"Is there any reason?"

Zhang Zhejie nodded a little loudly: "You, Lao Lin, are not such a hypocritical person. How come a car is so pushy and pushy?"

"I just feel useless."

Lin Qingyou suddenly looked at him seriously, making Zhang Zhejie a little uncomfortable.

"Aren't you angry?"

Lin Qingyou would not be unhappy with his brothers, but what he said next might make Zhang Zhejie unhappy: "Old Zhang."

"To be honest, I really feel that driving this car is useless. I don't go out all the time."

"Unlike you, although Ruojia also has a car, given your status, it is inevitable to be a driver for others."

"So a good car can allow you to better serve Miss Xu, don't you think so?"

I'm going!
Zhang Zhejie instantly felt like he was completely defeated: "Old Lin, you are cruel enough."

Regarding family status, it has become a special label for Zhang Zhejie among them.

"Don't fall into my hands after you wait, otherwise you will be better off."

Lin Qingyou had heard too many threats like this, "Then just pray that I fall into your hands as soon as possible. To be honest, I'm a little tired of typing all the time."

Speechless words were written on Zhang Zhejie's face.

"Okay, I won't bullshit you, I'm going out later."

Lin Qingyou glanced at him: "Are you planning to drive a new car out for a spin?"

"Fuck off."

Zhang Zhejie sighed, "It would be great if I could go out and hang out. We still have a cooperative unit that we haven't negotiated. I plan to go to public relations."

"I have to capture them this time!"

As he spoke, Zhang Zhejie turned around and pointed to his office. Following the open door, he could see a full box of Maotai liquor on the table inside: "I have to drink him to death today!"

Zhang Zhejie became furious when he thought of the manager of the other company who was in charge of negotiations.

Although it is common for business people to use the wine table as a battlefield, but that guy was a little too irritating.

"I don't even know if he is still a human being. He drinks wine faster than water."

"I was told that it would not be difficult for us. Whenever I get him drunk, he will sign a strategic contract with us."

"I am ready to sacrifice today!"

His courage is admirable, but Lin Qingyou is now starting to worry about Xu Ruojia: "If you are really drunk, it is not Ruojia who will take care of you. Try to say that there is nothing wrong with you maintaining your family status."

"I know how you, Lao Zhang, look after you drink too much."

Zhang Zhejie has a good personality, but there is a problem with how much wine he drinks.

Even he himself was not aware of many of his actions when he was drunk, commonly known as fragmentation.

It is conceivable that Xu Ruojia would encounter some fucked up things when she took care of him.

"Come on."

Zhang Zhejie sighed. Lin Qingyou really seemed to think highly of him. In fact, even he himself didn't know why. Anyway, in front of Xu Ruojia, he could stay rational no matter how much he drank.

At least he won't do anything bad, that's enough.

"Wait, I have to capture him today!"

Looking at the time confidently, Zhang Zhejie was ready to leave. Today's game was scheduled for noon, and he had to go to the hotel in advance to prepare.

"Today I will give him a big feast. From noon to midnight, if he can't drink him down after four meals, my surname will not be Zhang!" With these cruel words, Zhang Zhejie prepared to rush to the battlefield.

Looking at his back, Lin Qingyou felt that he was really generous.

Lao Zhang is a warrior!
Compared to Zhang Zhejie who had to work hard at the wine table, lunch in the company was much more comfortable. Jiang An, Lin Xixi, plus Lin Qingyou and Ning Ning, after eating in his office, several people were enjoying Jiang An pried away the taste of making tea.

At this time, Jiang An's cell phone suddenly rang, and the name displayed on it was the industry boss he "caught" that day, Liu Chun!

"Brother Liu, are you ready to sign a contract with me?"

After answering the phone, Jiang An looked impatient. Although everyone knew he was pretending, Jiang An's expression at this moment was as steady as an old dog.

"That's right, Boss Jiang, I said I wanted to thank you, and of course I won't break my promise."

"How about where do we sign the contract?"

"Come to my company, I'll send a car to pick you up." After Jiang An told him the address, he asked a young man from the company to come over.

"Now that we have these two business machines, it is indeed much more convenient."

After a while, Liu Chun came. Although he was wearing a crisp suit, he didn't know why there were still a few traces of cat scratches on his face.

It was dark red, and it looked like it had been made recently.

"Boss Jiang, you should know what's wrong with me."

After drinking a cup of tea, Liu Chun explained naturally: "Being drunk and scratched by tree branches are all embarrassing things."

"Come on, let's sign a contract, and then I can provide you with technical support for free."

"it is good!"

Jiang An maintained his excitement. After taking out the contract, the two discussed it in detail before Liu Chun signed the contract.

It takes effect as soon as it is written. This type of contract is originally made in three copies, but Jiang An did have five copies in total this time.

"Boss Jiang, is this a habit of your company?" Liu Chun frowned. His purpose was not pure, so there were too many contracts. If there were too many supervision units in effect, it would be detrimental to him.

Unable to help but smile, Jiang An looked at him calmly: "You are right, this is the company's habit. I like to keep a few more stubs."

"And I have a college behind me. Sometimes the school will take back the corresponding stubs and show them to the students."

Liu Chun nodded. He had also investigated Jiang An's background before coming. As a proud figure in the college, it was normal to do something similar to what he said.

After they signed all the contracts, Jiang An proposed to go to dinner, but was rejected.

"I think we'd better get to work quickly."

Liu Chun's reason is that his time is precious.

Jiang An naturally agreed to his request, and then opened a game file. Liu Chun's eyes were shining when he saw it. He came here to steal Jiang An's core game technology and information.

I didn't expect it to be so smooth, it really took no effort at all.

But in front of Jiang An, of course he had to be more reserved and just nodded, and then the two had an in-depth conversation on a technical level.

Night, nine o'clock.

Not to mention that Liu Chun is indeed a person. In just half a day, he solved more than 20 problems for Jiang An. Among them, there were two very challenging ones that he also solved clearly.

"Brother Liu, I thought it would take us a few days to get these things, but I didn't expect you to solve them in just half a day."

"so amazing!"

Jiang An really admired him for this, and Liu Chun's response was simple: "Actually, these are issues of experience. If Boss Jiang has been working in the industry for a long time, he will find many problems, but in fact they are not problems." (End of chapter)

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