quickly, are you tired? Take a look at this."

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Xixi brought him a cup of coffee: "Teacher Jiang seems to be very dishonest today. He was outside just now, in front of Lao Zhang and Lao Lin. Did you have anything to say?" (End of Chapter)

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